The news gets worse for Michael Vick

yeah, espn was hinting at this all day. Im not in his shoes, but do they really get this bored? They have a lot of money, there is legal stuff you can do with it that is just as fun, until you fade off the radar in 15-20 years....
Yeah, I hear you Blue. I think part of the problem is what I've said forever about this guy and that's that he's been absolutely coddled by Arthur Blank and the Falcons. I'm sure he was at VT, too, but once he got all this money and has the owner literally pushing him around in a wheelchair it's easy to see how he could think he could do anything he wants.

Which isn't to excuse the guy, he's quite obviously an idiot, but it's not like he's doing this without help. It would be one thing if everybody around him was saying, 'hey, Mike, stop being an idiot,' but to the contrary they can't wait to enable this guy.

The real question is starting to become, what do the Falcons do at QB if Vick goes to jail?

They finally trade Schaub and now it looks like it might have been too soon.
Which isn't to excuse the guy, he's quite obviously an idiot

haha, well put.

but to the contrary they can't wait to enable this guy.

It is the entourage effect, and yes I think i just made that term up maybe not, they dont want to say no to the guy who also holds keys to success in their life. Mike makes the people's life around him better in their oppinion and they cant tell the hand that feeds them no.
Yeah, good point.

Could you imagine, Joey Harrington backed up by DJ Shockley as the QB combo for the Falcons to start the season?

You couldn't give those tickets away.
I don't knwo about that... those pick 6's add up...

I would hope that Atlanta would only use his arm to hand off...
Mike Vick had no clue that dog fighting was goin on in one of the houses that he lets his relatives live in. RIGHT! The guy is the most overrated player in the league.
I should buy the property off of him...

"Vick sold the 15-acre property in Surry last week. A real estate agent asked to help with the sale said Vick was seeking $350,000 for the home, which was valued at $747,000 in county records. The buyer hasn’t been recorded in county records yet."

He sounds like an expert in real estate too!

I'd love to see that investigation. Vicks family member who doesn't even have a job investigated for drugs.... " no officer, we don hav ne drags hear, bark bark bark... o dos 66 dawgs are jus nothin".

I've heard storys about Vick ever since I knew people at Virginia Tech ( family and friends). This guy is a complete scumbag thug, piece of shit. If he didn't play football, the guy would either be on welfare or more likely in jail for a long time.

How come I used to be "racist" for not liking him, but now Even Joe Public calls the guy a moron. Now Byron Leftwhich sucks too.

Maybe people should listen to C-Gold more often.
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=yspsctnhdln>California congressman asks for strong action against Vick
</TD></TR><TR><TD height=7><SPACER height="1" width="1" type="block"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><STYLE type=text/css> td.yspwidearticlebody { font-size: 13.5px; }</STYLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=yspwidearticlebody>By PAUL NEWBERRY, AP Sports Writer
May 20, 2007
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<SMALL>AP - May 18, 5:52 pm EDT</SMALL>
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A California congressman has joined the cause against Michael Vick, firing off a letter Friday that urged NFL commissioner Roger Goodell to "act swiftly and forcefully" if the Atlanta Falcons quarterback was involved in dog fighting on his former property.
U.S. Rep. Tom Lantos (D-Calif.) pointed out that he's a senior member of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which two years ago held highly publicized hearings on the use of performance-enhancing drugs in professional sports.
Lantos raised the prospect of government intervention if the NFL fails to discipline Vick.
"I am outraged that one of the National Football League's superstars is affiliated with such a heinous enterprise," Lantos wrote.
Last month, police raided a Virginia home owned by Vick and allegedly found evidence of a major dog-fighting operation, including dozens off malnourished and injured dogs. The quarterback has denied any wrongdoing, and no criminal charges have been filed against him.
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"The level of cruelty involved in exploiting animals to the point that 60 malnourished and injured dogs were removed from Mr. Vick's property is mind boggling," Lantos said. "I will view anything less than the strongest repudiation of Mr. Vick's involvement as tacit support for this atrocious activity."
The NFL has said repeatedly it is investigating the case to determine if Vick violated the commissioner's tougher standards for players who run afoul of the law. Reached Friday, Falcons spokesman Reggie Roberts reiterated the team's policy of not commenting until the investigation is completed.
Calling himself a longtime advocate of animal welfare, Lantos joined two prominent animals rights groups that have called on Goodell to suspend or ban any players involved in dog fighting.
"As evidence of Mr. Vick's involvement mounts, I implore you to act swiftly and forcefully," the congressman wrote. "Your strong rebuke of dog fighting -- and those who promote it -- will send the message that this all-too-prevalent practice has no place in a civilized society." In a not-so-subtle threat of possible congressional action, Lantos reminded the commissioner of his committee's efforts to weed out those who use performance-enhancing drugs. "I also suggest you educate your players on the illegality and cruelty of dog fighting to prevent this from happening again," Lantos wrote. "It is my hope that the issue of animal fighting will not require us to further investigate the behavior of your athletes."
He also lied to the commish.

I hope he gets at least a 1 year ban like Paul Horning... at least Horning didn't hurt anybody.

That fucking thugbunny Vick deserves to be covered with peanutbutter and bitten to shreads by those dogs. Fucking trailer trash Vick.
I never said the guy's decision making was good. You can look that up. Because it never has been.

At least on the field.

Off the field he started off with some wins, his marketing stuff was all handled very well, not just with Nike, but the Powerade stuff was well done and his image was crafted well. Then came the Ron Mexico thing which was both funny, and a sign of things to come. Frankly I think everybody can understand somebody who's famous, with herpes, wanting to be somebody else when he's out trolling for p*ssy. But the way he did it, while again truly hilarious, suggested he's not really one for thinking things out.

And, really, it's just gotten worse from there.

I'm just generally somebody who gives someone the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise. And that is something Vick has been really good at lately.
It's funny you say that B. on the day I read about Quincy Carter pissing away what football career he had left by blowing it in the Arena League's minor league.

Funny thing about it is, the article I read out of Dallas mentioned how you very rarely hear about an NFL QB blowing it. At this point they're drafted and sort of groomed never to really throw it all away on such an epic level.

Sure, sometimes you get a Ryan Leaf, or a Marijuanavich, but Vick would be the biggest if he were to get nailed on this one.

You notice how the NFL is good at sweeping arrests from the spotlight pretty quickly, hell those guys in San Diego last year were like running cough syrup and s**t across state lines last year and even that got buried pretty quickly.

But there's almost no way you could cover up this if Vick was involved.

it would be interesting to see if Goodell would drop the hammer and throw him out like PacMan. Part of me feels he just might.
Yeah because Vick is too dumb to be a real quarterback. He's a runningback with a quarterbacks jersey number.

QB isn't just about the NFL long toss position. The guy can't read a defense to save his life.
Agree with C Gold here :cheers:You think Brady or Manning would be involved in any of these incidents?
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Portis defends Vick — and dog-fighting

'If it's behind closed doors, it's OK,' Redskins RB says of Falcons QB

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tbody><tr><td style="padding-bottom: 20px;">Tom Uhlman / AP
Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick is suspected to have been involved in dog fighting on his former property.
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Washington Redskins running back Clinton Portis defended Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick in the dog-fighting controversy, WAVY-TV reported.
"I don't know if he was fighting dogs or not, but it's his property, it's his dog," Portis told WAVY-TV. "If that's what he wants to do, do it. I think people should mind their business."
Portis also told WAVY-TV that he knows "a lot of back roads that got the dog fight if you want to go see it" and that "if it's behind closed doors, it's OK."
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A prosecutor, sheriff and investigators are scheduled to meet Monday to review evidence collected in the weeks since dogs and equipment associated with dog fighting were seized from a home owned by Vick.
No charges have been filed in the case, but Surry County Commonwealth’s Attorney Gerald Poindexter said Wednesday as many as six to 10 people could be involved.
Dog fighting is a felony in Virginia.
“I’m convinced from what I saw that dog fighting has occurred down there, but who was involved in it I don’t know at this point,” Poindexter said in a telephone interview, noting that he saw what looked like blood spatters in a room over a garage.
“We’re going to find out.”
The Atlanta Falcons quarterback has blamed relatives for taking advantage of his generosity and insisted he’s rarely at the house — even though he’s the owner.
The people possibly involved include those who have lived or been on the premises and people who took care of the dogs and the property, Poindexter said.
He said what looked like blood splatters on the floor of a room over a garage were the “most suggestive evidence of dog fighting. There were blood splatters, and somebody would have to explain to me how you draw blood in the normal training of pit bulls.”
He also said he was told there was a carpet with blood stains on it rolled up in a corner of a room downstairs, but he did not see that.
Poindexter said he and Surry County Sheriff Harold Brown called a meeting Monday with investigators from the State Police and animal control to summarize evidence and examine reports. He said he doubted the review would be finished in time to submit to a grand jury scheduled to convene Tuesday.
“I am not defending Mr. Vick at all, but I don’t want to see us rush into a case prematurely,” he said. “We are in the process of collecting evidence as best we can.
“It includes analyzing forensic evidence. It’s not traditional. You can’t go to the state sources that we usually have to do analysis of dog blood.”
After the meeting, Poindexter said he and Brown will “try to decide where we’re going. If it’s necessary to call a special grand jury, we’ll do that.”
Brown did not immediately return a telephone message seeking comment. He was said to be out of the office Wednesday afternoon.
The case began in late April, when police conducting a drug investigation raided the house in rural Surry County and found dozens of dogs. They also found items associated with dog fighting, including a “pry bar” used to pry apart a dog’s jaws.
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</td></tr></tbody></table>Poindexter said the county seized some 60 dogs from the house. Several dogs had old scars, but by and large, the dogs appeared to be well-cared for, he said.
Vick is a registered breeder, so “the mere fact that he had a lot of dogs doesn’t mean a whole lot,” Poindexter said.
“If he’s implicated in any way — and I’m not saying he isn’t, I would think that he is — there are about 10 other people who, from what we know, have a much more regular contact with the property and the animals,” the prosecutor said.
Vick has said he let a cousin, Davon Boddie, live at the house, and that he didn’t know a large kennel on the property could be involved in a criminal activity.
Last week, the Daily Press of Newport News reported Vick has sold the house.
Portis is a dipshit.

Yeah, that about sums up my thoughts when I heard that same story over the weekend.

Portis needs to call up EJ and Willis and they need to go fire up some of the sticky icky some more, because pretty much any time any of them opens their mouth to put something other than a bong or a twinkie in it, they shove their foot halfway down their throat.
I heard it on the radio... Chris Samules was laughing in the backround too.

" It's his house, his property, if he's fighting dogs or whatever leave him alone". Errrr OK Clinton. What if he was molesting children or something. Would you have the same attitude that " it's his property, his business". Then Chris Samuels laughing about it.

This is all coming from a RB with tendenitis who was a vocal critic of his team after last season... A team he played about half the season for.
Then came the Ron Mexico thing which was both funny, and a sign of things to come. Frankly I think everybody can understand somebody who's famous, with herpes, wanting to be somebody else when he's out trolling for p*ssy.

:smiley_acbe: :smiley_acbe: :smiley_acbe: :36_11_6: :36_11_6:
Blank needs to cut the guy. Hes the highest paid qb in the league and hes missed the playoffs how many years in a row? Theyve drafted wrs in the first round the past for years and nothing. Changed coaches, Nothing. Changed OC's nothing. Theyve had the #1 rushing game the past 3 years and nothing.
Portis is beyond dumb.

Clinton Portis: what Vick did wasn't that bad... It was his land... his dog...
Reporter: what????? Clinton that is a crime.
Portis: It must not be a very bad one
Reporter: It's a felony ( you must be joking)
Chris Samuels": Laughing

Then today the redskins issue a statement FOR Clintons dumb ass.
I agree with C, Vick does belong in a cage.

So is C-Gold banned? Or is did he leave and can come back? I hope he comes back for football season he does know his shit.