The Game...The 112th Meeting of Ohio State and Michigan...Discussion...


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This week marks another edition of the greatest rivalry in college sports. Now, a bit of the luster may have been lost after the Buckeyes loss last weekend but that doesn't matter in the smaller scope of things. This is 'The Game' and it will be a fiercely contested battle.

Two major runs have occurred in this rivalry in my 'football' lifetime. There is the 10-2-1 Michigan run during the Cooper era...and the OSU run of 13-2 since...The hope would be to see another 10 year war or even the early-eighties where the series is pretty even. We shall see. It is good for college football that way, imo.

Let's start with Ohio State:

I will defer to Bucknuts on this team. It is somewhat perplexing but I guess if you look at it in the grand scheme maybe it makes sense...This team came into year hyped so much and had that great 2nd half at VT and the hype machine was on. I personally always thought JT was the answer and when he finally got in and got into the routine it seemed like they would take off but they have not. Last week vs MSU will always be a mystery. How you don't try and attack a porous secondary is beyond me, and I get the weather factor here. Anyways, it seems like there is more internal stuff going on. Lots of egos, lots of players wanting to be 'the man', perhaps? They just may be a fractured team and finally showed it. Obviously they have played nobody of note till last week and paid the price for being sloppy and conservative.

What is their mindset this week? It would take a series of dominoes but could they still make playoff? We saw last year that undeserved teams like OSU and FSU made it...but credit to OSU because they were the hot/best team at that point. I know it is a longshot, just curious if they think that they can.

I think many of us that follow the B10 expected OSU to break out this past week. Obviously that is before the weather concerns but it was kinda suprising, but in hindsight, we have seen it all year. Who knows.

On to Michigan:

Before betting this game, check the refs. If it is the 'O'Neil crew' just don't bet on either team. If it is any other refs, and you want to lay points with Michigan, bite your lip and go. You simply are at a disadvantage at kickoff having any B10 refs here. It is what it is. I really think they don't like Jimmy showing them up and it would have been highway robbery if UM lost at PSU last week due to that.

Michigan has done what I thought, gotten better every game. That is called 'coaching'. Also, the Rudock transformation has been awesome. Chesson is out offensive MP, imo. He does everything in 2 of the 3 phases of the game. Love that guy.

Michigan cannot run. They simply have gone to smart 1st and 2nd down passes to create shorter downs after. That is all you can do. The OL pass-blocks great but cannot run block whatsoever. It is an indictment of the previous staff, imo.

UM defense was remarkable early this year. Injuries have hurt on the DL big-time. The PSU game was a reminder they can still do some things. A lot of that is PSU is such a bad team as-is, though. The LB's suck though for most part and just use middle of field on UM. I think PSU tried that once(I remember the play because Hunt texted me and was like really the first time they have attacked?).

So, what do we see this week?

Good question. UM will be prepared and ready. I expect at least 10-15 plays on offense from next years Heisman Trophy finalist, Jabrill Peppers. That is huge. He is a distraction in general.

OSU isn't going undefeated and needs a lot of help to be considered for playoffs, if at all. Do they rally around the Zeke situation and the rivalry? No idea tbh.

OSU, if they attack properly can put up 31-35 in this game. Now, do they attack properly with use of middle and Zeke for 20+ carries? Who knows.

Michigan will have a few things up sleeve they have been saving.

Lots of movement so far...

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[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]11/22[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED, align: right"]9:29am[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"][/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"][/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]OHIOST-2.5 -110[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]MICH2.5 -110[/TD]
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[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]OHIOST-2 -110[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]MICH2 -110[/TD]
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[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]OHIOSTPK -110[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]MICHPK -110[/TD]
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[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED, align: right"]11:53am[/TD]
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[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"][/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]MICH-1.5 -110[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]OHIOST1.5 -110[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"][/TD]
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[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]11/22[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED, align: right"]12:37pm[/TD]
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[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"][/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]MICH-3 -110[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]OHIOST3 -110[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"][/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"][/TD]
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[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]11/22[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED, align: right"]1:31pm[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"][/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"][/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]MICH-2.5 -115[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]OHIOST2.5 -105[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"][/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"][/TD]
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[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]11/22[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED, align: right"]7:06pm[/TD]
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[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"][/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]MICH-1.5 -110[/TD]
[TD="class: bg2, bgcolor: #FCF7ED"]OHIOST1.5 -110[/TD]

Fun week, looking forward to a fun game.
Nice write up.

Don't know about Ohio State. I said earlier in the year that this team lacks motivation. Sitting pretty having already won the title, soon to be millionaires, so why bother. Now it looks like the locker room is fucked, guys declaring with games to be played, publicly bagging the coaches. Tough to turn that around in a week.

As for Michigan, blaming the refs already? I've been watching them the last few weeks and I thought that they have been looking ahead to this. After the loss to the states #1 team their success for the season was going to be this game. But now we don't get a price

Ohio State are in dissaray, but I don't think Michigan have the running game to take advantage. Ten foot pole game for me
Nice write up.

Don't know about Ohio State. I said earlier in the year that this team lacks motivation. Sitting pretty having already won the title, soon to be millionaires, so why bother. Now it looks like the locker room is fucked, guys declaring with games to be played, publicly bagging the coaches. Tough to turn that around in a week.

As for Michigan, blaming the refs already? I've been watching them the last few weeks and I thought that they have been looking ahead to this. After the loss to the states #1 team their success for the season was going to be this game. But now we don't get a price

Ohio State are in dissaray, but I don't think Michigan have the running game to take advantage. Ten foot pole game for me

Just in could be an issue for any team in B1G...but if it is that crooked crew..who knows...
And yes, after last Saturday, I will blame's been a horrid year for refs in general but Saturday was in front of anyone to see...that was absolutely brutal...
curious what line would have been if OSU won.... makes me think value is on OSU here as i have them better on both sides of ball..... michigan will struggle to score and osu should be able to contain them as meechigan is really a one trick pony.....meechigan has gotten better each week but feel they have peaked and injuries has hurt there D some. i expect osu offense to be able to move the ball as they have speed and play makers all over the field ... urban will def not play conservative sally with the game plan and i think lets it fly...... michigan is going to have to control game and hold OSU to 20 or less to win imo... unless osu has no motivation and quit i dont see suburban losing b2b games with 2 shitty gameplans to meeechigan schools just to much talent for buckeye nation..... always though meechigan was a yr away and would be competitive but not win nothin has really changed that
  • Jehu Chesson is working through something. Harbaugh expects him to play, but his medical status will be evaluated again today.​
  • Derrick Green is also working through something and will be evaluated today.​
  • Bryan Mone hasn’t been ruled out for Saturday, but Harbaugh wouldn’t say whether he’s been practicing, instead saying he’s been running, working, and healing.​
  • Peppers at RB is something they might use more in year two. He said next season might “get a little crazy.”​
  • Grant Newsome is the backup tackle and David Dawson is the backup guard/center​
  • The snow reminds Harbaugh of 1969, when Bo called the players in on Monday morning to shovel the practice field. A similarly snowy practice field is the only reason he’s thinking of the ‘69 team, though.​
First opportunity you get to coach in this big game, this big rivalry. How much are you looking forward to Saturday?
“Very much looking forward especially to today, gathering with the team and starting our preparations.”
Can I ask you about Jake Rudock? When you were in San Francisco, was he on the board as a potential NFL prospect and are you hearing from NFL teams from scouts and what not asking more about him?
“You don’t call that ‘the board’ until somebody’s in their last year of eligibility.”
What about the second part?
“I would think he would be.”
Have NFL scouts talked to you about him this year?
“I really haven’t talked to many NFL scouts this season.”
In Bo’s last press conference with us he said he did something to prepare for Ohio State every day. Is that something that you’ve been following as well?
“You know exactly how we’ve been trying to go about things. We’ve been trying to be better today than we were yesterday, [and] we’re trying to be better tomorrow than we were today. That’s our approach.”
As a player, it seemed like you guys, Michigan players, treated the Ohio State game differently. Do you not anticipate treating it differently as a coach?
“Uh…I have no frame of reference for what you’re referring to. We treated it differently when I was a player?”
Yeah, just circled it, the game, the rivalry game, doing something each week for it, your guarantee and stuff like that.
“Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t really know where you’re coming from. Sorry.”
That’s okay.
[After THE JUMP: Jake Rudock gets upgraded from tough as a two-dollar steak to hard as hen’s teeth]
I know a lot of people look at this as a new rivalry with you and Urban Meyer. I want to get your thoughts on the coincidence of you being born in the same hospital just a few months apart. It’s kind of bizarre that not you guys go head to head in this thing.
“Yeah, I thought that was very interesting and did not know that and it was neat. Neat. Proud of that. But…I always say my reaction to the coach versus coach buildup is he’s not going to be blocking anybody, he’s not going to be tackling anybody. I’ll be standing over there on the sidelines blocking and tackling nobody.”
After the loss to Michigan State you walked in here and talked about putting steel in your spine. Your team could have gone either way at that point. Did that put steel in your spine, and can you talk about the way they have responded after that loss?
“Yeah, very proud. As good as you can respond. They’ve responded at the highest level. They’ve won all their games, so…”
During the game Jehu [Chesson] seemed to have an arm issue with his right arm. From the pictures it seemed like he wasn’t using his arm so much after the game. What’s his status?
“I didn’t see that picture. I didn’t notice that. He’s been working through something.”
Do you expect him to play?
“Uh, yeah, I do. I haven’t seen him today, so…as always, we’ll rely on the medical team and trainers and Jehu himself…to make that determination.”
MGoQuestion: After the Penn State game, you said that you thought the offensive-
“Adam…Biggers? Are you Adam Biggers?”
MGoHeyHeKnowsWhoI-WaitNoWrongLastName: No, Adam Schnepp.
/I point at Biggers
“That’s Adam Biggers? I read your stuff sometimes.”
MGoPatFitzgeraldCharlieBrown.gif: After the Penn State game, you said that you thought the offensive line had a good game. Now that you’ve been able to watch the film, how did they grade out-
-and who had a particularly good game?
“Yeesh. Really good. You know, one of the keys of the ball game was the way both lines played, the offensive line and defensive line. Offensively, Graham Glasgow graded out at the highest and the runner up [was] Kyle Kalis. As a unit I though the pass protection was outstanding and physicality and hat speed and assignment was all really, really good, and it needed to be. We were going against a heck of a unit there at Penn State.
“And same for the offensive- er, defensive line. I would say that Taco Charlton would be the one that if you were singling out the best performer, but much like the offensive line it was a team effort in there and everybody was really acquitting themselves well playing at the highest level.”
The past couple years Michigan’s played Ohio State very well. Lost on a two-point conversion a couple years ago, last year played close through three quarters. How much has the team talked about that this year and addressed those guys, and has that been a topic of conversation?
“Let me think…yeah, nothing’s jumping to mind right now. No specific conversations with the team.”
Have you referenced with those guys playing well at the end of the year against Ohio State?
“Yeah, we reference it every week. Our plan every week is ceaseless and intense. Never slackening. Always continuing at the same intense, demanding, punishing level. That’s week to week.”
This won’t be a field where the winner immediately leaves with a division championship; you still have to have help. Did you address that at all before this one, or is the message the same as it’s been, that playoff thing you’ve talked about over the past couple of week?
“Yeah, that and the greatest share is getting ready and preparing for Ohio State. Beating Ohio State- that’s our mindset. And the mindset I just laid out when you asked me before.”
Jabrill- we saw him line up in the backfield. How did you think he did as, I guess, a running back on Saturday? He’s played 90 plays a couple of times. Does he have limit for how many he can go on Saturday?
“We were lower on defensive reps this past game. It was in the 50s, I believe. But…what’s your question? Is he a good running back? Yeah. Yeah, I think so. I think he’s a darn good running back. Year two may get a little crazy. May be one of the things we look at.”
Curious, with Ohio State’s loss this weekend, has it affected it at all in your mind as if they had come in undefeated versus having their streak stopped? Does it make a difference?
“I think it’s the same as we were planning, making our preparations, formulating our plans. Get prepared how to beat Ohio State and practice and learn that plan and prepare for the ball game Saturday.”
But the psyche of your opponent- does it make a difference that they lost?
“I don’t know. Psyche, psychological…I would have a hard time even spelling either of those two words right now in front of you, so…I don’t know”
How much do you compete with Ohio State for some of the same recruits, and how much does this game matter in that competition?
“I mean, once I go through a full year, a full cycle, might be able to have a better answer for you.”
You and coach Meyer inherited struggling programs but then stabilized it immediately. Looking at what you’ve done and looking at afar at what he’s done, are there commonalities or contrast in how you’ve been able to right the ship so quick, if you will?
“Yeah, I can just speak for ours: it’s not an individual accomplishment by any means. It’s a team accomplishment. Everybody does a little and it adds up to a lot. Yeah, in everything I know, in my professional and personal life was experienced here at the University of Michigan, was rooted here at the University of Michigan- the team, the team, the team. That’s been our approach.”
Just as you watch tape of Ohio State, what’s the biggest challenge for your defense against their offense? They struggled against Michigan State, but you know they obviously have capable players on that side.
“Tremendous football team. They’ve probably…not going out on a limb by saying that this is a remarkable team, and what they’ve accomplished, the rate at which they’ve won with numbing repetition. Tremendous coaching, tremendous program, tremendous player. Multiple, multiple obstacles and tasks for our football team to face this week. With that being said, we’re very excited to face them.”
When Kyle [Kalis] went out with injury, David Dawson hopped right in there. Is that instead of shuffling the line, because earlier Grant Newsome at tackle had been the next guy in there. Is that just because you were in the game flow and wanted to go one position for one? Has the hierarchy changed?
“No. As it relates to the outside tackles it’s Grant Newsome as the backup. Inside with the guards and centers it’s David Dawson.”
Curious what you remember of the atmosphere of this game when you played in it and how you think it will feel different being a coach as opposed to a player this time?
“Today I’m most reminded of a time when I wasn’t even here. I just read about it and heard players from the 1969 team talk about the practice, the preparation the week before the game when there was snow. Snow was falling, and it was up on the banks. They came in on Monday, and as the story goes Bo assembled the entire team on Monday morning at 8 o’clock. Called everybody down to the facility for a team meeting and gave them all shovels. They went out to the practice field and shoveled off the practice field and had banks of snow on the sidelines, so, again, I wasn’t there but today, as the snow continues to fall and we’ve got about 10 inches on the ground I’m most reminded of that atmosphere, and I wasn’t even here. Just read about it, heard about it.”
Are you going to make them shovel?
“Well, times have changed. Apparently we have some snow plows. It has not been plowed yet. If that doesn’t occur in the next hour or two we might be out there with some snow shovels.”
Do you guys think you’ll get Derrick Green back this week at all or do you know anything about his status?
“Uh, yeah, still- we’ll evaluate that today. Haven’t seen Derrick since the ball game. You always catch me with that question when I don’t know for sure.”
I know you said it was a long time ago when you guaranteed it, but did you have any feeling what Bo might say to you when you made that guarantee, and how did he treat you after that or what did he say?
“Uh…yeah, it was so long ago. He always treated me good. He always treated me good. Unless I screwed up! Then he would get mad at me.”
So he didn’t consider that a screw-up?
“Must not have.”
What is it about this rivalry that makes it so special in your mind?
“So many things. A lot of things.”
“I’m sure we’ll talk about it as the week goes on. I’ve got numerous more- I’ll save some for, some nuggets for later in the week. You know, I’ve got to do a radio show tonight, a TV show with Brad after this, and…radio show with Jim Brandstatter, so we’ll have ample opportunities. I’m gonna save a little material for the next one.”
“You think that’s funny, Steve? Steve liked that.”
I feel like clarification on officiating is a recurring theme. Can you help us- did you receive any further clarification on targeting or illegal blocks? Can you maybe enlighten us if you did?
“No, I can’t. No, I can’t.”
Did you address it with them at all?
“Seek no clarification. I’ve been spending my time on other matters, but I can’t tell you that I have any more clarification.”
Defense is playing really well. How much more room for improvement is ther-
“I’ve capitulated on trying to gain clarity!”
How much more room for improvement with the defense is there?
“In our minds, always room. Always chasing that improvement as well.”
Somewhat satisfied with-
“No. That’s not a word that we ever use in football. That would be a confusing word that would not resonate.”
Jake’s set a couple of school records in just a few short months here. What can you say about the mark that he’s left on the school and the team in a short amount of time?
“Well, he’s left some marks on the record book, without a doubt. That is fantastic. Playing at a very high level. He’s…in terms of respect and appreciation, he left a deep, indelible warmth in our heart for him.
“He is so tough. This past game, I mean, the toughness was on display. I know I’ve said it, and maybe saying tough as a two-dollar steak doesn’t even give it real justice. This guy is tough as nails, hard as hen’s teeth. He’s been a godsend for our team.”
Where do you think that toughness comes from?
“Hm. That’s a great question. I think he’s just got a competitive fire. He’s been in a lot of competitive situations. I don’t think it’s- it’s a talent. I’ve always looked at toughness as a talent, that it’s trained. It’s not just granted upon somebody. He’s been trained well.”
I think Jake has an opportunity to pass one of your records: single season passing. How would you feel about him passing one of your records under your watch?
“I feel good about it. Which one?”
Single season passing yards.
“Oh, great. Have at it. I didn’t know I had any left! Such a long time ago.”
Is snow the only reason the ‘69 team comes to mind today and this week?
“Yeah, that was…I’ve always read those stories, heard those stories and listen to people tell them. Walked out there and there was snow covering the practice field.”
But not the-
“That’s the one, yeah.”
Bo’s first Michigan-Ohio State game and your first Michigan-Ohio State game; will you have those players talk to the team or anything like that?
“Uh, I don’t know. I haven’t decided yet.”
Last week you mentioned Bryan Mone as a possibility. Is there still a possibility he might play this week?
“Eh, we’ll see. We’ll see today. We’ll see what it looks like.”
You think it’s still possible?
“I don’t know if it is or isn’t.”
What’s his status? Is he practicing with the team?
“He’s working. He’s running. He’s healing. You’re a tough questioner, Mark. Grilling me up here. We good? Thanks.”
it's only fitting old mate is wearing Ohio State

Gotta go with Michigan today, just an incredibly bad spot for the Buckeyes after seeing their back 2 back national championship hopes dashed and the players calling out the coaching staff.
Gotta go with Michigan today, just an incredibly bad spot for the Buckeyes after seeing their back 2 back national championship hopes dashed and the players calling out the coaching staff.

As Corso says "not so fast my friend". So "you say there is a chance?"

Buckeyes need help. Beat the team up north today and hope for upsets. Lots of football to be played. They aren't called the "Luckeyes" for nothing.
Tempo offense...horrid UM LB play...

Perfect recipe for an easy win.

Ohio State playcalling has been outstanding today.
Disappointing game as a neutral.

I'd be too as a nuetral. Offensive clinic.

Once they ran that first stretch play to Elliott I pretty much knew this was done.

Kinda like 2 years ago with Hyde it is just a machine...difference that year is UM put up 41 points lol.
Harbaugh may want to bring Hoke on as a consultant before the game next year. Or maybe Harbaugh can start referring to OSU as 'Ohio' like his predecessor.. At least that helped keep the game close.

Not sure what's more absurd. Meyer waiting until week 12 to make a change in the play calling or those wanting Zeke to be benched for his very emotional, yet very truthful commentary. Zeke speaking out was a blessing. I firmly believe it served as the wake up call the coaching staff and team needed.

Great season for mich. They almost covered against Utah. Quite the accomplishment.
Harbaugh may want to bring Hoke on as a consultant before the game next year. Or maybe Harbaugh can start referring to OSU as 'Ohio' like his predecessor.. At least that helped keep the game close.

Not sure what's more absurd. Meyer waiting until week 12 to make a change in the play calling or those wanting Zeke to be benched for his very emotional, yet very truthful commentary. Zeke speaking out was a blessing. I firmly believe it served as the wake up call the coaching staff and team needed.

Great season for mich. They almost covered against Utah. Quite the accomplishment.

Trolling per usual...

And yes the most absurd part is OSU waiting till the last week to play like themselves.

CUM, great coach, but he has shown he lets players call the shots. We'll see after a few more years how that affects things.

And yes, Jimmy should call Hoke and thank him for that LB recruiting. Hoke, great recruiter but man he suffered at that position more than anywhere but QB.
He's a 20 year old kid who was emotional after a terrible loss.

I don't think people quite understand what these kids put into the program on a daily basis. Punishing him would've been wrong on so many levels and would have assuredly lost the team.
Punk's a little strong, but a college player publicly blasting his coaches and whining about his touches after a loss wasn't Zeke's best moment. Age of twitter, I guess.
Yeah, age of more media/social media.

CUM let his best player on offense dictate what should be done and the player was smarter than the coach in this instane.
Bwhahahahahahhaha. Trolling?

Not trolling, just calling you out for your dumb take and insistent claims that I was somehow too biased to see the truth of powerhouse Utah. And adding to humor of it all is that MSU now has a real solid shot to make the playoffs (much to my chagrin). But when you're dead wrong on multiple levels, it's the other person trolling. Good stuff, "bud".

And at 49-4 with a NC and 4-0 in the rivalry game I'm far from worried about the future of OSU with Meyer. Best of luck next year.

Trolling per usual...
Punk's a little strong, but a college player publicly blasting his coaches and whining about his touches after a loss wasn't Zeke's best moment. Age of twitter, I guess.

Zele's team accomplishments are numerous and has been a solid citizen throughout his time at OSU. I think granting some leniency and moving on was the proper move.
Bwhahahahahahhaha. Trolling?

Not trolling, just calling you out for your dumb take and insistent claims that I was somehow too biased to see the truth of powerhouse Utah. And adding to humor of it all is that MSU now has a real solid shot to make the playoffs (much to my chagrin). But when you're dead wrong on multiple levels, it's the other person trolling. Good stuff, "bud".

And at 49-4 with a NC and 4-0 in the rivalry game I'm far from worried about the future of OSU with Meyer. Best of luck next year.

Never said Utah was a powerhouse...very good team...injuries happen and USC was just a snakepit to walk into after coaching change.

Your narratives have been funny all year.

MSU is gonna make playoff but you know damn well that is not one of the best 4 teams in CFB.
I was somehow too biased

You pumped up MSU all year to make OSU look better...

Obv things have changed...

OSU with how they called game today is a top 4 team...

MSU luckboxes everything this year(not even talking about UM game either). They are not great. But, in a weird sense, maybe this is their payback for their better teams last few years not getting chance.
Not only are you consistently wrong...but you're also a liar.

The idea that I need to "pump" anything up to you or anyone a message board is really just bizarre.

Newsflash: you're not on the playoff committee. I don't care what you think.

You pumped up MSU all year to make OSU look better...
Not only are you consistently wrong...but you're also a liar.

The idea that I need to "pump" anything up to you or anyone a message board is really just bizarre.

Newsflash: you're not on the playoff committee. I don't care what you think.

Fondyb adger;2726641 said:

BAR can feel free to demonstrate where I "pumped up MSU all year long to make OSU look better".

Talk about absurd.

And the Utah is a legit top 5 team was a pretty strong sentiment for awhile on here. The backpedaling at this point is what it is.

Ironically, one would argue that Utah was pumped up by mich fans to justify their supposed resurgence. Cause you know, a good loss is almost like a win.
BAR can feel free to demonstrate where I "pumped up MSU all year long to make OSU look better".

Talk about absurd.

And the Utah is a legit top 5 team was a pretty strong sentiment for awhile on here. The backpedaling at this point is what it is.

Ironically, one would argue that Utah was pumped up by mich fans to justify their supposed resurgence. Cause you know, a good loss is almost like a win.

Wisconsin has had those against Alabama and Iowa this year.... yep yep yep
Harbaugh is just unlikable.

Hate that whiny prick, even more-so after he declined that safety in the Niners v Hags game back in 2012.
Fluke plays, crooked officiating in favor of MSU, and a boo-boo on Vernon Adams' finger. Sounds like bitter rival fanbase excuses 101.

Now excuse me while I layout all my green Sparty gear and get ready for that monster matchup vs Iowa.:hang: