Thank you for another great year.


Pretty much a regular
Final total +2115

I want to thank everyone that came into my MLB threads all year. Special thanks to Inzane who came in to respond every day. Thanks to 2dabank, KJ and Chipnotized for the great conversations all season. Thank you to Wiseplayer for always checking on me and keeping me out of trouble. And lvmike I told you we would win, and we will do it again next year as well. Thanks to all of you that just came in to read my ridiculous rants and nonsense and refrained from calling me a nitwit. I respect your self control. And Cashflowmatters who has always supported me for the last 20 years. Although admitting you are the reason I came to this forum will probably get you banned quicker than paid I always appreciate it and your kind words. I hope I haven't forgotten anyone but if I have, I'm sorry and know that I appreciate you.

I will be posting in the NFL forum which I will turn around to the plus side by seasons end. And in the college basketball forum where I always do well in totals and team totals every year. And do not go into my college football posts because I suck since Bloodhound stopped carrying me every season.

Please stay safe in the off season so come next April we can have one more good year in the sun. GL
Thanks wire. I was on those GS Unders til they faded. Made a few bets and ended down a little. Just dont want to add/fund another book or books that do the 2.5 buy. Sucks my current ones dont. But that's on me. Great year and always enjoy reading your thread. Thanks