The Beard

Need 21 *****

Don’t do it, he a loser: I guess foster might send him to the ft line a ton, that pretty much only way he gets there, If I was gonna mess with that clown I would see if I can get a 1st half number, most these games he either losing interest or running out of gas cause he doesn’t seem to do much after halftime, that is Maxey time!!
Why? Just curious
It’s gonna be close. No bullshit I looked back at his games vs Miami, it’s right there. He’s had an absolutely shitty year and mediocre playoffs.
I feel like he pops off enough tonight.
Couldn't get on it, my translator ran late but seeds and bread sound great
Bro you're talking about a multi time MVP lol

steve nash was multi time mvp, russ westbrook was mvp, you cant take that award seriously!! i sure the hell dont!! i cant help but laugh at the ppl who saying today that was "vintage Harden", really? cause i dont recall him ever taking over and winning playoff games!! maybe 1 here and there, like i said above, if im the heat i would continue taking the ball out of Maxey hands and letting harden suck the life out the offense. sixers are not at their best when he standing at top the key dribbling out the shot clock while everyone else stands around waiting for him to take that garbage step back he hits about a third the time or drives into lane and runs into as many ppl he can!! such garbage!
We can turn this into the “only attempts 2 shots in the 2nd half of an elimination game and scores 11 total” thread.

Dude is mega rich and takes pay cuts when he sees fit. I saw Joey Knish tweet last night essentially The Beard is never gonna care as much as we do. Strippers and fashion and turning up. He just happens to be/was a really great player.
If Dantoni is the answer so be it. Doc to the Lakers PLEASE. Rinse/repeat

I cant fathom how this clown is considered one the 75 best players off all time??? Had they officiated him properly in all those regular seasons his bull shit efficiency numbers wouldn’t be so impressive. Sure he could score but he was also the worst watch in the nba! Guy should have played soccer, he would have been fantastic at drawing penalty kicks!
I cant fathom how this clown is considered one the 75 best players off all time??? Had they officiated him properly in all those regular seasons his bull shit efficiency numbers wouldn’t be so impressive. Sure he could score but he was also the worst watch in the nba! Guy should have played soccer, he would have been fantastic at drawing penalty kicks!
Bro c'mon lol
so is this guy have a contract? what is it, $50 milly a year? LMFAO!

I'd say hes worth half that, at most, maybe.

Pretty sure he owed 47 mil for next season (his option I think, could be wrong), I’m sure the dumb shit gm who infatuated with him made promises bout a max deal extension when they made the trade. Be interesting if he really gets it, that would be a death sentence to the franchise chances of winning anything for rest of Embid prime! The sad thing is while Maxey was way better than I expected after Harden came in I still think they be better off with him running the offense and Harden’s presence could ultimately stunt his growth.
Bro c'mon lol

Maybe I’m a little over the top but no more so than the opposing opinion that says he a all time great. you really enjoyed seeing him dribble out the entire clock while rest of the team stands around watching knowing that the outcome will either be a step back 3 or another drive into the lane to flop? Really don’t think your goal should be getting to the free throw line, those come when you aggressively attack the rim but he goes into the lane seeking out contact/draw fouls much more so than actually scoring.
Maybe I’m a little over the top but no more so than the opposing opinion that says he a all time great. you really enjoyed seeing him dribble out the entire clock while rest of the team stands around watching knowing that the outcome will either be a step back 3 or another drive into the lane to flop? Really don’t think your goal should be getting to the free throw line, those come when you aggressively attack the rim but he goes into the lane seeking out contact/draw fouls much more so than actually scoring.
You're discrediting his entire career over one game
You're discrediting his entire career over one game

You must not have known me very long bro, I been taking shots at him throughout his entire career! Believe me he gets way too much credit, he don’t need it from me! I don’t care bout him no showing this series, I expected it, not the 1st time!
When the going gets tough and the refs swallow the whistle (like they should been doing in the regular season!) he gets going, to the club that is!
You must not have known me very long bro, I been taking shots at him throughout his entire career! Believe me he gets way too much credit, he don’t need it from me! I don’t care bout him no showing this series, I expected it, not the 1st time!

I feel assaulted and don't want to have to go to the Special Victims Unit in St. Louis over this