The NBA Play IN Debate


In transit, arriving late.
Mise well talk about it. I think it’s a real positive. Makes these games interesting, gambling aside.

I get the other side too, but this is positive for the league I think.
Not much of a downside when you've known it's coming all year. It adds a bit of intrigue. Plus, we get to bet on shitty teams :)
Hypothetical thought experiment

I could see if I was on a team who was, hypothetically of course, in 2nd place last year, and said that we should let those teams fight it out.

What if this year, I was, and again I cant stress this enough, hypothetically in the spots where I might be in the play in, plus if I hypothetically suffered a 'career effecting' minor injury that high school girls play through in junior volleyball without whining as much as the baby back bitch that I am. Then I might be in my feelings about it

All hypothetically of course
It makes players coaches and owners sure think about sitting games with “injuries” doesn’t it?
What’s gotten interesting is not the battle to get into the play-in, but the battle to stay out of it. Not sure the league saw that occurring.
Do you mean that from the front side, back side or both?
I mean the battle between Dallas, LA and Portland to avoid being the #7.
I figured that.

We need to put this into capping...

This could perhaps be the equivalent of the old "stretch run" easy capping of the mid 2000s..

Gonna just track this weekend and see where we are at once I have a few full days to get after it.
Portland with a chance to bury the Disney champs tonight. Like this format a lot. Games matter.