Tennessee Ices Dooley

Is there any talent in Tennessee or do you have to go outside the state for most of the recruiting?
Tenn has talent, but they can nab GA talent and get some from FLA

inexcuseable to be that bad at that school
There is talent in West Tennessee but that talent tends to migrate to Alabama, Ole Miss, etc as it is closer to those campuses
worst decision ever to fire fulmer and hire lane kiffin. That has caused the Vols to spin violently out of control.
Fulmer was really bad his last 3 years, though, and I think the administration was tired of his attitude. It was his time but they have had some bad luck with coaches and off-field issues with players.

Agree with twink, no excuse to not be an 8 win team at least at that school.
Fulmer was really bad his last 3 years, though, and I think the administration was tired of his attitude. It was his time but they have had some bad luck with coaches and off-field issues with players.

Agree with twink, no excuse to not be an 8 win team at least at that school.

he was bad his last year because jonathon crompton was terrible and arian foster couldnt hold onto the ball. The problem was the fucking AD. Cant believe you would think Fulmer was worse than this.