The Official Late Nite "CBX is at the Hawaii Game!" In-Game


Friend of CTG
hey everyone! woo! yours truly is at the hawaii game...and damn it is cold out here!! hawaii standards lol. I'm posting this from my treo so yah...the text may look weird. UH is up 28-10...3:55...UH keeps making stupid penalties...4th down and we get an unnecessary roughness fingers are frozen lol...idaho's offense had an opening drive TD but since then has done nothing. they had one drive that got a FG but UH helped them with a penalty...we've sacked them a few times and picked them off twice. UH also has fumbled on like the idaho 2...gaaaah its cold
If it wasn't for these interceptions things would be alot different. This better not keep up iunto the 4th. I wanna see a total of 10 -13 more points scored and thats it