The Casinos didn't build Themselves Play

Hou is the most "obvious" play on the board today. I wouldn't touch it with a 10 foot pole.
to me, yes. lots of folks will play against the dome team playing outside in the cold angle. plus, Clev has only 1 less win than Indy so could be perceived as an improving team.
Betting against the public blindly is not a winning strategy
I agree and you have to pick your spots . I know it looks like thats all I'm doing but I look more into it and I went away from other factors that would also make it a play for me. Looking at it now I would probably should of only played eagles chargers and arizona...that being said it still a losing day 1-3 instead of 2-4. The public was right on most games today. Its easy to sit here and be a monday morning QB now but I like to learn from my mistakes . I think a great saturday I had made me lose control of my emotions and over play everything . That being said its gambling and the hardest part s sticking to your method and controlling emotions. Back up on the horse this week.