The Colts and Crowd Noise


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The Colts and Crowd Noise

Filed under: Thoughts, Sports — Mike @ 12:04 am
Alright, I never write about sports in this.. except for maybe once or twice when it is politically relevant, but this is a classic. So, I read a bunch of sports-based blogs, websites, and so on, and the charge by fans of other teams in the NFL this year has been that the Patriots are cheaters, from the camera incident, and that they are running up the score. I think that it’s fair to say that the 52 - 0 against Washington was excessive, and hilarious, but with the taping and some other charges (that the Patriots have tampered with sound equipment)… I think that it points to a larger issue in the NFL. One such example of this is that the Colts pipe in simulated crowd noise into their dome during their games. I never really believed this because I generally think that it’s a baseless charge and very difficult to prove, but in today’s game against the Patriots, the Colts sound guys goofed up.
Check out this video on and fast-forward it to about 2minutes and 15 seconds into it. It is a host of highlites and so on, which all sound normal… until the highlite from 2:20 - 2:30, specifically at 2:26… where the “Crowd” somehow … skips like a broken record. Others watching the game confirmed that you could hear this during the game, I don’t remember it. But anyway, to have to pipe crowd noise into your dome is pretty stupid and equally hilarious.
And then to give up 14 points to the classless Patriots … is even funnier. Oh, and also, just to remark on some of the running up the score chatter. It’s worth noting that many charged the Patriots with running up the score against Miami, up by 21 points, with 12 minutes left in the game because their starters were in (not entirely true… as Kyle Eckel was the HB) and they were passing. Well, up 25 points with 12 left in the 4th quarter, Tony Romo was slinging the ball all over the field to Witten and Terrell Owens, and had a TD attempt into the endzone as well. Anyway, it’s worth recognizing before anybody begins to think that their team has any moral backbone.
Whoa, you can completely hear it.

Polian has denied that forever and no one has really believed him because pretty much every single team has complained about it.

And there you have it, proof.
By the way, what are the odds the league comes back and says this was nothing, just a glitch in the telecast?

I know, I know, Joe's a conspiracy theorist. But hey, this is the Internet.

And besides, if they can reprimand them quietly and still maintain the supposed integrity of the product, then everybody wins--at least in the eyes of the NFL.
Colts better lose a draft pick for the blatant act of cheating. This was worse than what the Pats did because it gave them an advantage for the current game at hand. However, since Tony Dungy is the head coach of the Colts I am sure the public won't see it that way.
THe spinning has begun...Bruschi calls for NFL investigation..

also, this from the board:

Originally Posted by Big Time;623089
I work at a CBS affiliate and was the one here airing the game. Those audio hits were on networks end. That happens sometimes, and like a previous poster said, what you are hearing is several audio channels mixed. Sometimes one or more channels get dropped.

Here, I switched to network's backup feed when that happened and it fixed the problem.

Occasionally, I have to dial in to CBS air control in New York when we leave one game early for the kickoff of a Chargers game (because they are the home team here) and I can hear all the chaos that goes on trying to put an NFL game on the air. It's a lot more complicated than a local newscast. I'm amazed that you can sit at home and just enjoy the game without seeing any evidence of how hard TV people work.
No different than a laugh track in a skit and alot different that stealing someones play signals...:36_11_6:
I work at a CBS affiliate and was the one here airing the game. Those audio hits were on networks end.

Oooh, oooh, do I get a prize?
Patriots complain about crowd noise

By Jason Cole
Monday, Nov 5, 2007 12:13 pm EST

The NFL is looking into allegations that the Indianapolis Colts piped in noise during the game Sunday between the Colts and the Patriots. The charge comes after Patriots President Jonathan Kraft became the latest NFL team executive to accuse the Colts of the distracting tactic that is against the rules. "We're aware of it and we're looking into it," NFL spokesman Greg Aiello said Monday. "It may just be the TV feed from CBS, but we're checking it out."
Observers at the game said there seemed to be a "skip" in the sound during the game Sunday, which the Patriots won 24-20. That might confirm the long-held suspicion among many people in the NFL that the Colts play loud crowd noise to help distract opponents when the other team is on offense.
"We're aware of the accusations, but there has never been anything to substantiate it," Aiello said.
Kraft approached NFL Vice President of Security Milt Ahlerich after Kraft and his parents, Patriots owners Bob and Myra Kraft, left the Patriots locker room after the game.
Kraft was angry as he told Ahlerich the league needed to look into the allegation. Ahlerich is the same person who confiscated a videotape made by the Patriots during a game against the New York Jets in Week 2 that led to the Spygate controversy.
In addition, New England quarterback Tom Brady also commented on how loud it was in the RCA Dome.
"I don't know how you measure levels of being deaf, but we couldn't hear anything out there," Brady said.
This is the latest in a string of incidents between the teams that have fueled the growing Colts-Pats rivalry. In the past, Colts General Manager Bill Polian has vehemently argued that the Patriots have bent the rules in terms of use of replay challenges and the pass interference rule
Oh, and again, not to be all conspiracy, all the time or anything, but I think this line is really telling:

This is the latest in a string of incidents between the teams that have fueled the growing Colts-Pats rivalry.

Things like this make for great programming, for must-see TV. It's Cowboys/Packers or Cowboys/Niners all over again.
why, in an age of music/sound on computer files, would they be using a CD to pump crowd noise when very the danger would be of it skipping (hence being found out)? no skipping with a music file.

For that reason alone I dont believe it.