Terpman92-MLB Picks For Sunday March 30th


Buy, Build, and Sell = "Becoming Rich"
:tiphat:Those two Tokyo games were nice for shit & gigs! Lets start this season off nice gents! 2007 record: W-628-L-516-T-19 54.90% +23027 Units. 2008 record: W-3-L-2-T-0 +2.70 Units.

Braves-1.5 -105 1 Unit.
Braves-159 ML 1 Unit.

As always!! Starting pitchers only, no action otherwise!

Hudson against Perez, Braves against Nats choice is obvious here. Good luck to all degenerate baseball sports investors! Remember baseball is a 6-7 month marathon. Don't...I repeat, DON'T SHOOT YOUR Whole bankroll on a POY,POTC,POTM etc. I don't want to see my buds on a grate in D.C. telling everyone if only this or that would have happened! Enough warnings today my amigos! BATTER UP :cheers: Good luck to all!!
Thanks Ray, you too! Looking at the weather, it's cold and raining here in Wilmington. Curious to see if this will impact the game in D.C.
Tomorrow will be interesting! I could have several hundred in play! I feel confident enough about it this year. Plus I have the means to do it. So why not?
Last year that 2.70 Units would have been $27 now I'm up $270. I should have clarified that on the original post. Last year I always stated exactly how much cash I was up neglected to do that on this 1st post of 2008 my apologies for the confusion.