The most ludicrous thing I've ever seen from a sportsbook


Pretty much a regular
Alright, so I was talking to my friend earlier tonight, who has decided he wants to start taking my advice in what games to bet. So I tell him to bet Southern Miss +10.5 (what I was seeing at BetUS, which he is using), so he gets on and tells me he got it at +11.5. I'm thinking, huh? I log out and look at the guest lines and see USM at +11.5, then log back in and go to the wager page and see +10.5 again.

So here's what I think is going on: BetUS makes their lines for most "public" bettors, and when they find a customer who exploits these lines, they adjust those lines for that particular account and put out actual lines. Here are a few more lines I'm seeing on the guest lines (the lines my friend can bet) that are a couple points different on my account:

West Virginia -8.5
Miami -26
Va Tech -20
Connecticut -14.5
Michigan -18.5
Penn State -4.5
Oklahoma -24
Alabama PK
Louisville -10.5
Clemson -4.5
Hawaii -28
Virginia -8.5
Ohio State -27
BYU -7.5
Arizona State -16.5

This is unbelievable, and I can't believe I just now noticed it...BetUS is not giving me the lines they're giving other customers. I know they're a bad book yada yada yada, but I've never seen anything like this...
i play mind games with my local. i ask him what the line is on louisville game. hed say 11. id say ok gimme NC st.

next time i call what is line on oregon ... he says -3 this time thinking i want cal ... okay then gimme da ducks.
BoDog same thing... I like betting dogs their sometimes cause they inflat the lines... I had same problem them offering different lines
just some shady business if you ask me.....

isn't that a bit unethical to be offering different lines to different accounts all depending on how sharp/square or how much/how little one bets on game????
I use Betus as well and I suspected them of doing this with juice on baseball totals. FWIW, I started calling the 800 number and asking for the lines. I even inquired with the sportsbook manager about bad lines compared to the lines on the home page before I log in. His claim was the generic homepoage does not have real time lines something like a 3 minute lag.

I don't love them anymore. At one time their lines were very favorite heavy. I bet a lot of dogs and was getting great lines. Since the gov't crackdown, they have shifted their lines a bit and I am getting nowhere near the favorite heavy lines I was getting. BUT they still pay immediately and my bank takes their checks......

PM me when you are on...I would love to compare our real time lines and see if there are any differences
This has been going on for so long at lots of books. They may have even tweaked their system and become more elaborate. For instance... say they notice that Lindetrain is a winning bettor , they then may check on lindetrains betting habits. Lindetrain is definitely a consistent dog bettor so it explains why EVERY differing line that lind is seeing is skewed against his tendency. I made a lot of money on baseball unders and ran into the same problem with MY line being skewed against the under. Books have better tracking now than at any point in their existence and they will make adjustments to counter a winning player if they can. This reminds me of the guy who recently asked if it was ethical to bet Oregon when the game was still on the board last week even though the game had started and oregon had already scored a quick TD. Books will take every advantage they can over us and we need to be willing to take every advantage we can over them.
isn't that a bit unethical to be offering different lines to different accounts all depending on how sharp/square or how much/how little one bets on game????

EXACTLY. How can you sit there and spot your favorite bettors and give them horrible favorite lines, then spot your underdog bettors and not give them those same lines? You shouldn't be able to have it both ways - if you're going to put bad lines up there, everyone should be entitled to bet those lines. If you're getting more money on the dogs with those bad lines, then so be it, just move the lines like everyone else does until it balances out with "square" money.

What they're doing is ridiculous. I'm considering calling them and putting them on the spot about it and seeing if they have the nerve to reject my request.
Same thing happens at Bodog like someone else said. Last year I used them somewhat along with my friend. I remember I was betting dogs like crazy last year and when I logged on the team was +7' and when my friend logged on(who often plays favorites and almost never plays a dog) was -9. I couldnt believe it. So we know Bodog and BetUs for sure. Hopefully no other books do this cause this is about shady as you can get
That is such bulshit,lines should be the same for everyone no matter how good they are at picking games. If anyone knows books that do this besides bet us and bo dog please chime in as i am kind of putting together a black list of shit books.

THanks in advance.
Seems to me you can take advantage of books that do this if you know someone else with an account at the same book. Let's say in that example where you're a dog player and your friend is a fave player, just have your friend place your bets for you and vice versa. You guys can settle the money aspect on your own, maybe sync up at the end of every month. Both of you will get tremendous lines that way.
yep you could actually create a system and make money here. get a team of 2 or 4 guys together - pool a bankroll. take a few weeks to set it up. 2 of u bet nothing but favs, no matter what, the other 2 nothing but dogs. when the lines are adjusted, start taking opposite sides of every game hoping to middle, and split the profits. if books are adjusting enough to make us bitch, then they are opening themselves up to lose lose situations like this.
Alright, so I called my buddy and asked if I could log into his account and look at the lines...sure enough they were different than the ones I was getting.

I called BetUS and got transferred 5 times, until I finally spoke to someone who said I was on a different "profile" than my friend. They told me they would transfer me to a supervisor who could take care of it for me, and when I spoke to him, he said they could not change my profile to my friend's profile.

Here's the kicker - they told me they could change my friend's profile to my profile (meaning he gets the normal lines like me), but couldn't change my profile to his. I asked why and he said "the system wouldn't let him do it." So I started bitching about how it makes absolutely no sense that different customers can't bet the same lines, and he told me the only way I could get those lines was if I started up an account.

This is AMAZING...
I gotta agree here.....I saw some weird shit going on with lines, and their customer service is fucking pathetic.

I posted awhile ago took me 47 fucking days to get $4,500.00 from them.....ok, at least they did pay....

never again
This is some crazy stuff. I don't have an account there, but I just looked at the lines. Some of them are nuts. Exactly as described in the first post.