The Detroit Pistons...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Billivy
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I made a mistake fading them last night. I admittingly haven't seen them play that much since the arrival of Chris Webber and that was a HUGE oversight on my part. When Larry Brown was coaching this squad, they were one of the top defense teams out east and even the NBA overall. When Flip took over it was obvious he was pushing an aggressive mindset into his players who he felt had been being held back on the offensive side of the court. Pistons basketball is now and has always been half court basketball, the difference is I believe that now they are a solid blend of offensive and defensive cohesiveness. Flip might just turn out to be a genius, he kept the same key four members of the team since the begining of his tenure in Detroit and now AFTER they have learned to play more aggressive offensively, he is reminding them of their defensive duties that they once performed quite well. I watched Detroit frustrate the best player on the planet last night for 48 minutes, he never got into any kind of a rhythem out there...Odom looked to be off as well and the team had a hard time gettin into their offense last night. The Lakers successes this season have come from a much faster paced game than the one played last night...last season, or even a few weeks ago the Pistons would have been able to accomodate them. However Detroit controlled the pace of play from the tipoff to the sound of the buzzer in the 48th minute. This is due in small part to the loss of Luke Walton (he has turned into a vital part of the Jackson triangle offense) as the Lakers couldnt really set themselves consistantly last night...but this is mainly due to the Pistons awakening on the defensive side of the court AS WELL AS their effeciency offensively (much fewer turnovers than in past weeks). Another area that I should mention is that since the emergence of Webber, the Pistons have turned into quite possibly the best passing team in the NBA. They are a team of All Stars, a team of scorers, but they are also the most balanced offensive attack in the eastern conference without a doubt now. They have been averaging almost .9 assists to every 1 bucket made!!! Finally, I have NEVER seen Kobe play as poorly as I have seen him play last night...he actually looked timid out there. He didn't even want to put the ball on the floor for fear of forcing another turnover, then the stat came on the screen about how the Pistons have held Wade, James, Carter, and other superstars to season lows in the past week. THAT'S when it dawned on me...The Detroit Pistons are a force to be reckoned with now, not just out east...but a force in the NBA. Prince is the 4th, possibly the 5th option on the floor offensively right now...think about it...they have 5 players on the court who can hit outside jump shots, and the same five can post up and rebound, AND THE SAME 5 CAN MAKE A GREAT PASS AND RACK UP THE TEAM ASSISTS!!!!!! Rip moves soo well w/o the ball that every passer in the league wants to play with him. Prince is the same way. The team has become soo effecient at finding the open man on the floor that you almost seem surprised when Wallace/Billups/Prince/and now Webber misses an open 3. I think about what I saw last night and I have one me crazy but I feel that any bet on Detroit to win the eastern conference is a value bet right now...I expect them to win around 80% of their games in the second half of the season and cruise to the # 1 seating out east. They must be gettin HUGE odds to win the whole fucking thing, soo any bet on them to win the championship is strangly enough a value bet as well!!! Am I crazy? well 80% of the starters night to night already won a championship and dominated what I considered at the time to be an unbeatable foe in the "all-hall" Lakers.
This is the problem. Miami beat Detroit last season in 6 games with Detroit having home court advantage. Now, Detroit has replaced Defensive Player of the Year Ben Wallace with Chris freaking Webber. Their offense will improve but is Webber going to be able to bang/rebound with Shaq/Haslem/Zo?

Then, Miami has the exact same team back plus Kapono/Wright contributing. I would be shocked if Detroit and Miami are not the final 2 teams in the East but I can't see Detroit stopping Shaq AND Wade.
Ivy- I agree...Pistons = Colts...mirror images of last year and this year...
This is the problem. Miami beat Detroit last season in 6 games with Detroit having home court advantage. Now, Detroit has replaced Defensive Player of the Year Ben Wallace with Chris freaking Webber. Their offense will improve but is Webber going to be able to bang/rebound with Shaq/Haslem/Zo?

Then, Miami has the exact same team back plus Kapono/Wright contributing. I would be shocked if Detroit and Miami are not the final 2 teams in the East but I can't see Detroit stopping Shaq AND Wade.

the team IS shaq and Wade...zo is there for a few blocked shots and moral support...the rest of the supporting cast is just that, a supporting cast...Detroits defense has improved greatly in the last few weeks and I don't see them stopping anytime soon...last season WITH BEN, they didn't crash the offensive glass or play as strong of a defense as they have been in the last two weeks...they have renewed confidence and a nice offensive compliment to their old look
Miami can always win, b/c Wade is just one of those kinds of a punchers chance in boxing....but Det is a better "team"..and (if there are no crazy trades in the next few weeks) will be a shoe in for the favorites out east come the post season.
bilivy, good post overall, a small remark though, can you paragraph your text next time? Easier to read.

i don't know how to

i was a horrible student...never liked

i cant spell, have horrible grammer, and have no idea how to structure the written word into an
Good shit.

I was hoping this is how they would become offensively after the trade. They can do so many things on offense its scary. The bench is much better and that is allowing the starters to stay fresher this year.

Last season in the playoffs the Pistons were a fractured team that had peaked too early. They also were a tired team. It was eveident after the Clevlend series. The offense had played loose all season and lost their halfcourt identity. They are back to that halfcourt identity this season. Thats especially true since the arrival of Big84.

Detroits problems against Miami were on offense and with the guys with whistles. The ref problem will not go away. Any team that plays Miami/Cleveland starts out in a hole because Stern wants those two guys in the Finals. Anything else is a problem for him. Now, Miami played a great series last year but even though Detroit's defense wasn't up to par they kept Miami under 100 the whole time and under 90 several times. It was the lack of offense, team unity and Ben with a foot out of town that was their ultimate downfall.

A gentleman questions guarding O'Neal in playoffs. I can understand what he is saying. In all honesty, I like having Nazr(I think we will keep him now), Dale Davis, Maxiell and the 3 PF's to play against O'Neal. The key with that is too abuse Shaq when we have the ball. No more laying of tyhe fifth starter. Good offense creates good defense and vice versa.

Miami's biggest problem will be fatigue and whatnot. Wade will have nagging injuries. His style combined with no summer break last year is huge. O'Neal is going to have to play sopme games this season to insure a playoff bid(lol)

Detroit plays classic basketball. Its pretty at times for purists. They average the LOWEST number of turnovers per game and will lead league in assists the rest of the season IMO.

The defense has gotten better. Having Lindsey back is huge. They were trapping the Lakers a bit last night. Created several turnovers.

They all talk of going on a tear and Feb schedule sets up for that. March is brutalk thjough as we play all the big boys and go out west.
I totally agree with you billivy. I live in Michigan so I have been watching the Pistons my whole life. I am a huge fan. I love the fact that everyone earlier in the year was petty much writing off the Pistons. I watched everyone of their playoff games last year and the botom line is that they missed so many open shots. They struggled with the Cavs but eventually won but then they were a little wore out for the Heat. The Heat won the first game at the Palace and that was the only win by an away team. Plus, more importantly, I realize that Wade is an exceptional player, but man did he get the benefit of the calls in both the eastern conference finals and the finals. I mean come on, he was getting to the line over 20 times a game, that is horrible. Jordan didn't even average that. I think Flip worked them too hard last year during the regular season, trying to win 70. He has learned his leason this year, he is playing the bench much more. Once again I expect the Pistons to make another run. THe last three years they won the title, lost in the finals to a very good Spurs team in 7 and then lost in the eastern conf. finals to Miami. I am not one to complain about officials unless it is completely obvious but I honestly believe that as long as the refs don't send Wade to the line 25 times a game, the Pistons will be champions of the East. By the way, Ben Wallace is a big chump. People like Rasheed and Prince took a little less money to stay with Detroit. Detroit offered Ben 12 mil per year but he turned us down for 15 from Chicago, a huge rival of the Pistons. I don't miss him at all, the last year he was in Detroit he didn't do shit except shoot 25% at the foul line during the playoffs.
Tom..I don't miss playing 4 on 5 either or his brooding. I was glad he left. Change is good.
What goes around comes around with Ben. Just remember that in the playoffs.
i don't know how to

i was a horrible student...never liked

i cant spell, have horrible grammer, and have no idea how to structure the written word into an

come on man if I can do it with English being my 2nd language so can you :D.

Btw I've never been to a county with English as it's first language. :D.

good read btw, Bilivy and BAR. :drink:
get the hell out of here...

you mean the two capping gods from Mi. agree with me??

lol, j/p boys ;)