Texas Rangers Under 80.5 wins


Pretty much a regular
I just put a solid amount on this. I don't think Rangers come within 10 of that number. After Milwood and Padilla, their starting pitching is trash and injured. Looking at their division, they face some of the toughest hurlers in ball with Colon, Hernandez, Haren, that other guy on LAA, that other guy on Oakland... I think a healthy diet of tough AL West games will leave these guys in the cellar again, with 65-70 wins. Sammy Sosa? Cmon.
Wrong forum and you're also wrong on a lot of the stuff you say. Colon is both trash and injured. You should also consult a Rangers fan before making generalizations about the Rangers. If you did then you would know that the real concern for this team is actually hitting.

Injured starters? Who is injured, please tell me? If you're talking about Jamey Wright who got put on the DL today then I guess. But his "injury" is an obvious fake injury just to make room for Gagne. He was named the "5th starter" cuz they only need the 5th starter a few times this month and Kam Loe (the eventual 5th starter) was more valuable in the pen for this first month. The bullpen is also extremely solid especially if Gagne returns to form.

Tough division? Who? Angels are above average (with a lot of question marks) and Oakland and Seattle are both mediocre as well. Good luck with that prediction of 70 wins. This team will be in the mid 80's. If a few things fall into place (get Sosa the f out of here) they can push that to 90 and challenge for this mediocre division. Oh and by "in the cellar again with 65-70 wins" you must not have been referring to the 80 wins from last year. Nothing impressive but thats not a cellar and its also a number that doesn't fall between 65-70.
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Sounds like you took this personally, Alby. I stand by what I said. I think your pitching staff is the weakest in the division and your lineup isn't as great as it has been the past few years. Although I am a big Otsuka fan, what good is a stud closer if you can't get to him? Go ask Trevor Hoffman. We obviously have different opinions on the A's, and I really do believe its between TEX and SEA for the cellar.
I'm not a Rangers fan, and I disagree with BOTH of ya :smiley_acbe:

they go over 70 easily but they won't even sniff 90. Can I middle the two of ya?

Kinsler is raking early on and if he stays healthy this year, should be about a .290, 25-30 HR guy... pretty good for 2B. Teixeira and Young will break out of their slumps... if these guys put up numbers like this in a 2-week stretch in August, you don't notice it as much as you do now. Texas' staff is nothing to write home about, but Tejeda is FAR from trash. When that offense heats up at home, they'll be good for a .500 record, and depending on the health of the rest of the AL West, which is always a HUGE question and already a factor, I'd favor the over on them this year.

I'll also argue that Colon's no good, Haren's a stud, and Prince Felix needs to stay healthy and produce for a year before I crown him King. And if you name "that other guy" from Oakland and Anaheim, are they really that good?
I think it will be very close to the 80

As a semi Ranger fan (fan until end of May when they usually find thier way out of the race) This team is not horrible but does not have a chane at winning the division. They have a good bullpen depending what Gagne does and like Albanyman was saying w/ Loe being the 5th starter the should be decent SP. It will come down to the bats waking up and with a lineup with Kinsler, Texeria, Young, Blalock and some Sosa and Lofton thrown in. I think 80 is right on the #. GLTA
Adding: KC Royals Under 67.5
CHC under 83.5

Now I have:
TEX under 80.5 -104
KC under 67.5 +105
NYM over 89.5 -121
CHC under 83.5 +105

I also have Atlanta over 82.5 but didn't post it and wouldn't but it today with -200 juice. I got it at -153. All plays are 3 units.