The next Kansas State football coach...


Pretty much a regular
is none other than Bill Snyder. Presser scheduled for tomorrow 10am

Man I would have rather had Patterson. I'm interested to see who his assistant coaches will be

I wonder if there is a little bit of a JoePa effect here. Older guy, finds it tough to leave the program he helped make?
I'm not exactly thrilled with the news..I don't believe it's a step back for the program, but just not a step forward...not sure how recruiting will go for him. I am pretty surprised that he is coming back though.

I'm also interested whom the assistant coaches will be.
Well if he is the master of the JUCO route and evaluating talent. That might be the only way for KSU to win again.
mmm. Prince recruited JUCO's like crazy and it didn't work.

How old is Snyder? Looks older than Joe Pa. Him and Hubie Brown have one foot in the grave.

Yeah, good coach, but as a recruit you have to wonder if he will even be there during your 4 or 5 years. EVen if he says he is it's just the perception of a retired old coach stepping in to build a program back up ---because building a program up from the dwellers is something that takes a lot of time usually and usually is signified with young energetic coaches, or at least coaches that will be alive by the time the program is back.

Old coaches like Snyder at that age are figureheads and are established and the program is already at a great point. You NEVER see coaches that old hired starting over from the bottom. Never seen it. I wouldn't of been surprised if he was hired if Kansas State was a good team and Prince left but this I am surprised.

Sounds like a backward way of doing things - Bring in a retired old coach to revive a program.

-----Hopefully recruits and ppl don't makes assumptions and say he's got nothing in him and he's washed up I won't sign.

Weird, but Snyder might work. Joe Pa brought Penn State out of a little slump but nowhere where KSU is now.

You know what your getting with Snyder. This might be his thing.

ASSISTANTS will be very very critical as they will need to be very good recruiters and great coaches. IMO what is going on is they are bringing Snyder back and have him handpick an assistant and have him waiting in place like Belima at Wisconsin or Texas and Muschamp.

That will help alleviate concern over Snyder's age and Snyder will have his fingerprints all over the "quality" of the next head coach. Interacting day in and day out Snyder will know the right man for the job.

That's a better "interview process" then going out and bringing in coordinators like these colleges do and it's like the next president you don't know what you are getting.

KSU is doing this right, Snyder will pick a winner, they learned their lesson with prince.
this is great imo. Snyder sucked his last couple of years anyway. Pelini is going to love to run it up on Snyder next year.
Pelini is a prick.

Wouldn't be surprised to see Chuck Long, Dana Dimel and Phil Bennet on this staff in the next few days
It can't get any worse than this year...our defense was absolutely pathetic this year. Personally I'd love to see Phil Bennet as DC
The only way BV is coming to K-State is if he is the "head coach in waiting". If not then its just a step back for him. Wouldn't make sense