The Eagles in 2008

Joe Public

Gabibbo's Finest
I know this is a long way away, but you can book this.

If the Eagles stay with their coaching staff, stay with the WRs they have, and the following story is true, you will very likely be looking at a 5-11 or 6-10 team.


Tight end L.J. Smith finally appears to be healthy for the first time this season, but he doesn't think that's going to change his long-term future with the Eagles. Smith, a potential free agent after this season, said, "Right now I'm looking at being on another team." While the Eagles might be in the market for an explosive tight end after the season, Smith doesn't believe it's going to be him. He said that doesn't mean he will give any less effort during these final seven weeks.
Public, I believe I have mentioned to you that I'm from Philly before and I'm a diehard. I completely believe this as well. I don't think that the coaching staff has as much to do with it as people believe. The wide receiver problem has gone on since Mcnabb has been on the team except for the one superbowl year. I don't see Mcnabb being on the team next year anyway. With that being said I don't believe that Kevin Kolb is the future of the team either. I hope Mcnabb goes somewhere else and wins a superbowl. Or we can try and keep him for two more years and use the cap space that Joe Banner hasn't used for his entire tenure in Philly to go out and get two wideouts.

As for LJ, he has been an overrated piece of crap since he's shown up in Philadelphia. I have always said this. Last year during the draft when our pick came up I was hoping Greg Olsen would slip to us and he did leaving us a great player at that spot than we could get a young QB later in the draft like Beck or Kolb but we obviously totally fucked that up.

I've been prepared to see this happen for the past couple year and its finally going to happen. But when you look back over the past decade we've really only been one of the best mediocre teams in the NFL.
LJ Smiths been as good as gone since the end of last season - no real surprise there...

I think the days of the Andy Reid-McNabb combo challenging for a title are most definitely behind us

and im in the what i think is the minority that blames Reid and not McNabb...itd be a mistake if they let McNabb go next year - whoever he goes to (Vikings or Bears) easily wins that division and is a legit Super Bowl team next year

theres too many things wrong with the Eagles to get into right now (just on my way out the door) but after a few bonghits and some thought im sure ill be back here ranting at some point soon...

let me just say that Ive had enough of Reid and I think the players have too and its time for a new voice - preferably that of Jon Gruden or Bill that order of preference
I don't think Cowher works based on his style. You can't pound Westbrook like he wants to do with RBs. Gruden might work. But the reality is, Andy's not going anywhere unless we go 6-10 and even then I doubt it.

As it is, I don't think we finish under .500, I think we hit it right on the nose.

I disagree that LJ's been useless, I believe he's been hampered by injury and that's hurt us, but ever since he's been here Donovan's needed a security blanket TE. He had Lewis for a long time, now he has LJ and when LJ is healthy he helps create some of the space our sub-par WRs need.

Mark my words, if we do not have a decent TE on this team that can draw some coverage, Donovan will struggle consistently assuming the WR problem doesn't get fixed.

That's really why I brought this up. Because I don't want to write this year off, but this isn't the year for this team. However, I think if they don't learn from what we're seeing this year, we're in for a long run with a bad record.
That's really why I brought this up. Because I don't want to write this year off, but this isn't the year for this team. However, I think if they don't learn from what we're seeing this year, we're in for a long run with a bad record.

They didnt learn from Charles Johnson or Torrence Small or Freddie Mitchell or James Thrash or Todd Pinkston so why would they learn now????

This is my number one, two and three problem with Andy Reid - hes too damned stubborn
That's an extremely good point, Smoke.

The worst part of the whole TO experiment was that they DID learn they needed the guy. They just ended up choosing one they couldn't handle.

But even though they made the wrong choice on who, doesn't mean the need didn't exist. That's what they need to learn--or in this case, re-learn because they did learn it once.

I still think the name of the person they're looking for is Chad Johnson.
Awesome...just f'n awesome:

The Eagles' star player doesn't like his contract. This week he bumped right up against the moment when he could make it a big story, but Brian Westbrook side-stepped the question like it was a Redskins linebacker. It's hard to argue a man is underpaid when he's walking around with a $25 million contract. But he's probably outperformed the deal. Westbrook is eighth in the league in rushing, ninth in receptions (second among running backs) and second in total yards. Most of the other guys on the list -- and some well below Westbrook -- make more money. Since the Eagles are in the middle of the season and trying to focus on winning, he's declining to open up that can of worms. But this is absolutely going to be a problem down the road.
Pay him... Pay that man his money.... (said in the voice of Teddy KGB)
Pay him... Pay that man his money.... (said in the voice of Teddy KGB)

Its an absolute no brainer - but i GUARANTEE you theyll say he signed a contract and yada yada yada...but then theyll have no problem prematurely ending Donovans contract...or Dawks contract...and they didnt have a problem ending Trotters...

Why would a free agent want to come here after seeing how they treat the players? The Eagles come off looking cheap alot more than they should if you ask me...
I didn't mean LJ was useless. I meant more that if it weren't for all the drops he's had he could have been more effective. There have been plenty of plays that LJ hasn't made and is totally overvalued because of the dependence Mcnabb and the Eagles offense puts on the tight end.

Clearly Westbrook should get paid more so I really have nothing to say about that.

Andy Reid isn't going anywhere. I don't see who else would be better than him right now.

One thing I've noticed from some of the comments is that yes Andy does make all the decisions dealing with the roster. But why on Earth would Andy Reid who has been criticized constantly for not going out and getting a big receiver over and over again not do it. Joe Banner is the main reason why this team is constantly under the cap every year and is not willing to spend the money that it takes to build a superbowl team. It's unbelievable about how people are so critical of Andy but never stop and think that he's not the one cutting the checks and spending the money here. I've blamed this whole thing on him for a long time. I know Andy has made a lot of mistake and cost us some games but the front office has killed us.
Joe Banner is the main reason why this team is constantly under the cap every year and is not willing to spend the money that it takes to build a superbowl team.

I agree, and am always a little surprised that Joe Banner gets let off the hook as he does.
See i dont think theres any point in getting clark on this team unless youre keeping mcnabb

if youre going with kolb, you might as well blow it all up and start from scratch