The AFC is pasting the NFC - In-Game

I'm sure Romo will be out after this series, they seem to be splitting the game more evenly into thirds--and Romo's last series ended with that INT that wasn't really his fault.
Good grief, Adrian Peterson is good.

I'm glad to see him succeeding at this level after all the questions about him coming out of college. Good for him.
For the record, the reason Romo was still in the game was because the coaches asked him if he wanted to go back in for one more series because he threw the INT in his last trip out there. He said he did and you know the rest.

I don't know who gets the ball coming out of half.
The total for the second half is high, but it's sort of tough not to think about it.

Neither side has really done much to stop the other. The reason the NFC is down is they've had two turnovers.

I'm a Browns fan so obviously I think Anderson will do well in the second half, but that's based on more than me being a fan. First, he's got two of his own receivers there, Winslow and Edwards. Beyond that, he's running a system that's familiar to him. His OC in Cleveland ran a very similar system to what Norv is running in SD, so much so that Anderson was the guy calling in the plays to Manning in the first half.

I'm on the NFC to win, small, but it's tough not to like that Anderson factor in the second half over Hasselbeck and Garcia.

That said, the NFC is scoring TDs and the AFC seems to have slowed to FGs, at least for the time being.
The longer Adrian Peterson stays in the game, the better for the NFC. He's looked really good here today.

Actually, Hester's looked great on kick returns, too.

The NFC just hasn't really been able to get off the field on third down to this point.
Afc is done, they are not even trying, If BEN is in there he will struggle to score because he cannot throw. Hope ANderson is in now and Manning for the 4th qtr. This is good though cause the team is down will likely win the game in the 4th qtr.
I highly, highly doubt you see Manning again.

He goes to these things, comes out, tries hard, but generally only plays the first quarter.
Garcia to TO again, that winners' share must speak louder than their history.

35-30, NFC. 12:30 to go in the game.
If you don't see Manning then did they gave Anderson the whole 2nd half to play? If so what a joke cause AFC mailed this one in then, NFC is playing Peterson all game and the coach wants to win so badly, while AFC guys are just trying to get it over with
At this rate NFC will win by at least 12 to 19, they are scoring every time and AFC is just letting them, no resistance
What a mail in job by AFC, they play a replacement QB the whole 2nd half?? I should have bet the first half as the AFC does not care about this game because all the teams had super bowl aspirations. Even the coach Turner does not care,
Lot of time left, Sammy. Although I'm on the other side, let's not forget, only one QB in the league had a better statistical year than DA this year, and that was Brady.

So you've still got something on your side here.

I've got to take off, good luck the rest of the way, at least one of us should get the green.

NFC has it, AFc has quit big time, they were never interested in this one, even up 24-7 they basically got blown out after that. NFC is using Peterson lol to run the score up, Mccarthy wants this game really bad
McCarthy is a top 5 coach in this league. Scheming wise I dont think I would take anybody over him. Hes an offensive genius and very good with X's and O's type of stuff