The Miami Heat Become A Contender Without Giving Up A Thing

Gorgolon Lives

The Reverend of CTG
Sources told that the Heat will soon complete a trade with the Minnesota Timberwolves to acquire swingman Ricky Davis and center Mark Blount.
The latest incarnation of the deal, according to one source, has Miami sending Antoine Walker, Michael Doleac and Wayne Simien to the Wolves for Davis and Blount.

Miami gives up nothing in this deal. I think Simien could be a contributor in the league, but he is the same as Haslem. The deal gives Miami much-needed scoring at the 3 position because Dorrell Wright is obviously not ready for a major role this season. The addition of Blount will get the Heat past the annual mid-season layoff that Shaq has. This could be the last year Miami has to make a run at another title because Shaq is only getting older.

I have no idea what Minnesota is thinking. They will be getting a pick in this deal, too, but we don't know what round. Walker is signed through 08/09 with a team option after that. Doleac will be a one-year rental. Simien is a nice potential player. Ricky Davis is a head case, but he IS in the last year of his contract. Blount is a player I thought could really help in the development of future superstar Al Jefferson. Blount is signed through 09/10.

Marc Stein of ESPN writes, "Walker has fallen farther and farther out of favor with Miami coach Pat Riley since the Heat's 2006 championship, in part because of conditioning issues, but Minnesota might also have been convinced to shed its reservations and make the swap because Walker has only one year left on his contract more than Blount."

Huge Winner: Miami
Loser: Minnesota
Minny trying to go completely young. This hurts Ricky Davis in fantasy and being the big fish in a small pond in Minny was the only reason I drafted him yesterday. Annoying.
Ricky Davis in a Heat jersey? Puke

An-ton Walker in a Minny jersey....hilarious

If this trade isn't a shining example of how fucking stupid Kevin McKale is I don't know what is.
OMG antoine is gonna be pissed. He wont play there. I bet you see him in Phx
I'm not sure theres any NBA player or athlete for that matter that I hate more than Fatoine. I love this.
Really do not disagree with trading away those players but getting back trash is silly.
Any1 think antoine is worth a look in fantasy?

I got Ricky Davis, but I see his value dropping while in Miami. Any1 see Toine as a good option as the 2nd option at Minnesota
Minny will cut walker. They are trying to get younger. They know they aint winning games. good trade
It's actually pretty even, depending on what the Wolves do with the draft pick and the players they aquire. Lets be honest, the Wolves have Mccants/Green/Brewer all young and talented and playing for the same 2 positions, Davis is not a long term option, this team isn't going anywhere fast, why keep him around taking up minutes they can give to player who will benefit from them. Mark Blount hasn't been decent since his days in Boston, Eastern Conference, maybe another trip back there can give him a boost, but he too is not a difference maker, but means more to the Wolves as a back for an again Shaq, then a clog in the developement of Al Jefferson in Minnesota. Jefferson is already a better player then Blount, and will continue to get better. All three players the Heat are shopping are nonfactors, the numbers just add up right. The main thing is a first round pick, IMO. Would anyone take Ricky Davis or Mark Blount over a first round DP? If it were my team, it'd be a no brainer. With that said, for right now, who it helps, it's miami without a doubt. They get another much needed scorer.
Well, the fact that it's a first round pick makes Minnesota's end at least somewhat respectable. Need the details on that pick though...Is it protected?
I would be absolutely shocked if Believe has ever seen Mark Blount play more than 4 games in a row.

The guy is an absolute fucking cancer, and a horrendous basketball player. He does not rebound because he does not give a shit. He is 7'0" but would much prefer to shoot jumpshots all game long.

When he was a Celtic, I used to have this bet I'd like to make...when Blount came into the game, I would spot you 2 points to take the Celtics until Blount left the game. The bet hit 90% of the time.

And Al Jefferson HATES Mark Blount. When Blount got dealt, Jefferson said that it was such a relief in the locker room to finally be surrounded by players who wanted to be there and were professional. Antoine Walker is 10x the pro and mentor that Mark Blount will ever be or ever was.

Mark Blount is a loser,and always will be. Shaq is probably the best guy to get his ass to play ball but I think this one is too big for even Shaq to handle. If I was Miami I would just buy him out and enjoy the services of Ricky Davis, who actually enjoys competing and not just collecting paychecks...
I would be absolutely shocked if Believe has ever seen Mark Blount play more than 4 games in a row.

The guy is an absolute fucking cancer, and a horrendous basketball player. He does not rebound because he does not give a shit. He is 7'0" but would much prefer to shoot jumpshots all game long.

When he was a Celtic, I used to have this bet I'd like to make...when Blount came into the game, I would spot you 2 points to take the Celtics until Blount left the game. The bet hit 90% of the time.

And Al Jefferson HATES Mark Blount. When Blount got dealt, Jefferson said that it was such a relief in the locker room to finally be surrounded by players who wanted to be there and were professional. Antoine Walker is 10x the pro and mentor that Mark Blount will ever be or ever was.

Mark Blount is a loser,and always will be. Shaq is probably the best guy to get his ass to play ball but I think this one is too big for even Shaq to handle. If I was Miami I would just buy him out and enjoy the services of Ricky Davis, who actually enjoys competing and not just collecting paychecks...

Can't say I've seen him play 4 in a row. But I've seen a lot of him. The fact is, around midseason, Shaq will sit out his annual 20-30 games. Blount is servicable enough to cover Miami's ass during this time. Zo played great last year, but there's NO WAY he can take on that big of load again this season.

Nice info with Jefferson and Blount. THAT I didn't know.
I disagree they became contenders again with this move. It's an odd move, that's for sure, but I doubt it they can go all the way again.
Haha, I just reread my post. Can you tell how low I think of Blount?

My post was pretty harsh, haha. Not that I take any of it back. Thats all true...

As a sidenote, I hear Minnesota has 18 players under contract, which means that Walker or Juwan Howard cold be cut. Could we see Antoine part Tres in Boston?

He'd sure look a lot better filling in for Garnett down low than Scalabrine or Powe...
The heat now have 2 chuckers on their team... Cook and Davis

Good luck running a half court offense with J williams, Smush Parker and Ricky Davis.
The heat now have 2 chuckers on their team... Cook and Davis

Good luck running a half court offense with J williams, Smush Parker and Ricky Davis.

Ricky Davis does not improve any team over long run.

I think Minny gets better end eventually with draft pick and getting rid of two peices of trash in Davis and Blount. Walker will get cut/traded eventually.
Yup, reminds me of when sheed got traded to the hawks for One game. The difference is I really cant see any playoff team picking up antoine, maybe the rockets. He could fit in nice there.

T Wolves are absolutely loaded with young cats.. not sure how they plan on signing them. Jefferson is the truth. The other ones im not sure on yet. I would say the next best is foye..

Ricky Davis does not improve any team over long run.

I think Minny gets better end eventually with draft pick and getting rid of two peices of trash in Davis and Blount. Walker will get cut/traded eventually.

b.a.r. i disagree slightly on Davis.

Davis will hurt you if you rely on the guy to be anything more than a 6th or 7th man. But for teams that generally rely on one guy to score for them, Davis can make plays and score when that guy is on the bench, which can be valuable. the questoin is whether he is coachable or a locker room cancer, but Pat Riley has had him before and traded for him, so that speaks volumes...
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Ok, assuming Davis starts at the 3 along side Wade at the 2...Would you rather have Dorrell Wright or Ricky Davis as your starting 3?
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Dude was off tha chain at iowa. I remember a game when Jordan came back and they were up by like 30 and ricky was showboating doing 360 dunks and jordan just blasted his ass in the media.. wish i could find the quotes
Ok, assuming Davis starts at the 3 along side Wade at the 2...Would you rather have Dorrell Wright or Ricky Davis as your starting 3?
Long run, Dorrell Wright. Long run maning this season. Ricky just isn't a player you want on a team that has championship aspirations. He'll have his moments but ultimately will but heads with Shaq, Zo and Riley. Those are dominant personalities and he won't be able to take that for an 82 game season.
Ricky Davis reminds me of myself in a lot of ways. A lot of potential, will have his moments but ultimately will bump heads with someone.
Long run, Dorrell Wright. Long run maning this season. Ricky just isn't a player you want on a team that has championship aspirations. He'll have his moments but ultimately will but heads with Shaq, Zo and Riley. Those are dominant personalities and he won't be able to take that for an 82 game season.

I think Miami sees that Wright has obviously not developed as quick as they would have liked. Their window is closing with Shaq and Zo nearing retirement. They are taking their chance on a proven scorer to play a secondary role to Wade. He's a head case, but they DO have 2 hall of fame players and 1 hall of fame coach on the roster to keep him in check. It may NOT work out, but what do they lose? Davis is in his last year of his contract, and Walker was never going to get along with Riley this season. Yes, they lose Simien, who is a potential player, but potential means nothing for the Heat THIS SEASON, which IMO is their last season to make a run.
ABCS that video cracks me up everytime I watch it, Sloans face says it all, who the hell does that. Triple Doubles are rare, but please, I couldn't stop laughing when I saw that on SC a few years ago. Some other notable Davis moments:

The Portland Trail Blazers apparently drew motivation from an unexpected source, Wolves veteran Ricky Davis, en route to their 88-86 comeback victory over the Wolves on Saturday night at the Rose Garden. A report in the Oregonian stated that Davis called the Blazers "a pack of roaches" during the second quarter with Minnesota leading by 11 points.

SMH, Ricky Davis gets mopped up by a bunch of roaches.
I guess another point we can add to the discussion is what does Minnesota do with Walker? Some guys have mentioned trading/releasing him, but remember NBA has GUARANTEED contracts. Chris Webber's 19million is still on the Philly books this season! Also, NBA contracts need to even out money-wise.

So, we have to ask...Is there a contending team who could use Walker, and who are willing to take on his big contract. And who has an expiring contract that ends after this season??????
well abcs if they don't deal walker within 48 hours or something they can't deal him with another player for 3 months or something like that under the CBA.

I really think they are just going to buy out Employee #8...and I honestly think that if that happens, theres a good shot he takes a small role to come back to Boston where he so badly wanted to bring us Green 17...
well abcs if they don't deal walker within 48 hours or something they can't deal him with another player for 3 months or something like that under the CBA.

I really think they are just going to buy out Employee #8...and I honestly think that if that happens, theres a good shot he takes a small role to come back to Boston where he so badly wanted to bring us Green 17...

no fucking chance does Boston want anything to do with Walker. Even if he paid Boston to play there's no chance in hell that they'd allow him to suit up.
One fat, lazy bum (in a hall-of-fame coach's mind) for a proven 20 point NBA scorer to compliment D-Wade.

I like Miami's chances...

How is Ricky Davis a proven 20 point NBA scorer? He's had ONE season where he topped that mark in 02-03 at 20.6ppg and has a career average under 15 (14.4), whereas Walker has had FIVE seasons topping 20ppg. I don't like either one, but I don't see how the addition of Ricky Davis (one of the most selfish players in the NBA) is going to propel the Heat into elite status again. Maybe he'll brick some more layups on purpose to get his rebound numbers up, that's one area Ricky has covered all by himself.
Davis will be wildly inconsistent. No championship anytime soon for Miami. Shaq has had his day in the Sun. No crooked refs to dish out 10 million FTs to his partner in crime Wade.

Hang up the jersey, Pat. Show's over.
Now, this O'Neal trade I can agree wih. Would be first smart move by Riles since the 2003 draft
One thing about Miami is they deserve credit for at least making moves to improve this team. They aren't sitting back. And all of a sudden, they have a promising outlook on next season.
Not sure Marion is reason enough for a "promising outlook", Wade is great and all, but that roster right now is a 1 and done exit.
Wade and MArion will be a good 1-2 punch for the East. I can see good games between Wash and Mia in the future when everyone is healthy.