The new Browns rumor is . . .

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
The NFL Network is now saying that "upper management" of the Browns wants them to take a QB.

Personally this makes me want to throw up on about six levels--if it's true.

It's fine that they want to bring in Jamarcus Russell for an interview, even teams that have no shot at this guy like the Redskins are doing that. But, one, you don't come out and tell people who and what you want, and, two, I don't know if Charlie Frye is the answer, but I do know that he hasn't been given half a chance at the position and that if the Browns pass on Joe Thomas, there's a real chance whoever lines up at QB next year won't be given half a chance next year either.

I may have to stop listening to this nonsense because (hopefully) everything you hear leading up to the draft is a lie. Teams faking one way and going another. But I don't like the way this one potentially sets up at all.
Oh, also, today the Browns got rid of Terelle Smith, their fullback who is actually a good blocking back.

No clue as to why they did this or what they're doing.

In other words, the quo remains status, if you know what I mean.
Terrelle Smith??? Damn it, are they trying to mess this team up? Here i thought Phil Savage was in the rebuilding stage.

I think this is just a Phil Savage smokescreen because Houston's guy is Brady Quinn and the browns i think would really like to trade down because there is still a shot they could land Adrian Peterson with teh #8 overall pick.

Please lord let this be a smoke screen.
I'm with you, FG, though again, I have no clue what's going on.

They bring in Jamal Lewis, start to really try to make this line the power running line they want, and they cut their FB.

Now all they have in front of Lewis are little, shifty backs. That's not going to get the job done.

The other thing they said on the NFLN tonight was that the Lions are making noise like they want to trade that number two pick. It seems now as if all this hype about Quinn being the number two pick is really getting people to believe it.

So now, the Lions could be doing this to get the Browns to trade up one spot, give up a pick, to draft Quinn--and then the Lions can look like geniuses for dropping a spot and getting the guy they always wanted to begin with in Thomas.

Or they're interested in moving back like Cleveland is to seven or eight.

The weird thing is that if this all were to go this way, meaning Detroit, Cleveland, or one of the top seven teams moves up and takes Quinn, Adrian Peterson could fall all the way to eight, nine, or ten.
Yea i agree with you because now peterson could fall all the way back to eight.

Houston i think is targeting brady quinn, and it is no secret that carr is basically yesterday's news. So quinn is there guy and they are looking at what they would need to do to get him. I think the best possible thing at this stage for Savage to do is start to talk up quinn like he is a very talented and intelliigent player he is used to running offenses like the one of the browns and he could adapt quickly. Just bulshit like that and see if houston would bite.

Hopefully they will. I wonder who they would be putting in at fulback now? Did you hear anything or any players who are most likely to do it?
Yeah, there could be this weird thing where both Cleveland and Detroit talk up Quinn with both teams having no intention of drafting him.

That would be interesting, but the chances are, in that case, that someone would trade with Detroit and not Cleveland.

Ripped, though, has a point. If the Browns do tank the season, Romeo's out and number one on the list of everybody will be Cowher.
I will go ahead and say it right now Cowher '08. It seems as if he is runnign in a political race. I don't know if cowher is the answer but he will certainly change the attitude in the locker room.

Also, in this offseason the browns need a WR coach that is not going to be their friend but a boss and a coach. I would like to see someone in there that gets on the WR ass everytime they miss a ball.
Joe if you are interested. I was looking over the browns site and Romeo Crennel is confident that Lawerence Vickers can replace Terrelle Smith as the starting fulback. He also went on to say that they were very impressed with him last year and his performance last year is what lead to this switch.
I hope he's right, I actually like Vickers. I liked Smith, though, I thought that was a very good, underrated pickup for them a couple of years ago.

Also, the Browns yesterday signed Seth McKinney along the OL and DT Robaire Smith from the Titans.
Oh ok, DT signing i really don't like from the titans i think he won't be a good player in cleveland's system.

Did you hear anything else on Shaun Smith from the Bengals?
I didn't. I believe teams have seven days to match an offer sheet, so that would be what, tomorrow, or early next week I'd imagine.
Oh ok, b/c he is a big body the browns could really benefit from having him on this d-line.

Looks like detroit and cleveland might actually do themselves more harm than good on talking up brady quinn. Today an undisclosed teams GM's that are in the top 10 said this "we are aware of the mind games that are associated with the drafting process and we are also aware that both cleveland and detroit would like to trade down and obtain more picks, so it is a general consensus at least among our drafting personnel that both teams will not draft brady quinn. Therefore, there is a very good chance that we will pick where we were originally placed."

Damn it i knew it would come to this because Millen got involved he just messed everything up. Hopefully someone really wants calvin johnson and the browns can trade out of the spot that they are in.
Interesting news. Thanks for posting it.

By the way, the decision on Smith is supposed to come today if they're going to match.