The fumble that never was...


The Truth Is Out There
This league man...

<blockquote class="twitter-video" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Last week the bogus taunting penalty. This week the phantom fumble. Johnson never lost the ball. How does this happen?? <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Jay Crawford (@jaycrawfordespn) <a href="">October 2, 2016</a></blockquote>
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Basically cost Browns backers the spread and Cleveland a chance to win the game.

Shady or incompetent ?
Hopefully that decision doesn't hurt Sarah Thomas... but :hang:.... she looks like she just wanted to jump in on the action

lol if you think about it, its probably the worst possession call ever, given how she didn't even see the ball...

I had A LOT of money on the skins tt o27.5 so im very grateful right now
Worst part is the league's response...

The explanation is even better :rofl:

"The on-field ruling was a fumble, recovered by Washington," the league said,'s Mary Kay Cabot. "It was confirmed as a fumble in instant replay without the need to stop the game. As to the recovery, several different angles were looked at, but with nothing definitive shown, there was no need to stop the game because the on-field ruling that awarded possession to Washington would have stood."
the browns are considered the laughing stock of the league but if it werent for the completely insane Pryor taunting flag, parkey missing 3 fgs, and this utterly insane call, they coudl very well be 3-1
did you see the SF/Dallas game?

Dallas down 14-0 and has the ball. 3rd down and they get to Dak. They throw a flag on SF for literally playing defense. They called it a late hit but it wasnt even hard, dak was still on his feet, and no whistle hand blown. if the whistle had blown at all, it was while he was in motion and he clearly cant stop. it was oen of the worst calls i have ever seen.

Dallas keeps the ball, scores a td, and wins the game. Without that it would have been 14-0 with all the momentum and SF getting the ball. I truly believe that call swung the game. And I 100% think that hte refs are away of this stuff, and a 2-2 Dallas team is nto as good for the NFL as a 3-1 Dallas team

Refs have way too much control over these outcomes.
Everything will be ok for the NFL dont worry guys... they could put out whatever bs explanation they want... as long as there is fantasy football, nothing else matters.

The league is too big for things like competent officiating
did you see the SF/Dallas game?

Dallas down 14-0 and has the ball. 3rd down and they get to Dak. They throw a flag on SF for literally playing defense. They called it a late hit but it wasnt even hard, dak was still on his feet, and no whistle hand blown. if the whistle had blown at all, it was while he was in motion and he clearly cant stop. it was oen of the worst calls i have ever seen.

Dallas keeps the ball, scores a td, and wins the game. Without that it would have been 14-0 with all the momentum and SF getting the ball. I truly believe that call swung the game. And I 100% think that hte refs are away of this stuff, and a 2-2 Dallas team is nto as good for the NFL as a 3-1 Dallas team

Refs have way too much control over these outcomes.

that's all well and good... didnt see the play.... but im sure the league could spin it since it is a bit more of a judgement call

this browns play is not a judgement call
Did the whistle blow before the browns player lifts the ball in the air?

Its also hilarious that the announcers don't notice or say anything
It certainly looks like a bad call, however, the Skins and the ref have both said that when she blew the whistle, the Skins had the ball. Norman claims he had it when the ref blew whistle.

I don't think the video is very clear between the fumble and the time the RB lifts the ball up. It certainly looks bad.
My first thought was the whistle blew before the browns player lifts the ball up. The problem is the skirmish on the ground where the ref goes to and then points her arm for possession.
Here’s a time sequence of the play. At 9:35 on the game clock, the pile begins to form. Line judge Sarah Thomas can be seen running in from the sideline at this point, and you can see Duke Johnson (with the “9” on his 29 jersey showing below Browns #62). No whistle has blown, and the clock is still running.

He immediately starts to get up, with the ball, and by the 9:33 mark on the clock, two seconds later, is standing fully upright with the ball in his right hand. Thomas is starting to arrive at the pile, and the whistle has not blown yet, and the clock is still running.

At 9:32 of the 4th quarter, Thomas blows the whistle and starts waving her hands, and the clock stops. A Browns lineman can be seen pointing at the ball in Johnson’s hand while everyone is staring at the pile and fighting for something else.
Thus, at the point the whistle blew, we had a clear recovery, I mean as clear as possible.

Thomas then signals that the ball belongs to Washington, after the clock has stopped.

Here’s a time sequence of the play. At 9:35 on the game clock, the pile begins to form. Line judge Sarah Thomas can be seen running in from the sideline at this point, and you can see Duke Johnson (with the “9” on his 29 jersey showing below Browns #62). No whistle has blown, and the clock is still running.

Not saying you are wrong on the recovery, but you can see the ref blowing the whistle, regardless of if the clock is still running or not here. Well, I should say raising her arms while blowing the whistle.
Since it was a fumble, Hue Jackson could not challenge the recovery. He can be seen on the broadcast asking the officials to take a look. The game did not stop and Washington took the field and ran a play soon after. Jackson could then be seen talking to Thomas on the sideline, appearing to disagree with whatever version she was claiming, on the fumble recovery.
We won’t know for sure if this is general stubbornness by the NFL to acknowledge that something was called incorrectly, or if it is motivated by the fact that it was Thomas, who is in her 2nd year in the league and is the only female official among the NFL officiating crews.
For most people, that should not matter. She is in the NFL on her merits and should be subject to the same review as all others. Yes, there is a segment of society that will complain about her because she is a woman, but the NFL shouldn’t let fear of a subset drive just acknowledging the call. It’s unfair to her. This would be less of a story if it were acknowledged immediately.
After all, this was part of a crew and there are several eyes on the field to prevent this. Mistakes are made by humans, but the levels of safeguards and review should minimize them. I don’t know what she thought she saw in the pile to award possession to Washington. But others on Jeff Triplette’s crew could have seen Duke Johnson already out of the pile and helped point that out, even after she pointed Washington’s way. We’ve seen calls changed on the field on many occasions. The replay crew also could have corrected the error.
That statement by the NFL doesn’t match the plain facts. We’ve seen plenty of reviews to determine if there was a clear recovery after a whistle blew a play dead for an incorrect incomplete call or down by contact. Here, the video of the game showed a clear recovery even before any whistle was blown.
The NFL has blown it here, and made it a bigger story by their bizarre response.
Every turnover is reviewed by the booth. It's just a matter whether they go with a prolonged review or not. Since, the fumble was clear, I think they are stuck with the call on the field on who recovered. No matter who "recovered" the fumble, the whistle was blown when Duke was still laying on the ground. Its just a matter of who had the ball at that moment. (which def. could have been Johnson)
No, Johnson was not on the ground when the whistle was blown. You may have heard something else but it definitely was not Sarah Thomas's whistle.

And more importantly, Sarah Thomas DEFINITELY did not see a football when she looked into the players skirmish on the field and then proceeded to give the sign for Redskins ball.
did you see the SF/Dallas game?

Dallas down 14-0 and has the ball. 3rd down and they get to Dak. They throw a flag on SF for literally playing defense. They called it a late hit but it wasnt even hard, dak was still on his feet, and no whistle hand blown. if the whistle had blown at all, it was while he was in motion and he clearly cant stop. it was oen of the worst calls i have ever seen.

Dallas keeps the ball, scores a td, and wins the game. Without that it would have been 14-0 with all the momentum and SF getting the ball. I truly believe that call swung the game. And I 100% think that hte refs are away of this stuff, and a 2-2 Dallas team is nto as good for the NFL as a 3-1 Dallas team

Refs have way too much control over these outcomes.

Equally, as bad. No judgement required. Dak was pushed down, standing up, by a defender. And it was before the whistle sounded.

49ers roll without that call. Up 14-0 going into half... and Bowman never gets hurt. Season shattering call for the Niners.

This league...
I will tell you this I've gone back and watched on Game Pass a few times. Someone is blowing the whistle when you see her throw the flag down indicating a fumble and she is running in waving her arms in a motion to stop the clock. I guess it is possible another official is blowing the whistle, but it sure looks like her.

This is the exact moment the first whistle is blown:

View attachment 41481

Again,its very possible Johnson has the ball here, but that was what the ref and Josh Norman are claiming happened.
In regards to the Niner game... how about Aikmen 3 times pointing out the RT with the f start?

This league is where the NubYa was a few years back.

No wonder the ratings are plummeting. They're going to push/rally around their big named franchises to keep lining everyone's pockets apparently.
Look at the Fox agenda with their newly minted/highly purchased sports talk shows...I've watched Cowherd quite a bit and actually stomached the Bayless/Sharpe show a couple times...literally nothing but littered with Cowboys and Patriots talk constantly. It's literally hours of talk about those two teams.
Ya cost me a money line parlay only risking .1 units but to win over 6
In the video I posted, you can clearly see the ball bounce off the skins leg and duke recover it. It's just an abortion of. Call
The leagues only female official blew this call. There is no other way to put it. Poor incompetence by an unqualified person reffing a football game.
The leagues only female official blew this call. There is no other way to put it. Poor incompetence by an unqualified person reffing a football game.

Sure, but there are other officials on the field who could have intervened and made sure the call was right. Yes it was a horrible call, but her being a woman doesn't have much to do with it. I don't think a woman should be officiating an NFL game either, but plenty of blame to go around on this call. And most NFL officials are unqualified based on the horrible officiating I've been banging the drum about for years.
No, Johnson was not on the ground when the whistle was blown. You may have heard something else but it definitely was not Sarah Thomas's whistle.

And more importantly, Sarah Thomas DEFINITELY did not see a football when she looked into the players skirmish on the field and then proceeded to give the sign for Redskins ball.

Right there is the end of the discussion on whether or not its a shady call....
It's just an awful call. There is no defense for it. I cannot believe we are debating it. Add it to the list of horrible calls and move on.