The eagerly awaited UNIT RANKINGS... Top 30 QB's - First in a series...


CTG Regular
This is going to be the first in a series of 11 units where I project my Top-30 units at each position going into the start of fall camp.

If you go back through the archives and look at last year, you'll see I had some of these pegged pretty well, and others (think Nick Fazekas and Pags hitting the nail on the head calling me out for having UNLV quarterbacks No. 28 heading into last year)... let's just not even talk about! hahaha

Remember, this is not just the best player, but the best units.
A lot of people like the kid from New Mexico State. I'm not a big fan, and there is zero depth in Las Cruces for Shallow Hal this year, so I've got them lower than some other people might.

That's just one example. Here's my Top 30 at QB... Will be coming on a daily basis or so.

Feel free to comment as you wish, and I'll try to answer all inquiries...

1. Louisville
2. Hawaii
3. Texas Tech
4. Missouri
5. Kentucky
6. West Virginia
7. Southern Cal
8. Boston College
9. Tennessee
10. Texas
11. Texas A&M
12. Purdue
13. Utah
14. Penn State
15. Oklahoma State
16. Troy State
17. Oregon
18. Southern Methodist
19. Florida
20. New Mexico State
21. Central Michigan
22. Arizona State
23. Florida State
24. Washington State
25. South Florida
26. Kansas State
27. Tulsa
28. California
29. Nebraska
30. Ball State

Have at 'em boys...

Dammit Hunt. I knew I was missing something; when I got to the end, a team was missing...

They are written down here on my list. I have them No. 11. Delete Ball State from 30 and put Michigan at No. 11.
I gotta say some shockers on there for me Rex...what's the overall criteria for each unit ranking....

I can't remember the layout from last year.
Horn, you're dead on. Although I'm not a Harrell fan at all, I can't deny that he stepped up after the implosion that was TT vs Mizzou. There's no pressure on him this year; outside of Lubbock, expectations are low and that's when TT performs best.

On a side note, we graduated 3 recievers (Joel Filani, Robert Johnson & Jarret Hicks). The media is down on TT because of graduation, yet when Tech succeeds, it is because of the "system".

The "system" is still here, the players are not.

Can someone explain that? :cheers:
Horn, you're dead on. Although I'm not a Harrell fan at all, I can't deny that he stepped up after the implosion that was TT vs Mizzou. There's no pressure on him this year; outside of Lubbock, expectations are low and that's when TT performs best.

On a side note, we graduated 3 recievers (Joel Filani, Robert Johnson & Jarret Hicks). The media is down on TT because of graduation, yet when Tech succeeds, it is because of the "system".

The "system" is still here, the players are not.

Can someone explain that? :cheers:

And all 3 of those guys were who before they played a down at TT? Which is why I'm very confident they will always be fine at WR as long as the Mad Scientist is coaching there. I can play WR their for Tech and catch at least 70 balls.

Harrell was 19-6 TD-INT ration down the stretch where they went 4-2 and the only losses being close ones to Texas & OU.

TT -9 is a great play for Monday afternoon.
Pat White better than Booty? Because of mobility? Does anyone know how well White has improved as a passer? If he's #6, how good are #4 & #5? I have to be honest, I never really look at Kentucky or Mizzu...always get F'd in those games.
Thanks fellas...

I'mma assume Jump doesn't necessarily agree with a lot of these, lol... was just trying to be nice or cordial hahaha...

I am a Harrell fan.

Cubsker - I'll believe the hype on Keller when I see it. Last I heard, he was a real prick in Tempe and basically burned his bridges. I'm going to be fading the Shuckers at the start as I see that their prices are going to be inflated. On the other hand, that kid for Kansas State showed marked improvement in the last five games.

Jump - To an extent they are. I don't weigh the ratings on one specific thing. The starter is obviously worth more than the backup; and for teams like Tulsa (3 year starter), the seniority IS important.

Rak - White is high but his backups are what put him in the top 10. Bednarik was the starter before White two years ago... And I'm not sold on Booty being a Heisman candidate (yeah, so USC will be good, so let's just give the award to the QB on an unbeaten team every year. Check out how those kids did in bowls the last seven years. Six losses I believe, and 3 or 4 career-worst efforts.) With Sanchez out of the picture, that thins the depth.

RSMS - UCLA does have two decent quarterbacks and were close to the top 30. Just don't see enough star power, if you will, in Olson.
Rexy- why do u say, "with Sanchez out of the picture?"

that was one I really disagreed w/....Booty, Mark Sanchez, Mitch Mustain...

I can't see that being below anybody, let alone 7th..

Where's Sanchez?
I see prolly what you mean...only a game though...

USC quarterback Mark Sanchez's loss will apparently be freshman quarterback Aaron Corp's gain.

Sanchez suffered a hairline fracture in his right passing thumb during Sunday night's scrimmage when his hand hit a defensive player's helmet. He is expected to be out two to three weeks and could miss the season opener against Idaho.

That is significant because Sanchez expected to get playing time in a blowout opener. But now that honor could go to Corp, who got most of the snaps as the No. 2 quarterback, even though senior Mike McDonald is officially the backup with Sanchez out.

"It will close for Sanchez for the opener, or maybe he will be back in a week," USC coach Pete Carroll said. "It's a tremendous opportunity for Corp."
The Orange County Register reported that Sanchez broke his thumb and he is out for six weeks, A hairline fracture is especially painful in the thumb and I would guess even when he comes back he won't be 100 percent. I'm no McDonald fan and Booty is overhyped in my opinion.
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" width="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">I like HI in the number one slot but cant go wrong with either. Great work- look forward to reading the rest!
</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
I don't doubt that Colt is as good as anyone in football - but Louisville has a unique situation. Brohm is great but Cantwell is a proven commodity off the bench.
Thanks fellas...

I'mma assume Jump doesn't necessarily agree with a lot of these, lol... was just trying to be nice or cordial hahaha...

I am a Harrell fan.

Cubsker - I'll believe the hype on Keller when I see it. Last I heard, he was a real prick in Tempe and basically burned his bridges. I'm going to be fading the Shuckers at the start as I see that their prices are going to be inflated. On the other hand, that kid for Kansas State showed marked improvement in the last five games.

Jump - To an extent they are. I don't weigh the ratings on one specific thing. The starter is obviously worth more than the backup; and for teams like Tulsa (3 year starter), the seniority IS important.

Rak - White is high but his backups are what put him in the top 10. Bednarik was the starter before White two years ago... And I'm not sold on Booty being a Heisman candidate (yeah, so USC will be good, so let's just give the award to the QB on an unbeaten team every year. Check out how those kids did in bowls the last seven years. Six losses I believe, and 3 or 4 career-worst efforts.) With Sanchez out of the picture, that thins the depth.

RSMS - UCLA does have two decent quarterbacks and were close to the top 30. Just don't see enough star power, if you will, in Olson.

Freeman was awful in their spring game. His team didn't score at all. In the open scrimage last week, Freeman didn't complete one pass. I think Keller has done a lot more than Freeman has. His game alone in '05 against LSU says a lot: 35 of 56 for 461 yards. I guess we'll find out soon.
Matt Flynn will shine this season... I'm calling it now. If Flynn goes down, there is the former #1 national recruit in Ryan Perrilloux and last year's #6 QB recruit Jarrett Lee.
Rexy, Morelli at 14??? Feels awfully high, and I really think he pulls a Zack Mills this year, with no rushing game to help him.

Also, LOVE LOVE LOVE Central Michigan QB LeFevour (sp?) Kid has deceiving athleticism anda strong arm, very hidden talent of the MAC
Hile, you could be right. But I like the fact that all of his receivers are back and Phil The Thrill says that Morelli could have the strongest arm of any quarterback in Penn State history. They have some depth back there as well and I expect Morelli to throw for at least 2,500 yards.

LSU was right on the cusp, BlueChip... I wanted to include Flynn, hell, he's an Indiana kid... and I think by midseason that will be what makes or breaks LSU's season - they are going to have to get clutch QB play in conference action (and against V-Tech) or their hopes of a national championship appearance will be gone by mid-November...

Cub - You also have to take into account those 2005 Arizona State receivers (Derek Hagan and Burgess) as well as the fact that LSU was in the middle of its Katrina-forced move and despite giving up all those yards, still found a way to win in Tempe.

I liked Zac Taylor's ability to manage a game and think that was a vastly underrated aspect of what he did in Lincoln. It'll be interesting to see if Keller will adapt the same way. And comparing numbers from any Pac-10 game to one outside of that league or the WAC can be a little misleading (does the clock ever run out West?)...

Also, I don't put a lot of stock into the spring game but I know Freeman struggled early on last year when he started playing and if they start slow again this season because of that, it will not make Ron Prince a happy man. That's one reason I am leery of taking the points at Auburn, because I have to see Freeman get off to a fast start myself. But I'd say it's likely - and even if he doesn't play well early, they still can be 2-1 after a month heading into revenger in Austin...
Taylor did do a good job of managing the game, but he was lacking in arm strength and quickness. Keller will be a huge improvement in those two areas. Hopefully, the decision making will only suffer a slight drop. If it does, then watch out for Nebraska. Those same throws that Oklahoma intercepted in the Big 12 championship are touchdowns with Keller throwing them.
LSU was right on the cusp, BlueChip... I wanted to include Flynn, hell, he's an Indiana kid... and I think by midseason that will be what makes or breaks LSU's season - they are going to have to get clutch QB play in conference action (and against V-Tech) or their hopes of a national championship appearance will be gone by mid-November...

Agreed, CKR, but nat'l champ hopes will be gone long before mid-November if Flynn doesn't shine... Ole Piss and McFadden are the only SEC match-ups in late November.

btw, Flynn is from Tyler, TX, not Indiana
the mid-November reference was to the back-to-backers against Bammer and Auburn that come in last game of Oct and first game of Nov... and yes, Arkansas is the last loseable SEC game ; hence, the mid-November reference.

As far as Flynn and the Indy reference - I don't know whether I was thinking of Mauck there or what, lol... whoops. Tyler ain't exactly Jasper, Ind...