The NBA just lost a fan


Eagles Fan
Im done with this league

The officiating is so beyond awful that it affects EVERY SINGLE GAME

Theres more than one team whos entire defensive strategy seems to be to jump in front of people when theyre driving and hope for the call

and when the officiating doesnt mess up the game, the league takes care of that from the home office

Suspending stoudemire and diaw is an absurd blow to those of us that like to give the benefit of the doubt to common sense...
can you imagine if cuban owned the suns and they were pullin this shit on his team?

his head would literally explode
I haven't been able to watch an entire NBA regular season game in three years now, maybe four. I simply cannot do it. The basketball has gotten that bad.

I've tried to watch the playoffs this year and, in fairness to them, some of the Warrior games were really good in that Dallas series. But the Detroit/Chicago series is almost unwatchable to me, the Jersey/Cleveland series is the same.

In other words, I feel your pain. Now with Utah going on, once I'm done betting this Suns/Spurs series, I'll likely be done for the year watching pro basketball. It's just not interesting and not well played.
its really a terrible product right now

the only thing they had going for them was the suns and now they go an fuck that up

mind boggling
Oh geez, I couldn't even imagine what Cuban would do... I use to be a big NBA fan, but every year I become less and less interested in it. It hasn't been fun to watch or bet... I haven't watched a playoff game yet this season and haven't wagered on NBA, except for a few bar, philly, bill, and killa tails since the first of the year...
I definately am discouraged at the league, not just from a betting standpoint, but from a fan standpoint. The Phoenix suspensions are a joke. The officiating in the GS/Utah series was absurd. The refs lost all control of the series. Too inconsistent.

This is the playoffs. You gotta let the MEN play. Officiating effects NBA more than any pro sport. And the refs can single handedly decide a game. I think this is some of the worst officiating we have seen in the playoffs for as long as I could remember. The refs lost control in both western conference series. I haven't watched the East carefully enough, but the NJ/Cleveland series has been fairly inconsistent, as well.

I won't even get into the racism in the Utah/GS series. Those refs were absolutely FEARFUL of the GS players, and they were quick to blow the whistle and hand out Tech's just in hopes that the GS players would calm down. The fact is, Utah plays the game just as hard. You gotta be more consistent in your calls, which will appease BOTH teams and lead to a smoother game of BASKETBALL instead of GARBAGE.
"Suns owner Robert Sarver also said that NBA commissioner David Stern has canceled a schedule appearance in Phoenix for Wednesday night's Game 5."

Now why would Mr Stern feel the need to do this unless he felt guilty about the decision he made? YOU made the ASININE least have the BALLS and be MAN enough to show your face in the city you just fucked over.
"The Suns countered by saying that Duncan and Bruce Bowen were guilty of a similar leaving-the-bench offense in Game 4's first half when San Antonio's Francisco Elson fell on the Suns' James Jones after a dunk. That play was also reviewed, but Jackson -- while conceding that Duncan "should not have been on the playing court" -- said that the league determined there was "no cause for the suspension rule" to be applied because the Elson-Jones tangle was not deemed to be an altercation."
I couldn't imagine being a Suns fan. I'm rooting heavy for the Suns tomorrow. The league has attempted to take them out of the playoffs. I hope they come through despite losing 2 KEY rotation players in a home game 5 of a 2-2 series.
"no cause for the suspension rule" to be applied because the Elson-Jones tangle was not deemed to be an altercation."

So I guess Duncan just stepped on the floor for NO reason? Seems strange to me. Is he bi-polar or something? He just felt the need to step on the floor. Maybe OCD?
"Suns owner Robert Sarver also said that NBA commissioner David Stern has canceled a schedule appearance in Phoenix for Wednesday night's Game 5."

Now why would Mr Stern feel the need to do this unless he felt guilty about the decision he made? YOU made the ASININE least have the BALLS and be MAN enough to show your face in the city you just fucked over.

Stern is a fuckin Pussy.
If I were the Suns' owner I would have lost my s**t and immediately written a check.

The fact that Bruce Bowen can knee Steve Nash in the nuts intentionally and be neither fined nor suspended and two Suns can not be in a fight, but walk toward it and get suspended for the most important game of their season to date would send me through the roof.
If I were the Suns' owner I would have lost my s**t and immediately written a check.

The fact that Bruce Bowen can knee Steve Nash in the nuts intentionally and be neither fined nor suspended and two Suns can not be in a fight, but walk toward it and get suspended for the most important game of their season to date would send me through the roof.

exacly how the hell was Bowen not Suspended for a knee in the nuts ? :down:
It just disgusts me that the Spurs are essentially being rewarded because one of their bench guys decided to throw the reigning 2 time MVP into the third row. Its not right. Stern knows its not right (as evidenced by his cancelation of his phoenix appearance), hes just too stuborn and too much of a pussy to do anything about it.

Hopefully the basketball gods step in (the same ones that will punish the celtics, grizzlies and everyone else for tanking and give durant to the sixers - then i might reconsider my not a fan position) and steve nash drops 50 on em and they get blown out in game 5
tim duncan and bowen both stepped foot on the court. its fucking bullshit. i hope the suns use that as some motivation and beat these bastards clueless.
Well the NBA can eat a dick. I'd love to see the ratings as the playoffs get deeper. Spurs/Pistons? LOL Spurs/Cavs? That would be fun!
It's all a part of Stern's plan to get Bron Bron his first ring.

It's a pretty good column, but it could be summed up in a few key phrases.

1. The NBA has promoted and produced more p*ssies than ever in the league and coddles their behavior.

2. The NBA has systematically let more and more unskilled players into the league too soon, given them no coaching, and let them erode the game.

3. The league has so weighted the calls toward its stars (see point number one) that there's almost a disparity in what's a foul for one player vs. a foul for another, thereby creating an unlevel playing field in the name of advancing ratings and revenue.

4. The promoting of stars over team play has created a game that's almost solely about isolation plays over team basketball which is boring as all f**k. Why were the Warriors so fun to watch this year? Because they were a team. Why are New Jersey and Cleveland so awful to watch, because you know who's going to get the ball every time up the floor, and either he'll make a shot or miss a shot and the whole cycle will start all over. You can recreate that in a video game.

5. The consistent sedating of the game, trying to make it more palatable to the predominately white business owners who can afford the tickets while drumming out the passion and individuality of the players makes the game dull and homogenized (sp?).

Play in the NBA has systematically declined since about the middle of Jordan's career. There are still some great individual players, but few of them are as well-rounded as even some of the second tier players from 20 years ago. Bottom line, the league is a mess, and as Simmons said, this idea that they can live and play in this fantasy land where there's no such thing as a hard foul or emotion only makes things worse.
I am thoroughly disgusted as well and Im not even a Suns Fan but just a huge basketball fan...If I wasnt addicted to the game of basketball I would boycott this bullshit league and not watch the games...Yeah they broke the rules and got suspended but its a Bullshit Rule...Obviously they shouldn't run out onto the court but its a human reaction its only normal...Diaw and Amare reacted like most humans probably would...I don't know how many of you have played basketball before but if one of my boys got hit with a cheap shot my first reaction would be to jump up and not necessarily to jump in and fight but even just to see if my teammate was alright...This rule is fucking Bullshit and needs to be changed and instead of penalizing the Spurs that instigated the whole thing you punish the Suns...I also love how The Spurs continue to deflect this absurd notion that they are a "Dirty Team"
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I used to be addicted to basketball, CM, but the NBA cured me of that. When the Knicks run finally ended, and VanGundy and Ewing moved on I totally had an excuse to stop watching. And as I watched the other teams that were supposed to be 'good' I realized the NBA couldn't give me a good enough reason to stick around.

It's why I haven't watched a full NBA regular season game now in years.

Actually, until right now, I don't think I'd watched a single NBA playoff game in two years.

In another couple of days if I don't see any bets I like I'll be done with it for another 11.5 months and won't miss it.
The only NBA basketball I've seen this millenium was game's 3 & 4 of the DET-SAS finals, live, a couple of years back. Unfortunately only the last 3 games of that series (look as thou they) were worth watching. What I saw reminded me I have missed & am missing nothing.