Tell Me Where I'm Wrong--Big XII Initial Power Rankings

RJ Esq

Prick Since 1974
On to the #2 conference this year. This will be the most competitive Big XII season that I can remember with a number of upsets. The South is absolutely loaded and even Baylor could be up and coming in the next few years. The North also has 4 teams that will be very competitive and another (KSU) that will score an upset or two.

To the South.

2007 Closing PR: 103
2008 Pre-Season PR: 98

Return 13 starters, QB Bradford, but just 42 lettermen (22,18,2).

Offseason losses are incoming freshmen WR Josh Jarboe and OL Britt Mitchell.

Offensively, Oklahoma returns an amazing running game with Demarco Murray behind THE BEST OL in CFB. The OL will do a great job with run blocking and protecting Bradford. Question will be whether Bradford has a sophmore slump ala Colt McCoy. I don't think he will (projected: 42-43 ppg, 200-210 rypg, 4.7-4.8 ypc, 250-260 pypg). On D, they only return 5 and lose their top 4 tacklers, including Curtis Lofton (156 tackles!). The back 7, particularly the DBs are the real concern. Young, talented, but inexperienced (projected: 21-24 ppg, 90-105 rypg, 3-3.3 ypc, 230-250 pypg).

Bear in mind that almost every teams' defensive stats will suffer as the Big XII, and particularly the Big XII South should be the offensive juggernaut of CFB.

Against offense, teams are going to have to pick their poison. I think most will try to sell out against the run. Against the D, they are going right after the DBs and teams that play the spread (TT) may have great success.

2007 Closing PR: 90
2008 Pre-season PR: 95

You'll notice that I have Texas over TT. A bit of a homer pick but I'm not buying TT's hype this year. That being said, TT could beat OU or Texas this year. They too will be very good.

Texas returns only 11 starters, but returns Colt McCoy at QB, bring in a new DC, by all accounts a new coaching philosophy and intensity, and 47 lettermen (25,18,4).

Offseason loss: Incoming WR Antoine Hicks did not qualify and went to TCU.

Offensively, Texas will be strong again. Everyone is calling for a drop off in the running game. I think there will be, but not by much. Vondrell McGee and Fozzy Whittaker are both strong backs and when has Texas not had an excellent running game? The problem last year--a young OL--is now a strength and the passing game should improve if Colt can feel like it's not all on him (and they add in a couple of #4 WR replacement candidates in Malcolm Williams and Dan Buckner) (projected: 38-41 ppg, 200 rypg, 5 ypc, 240-260 pypg). The main reason why every magazine is down on Texas is their D. It only returns 4 starters and they lose 3 of their top 5 tacklers. My belief is that this year it will be a case of addition by subtraction. Most of the losses were from lackluster recruiting classes and their replacements are inexperienced but vastly more talented. Add in Muschamp and a much more aggressive attitude and I think the difference will be noticeable. The main concern is the DBs who are YOUNG, particularly at safety. Still, I think there will be drastic improvement on the stats (projected 21-23 ppg, 100-115 rypg, 2.9-3.2 ypc, 240 pypg allowed).

Against the offense, teams will likely test the OL and running game first and see if Colt throws INTs. Last year Colt had a 22-18 ratio, which is pretty bad but not horrible. Compared to his freshman year of 29-7, it sucked. I think that he'll cut down on his INTs this year. Also look for offensive sets with Chiles and Colt on the field at the same time. Against the D, teams will go after the DBs. Texas will line up in alot more nickel this year to defend against the spread attacks permeating the BXII.

Texas Tech
2007 Closing PR: 88
2008 Pre-Season PR: 93

TT returns 18 starters, a senior Heisman Trophy candidate QB, the best WR in the country, one of the best WR corps in the country, and 61 lettermen (26,29,6)!

Offseason losses: Backup RB Kobey Lewis, backup CB Steven Harris, and probably starting DE McKinner Dixon (unknown if he will be gone for season).

Tech will have one of the best offenses in the entire country with 10 returning starters coming back to a team that put up 41 ppg last year. I look for slightly higher numbers this year (projected: 42-43 ppg, 80-100 rypg, 3.6-3.8 ypc, 470 pypg). I wonder when Leach will give his running back more true carries. On D, 8 starters return and they return 3 of their top 5 tacklers. Alot has been made of the defensive improvement since teh loss at OSU last year. However, the caliber of opponents dropped off for the most part. When they did play better opponents (Mizzou, Texas, and Virginia), the D got their ass handed to them. The weak spot will be the DBs (projected: 25-26 ppg, 150-160 rypg, 3.8-4 pyc, 190-200 pypg allowed).

Against the offense, teams will have to cover the pass in a nickel formation. Tech doesn't run traditionally (3 yard passes don't count). Against the D, teams are going right after the DBs.

Oklahoma St
2007 Closing PR: 87
2008 Pre-Season PR: 87

Okie Lite returns 13 starters, QB Zach Robinson, but only 34 lettermen (15,16,3). They also bring in a new OC.

No offseason losses of note.

Okie Lite tends to always be a darkhorse in the South. The number of returning lettermen is a cause for concern. This will be a young team. On the offensive side of the ball, the concern will be at RB and WR as they lost their 1300 yrd rusher and 1000 yd receiver. Will anyone step up to those numbers? Probably not. On the OL, they need to replace their center but return everyone else (projected: 34-36 ppg, 225-230 rypg, 5-5.2 ypc, 230-240 pypg). On D, they return 6, but lose their top tackler in a balanced defense. The weakness will be the front 4. It has talent, but not experience and will take time to gel (projected: 26-28 ppg, 150-160 rypg, 4-4.2 ypc, 230-250 pypg).

Against the offense, teams will be taking away the pass and forcing Okie Lite to run. Against the defense, look for teams to run to set up the pass until the DL can prove them can stop the run.

2007 Closing PR: 86
2008 Pre-Season PR: 85

The Fighting Sheepfuckers return just 10 starters, return a Sr. option QB, bring in a pro-style offense coaching staff, and return 45 lettermen (17,24,4).

It's going to be interesting to see what Sherman does with this option offense and how he transitions it into a pro-style offense. Honestly, he doesn't have the personnel to run his desired offense and will have to make accomodations.

Offseason losses: Starting K Matt Szymanski and backup WLB Derrick Stephens.

Offensively, there are a number of weaknesses--most notably at OL and WR. The OL only returns 1 starter and needs to learn new blocking schemes. Also, the WRs have not proven that they can put up big numbers and they lose their top 2 receiving options. Production will be down (projected: 25-28 ppg, 180-210 rypg, 4.4 ypc, 185-215 pypg). On the defensive side, Aggy loses their top 2 tacklers and the losses are particularly heavy for the front 7 (projection: 24-25 ppg, 160-180 rypg, 4.3 ypc, 230-250 pypg).

Against the offense, taking away the run until they can prove they can pass in the new system. Against the defense, going right after the front 7 on the ground.

2007 Closing PR: 66
2008 Pre-Season PR: 72

Baylor returns 15 starters, including 9 to a spread offense which now gets one of the best offensive coaches in Art Briles, and 49 returning lettermen (21,26,2).

No notable offseason losses.

Baylor will need another year, but they could make great strides offensively this year with Miami Fl QB Freeman and Fr. Robert Griffin coming in. Briles is a very good offensive coach and has worked magic with less. Aside from the new systems, starting a new QB, the other worry is the running game after losing their top RB. But under Briles, the stats should improve (projection: 21-23 ppg, 110 rypg, 3-3.3 ypc, 250-280 pypg). For the D, they return 6 including 3 of the top 5 starters. Overall, I look for improvement from all areas of the D, with the main question mark being the LBs (projected: 32-37 ppg, 165-180 rypg, 4.1-4.5 ypc, 240-270 pypg).

Against the offense, teams will attack the freshmen QB until he can prove himself. Look for the WRs to get one on one coverage. Against the defense, look for a more balanced attack as teams probe for the soft spots. Is it the run or the pass? We'll see.
On to the North.

2007 Closing PR: 96
2008 Pre-Season PR: 96

Mizzou returns 14 starters and Heisman candidate Chase Daniel, but only returns 37 lettermen (14,22,1).

No notable offseason losses.

On offense, the key question marks are the running game after losing Temple (1100 yds) and losing their starting center and LT. I expect their offensive output to dip abit (projection: 38-40 ppg, 165-175 rypg, 4.4-4.6 ypc, 280-310 pypg). On D, they return 8 starters, including their top 3 tacklers each with 100+ tackles. The front 7 appears to be their strength, and the DBs aren't that far off. I expect the D numbers to improve (projection: 19.5-22 ppg, 120-130 rypg, 3.6-3.8 ypc, 220-230 pypg).

Last year, Mizzou was fortunate in that thy were +13 in TOs and they only lost 8 starts to injury.

Against the offense, teams will try to take away the pass and see who steps up on the running game. Against the defense, teams will have to test the DBs. The front 7 looks very strong.

2007 Closing PR: 75
2008 Pre-Season PR: 87

Nebraska should be one of the most improved teams and could have been better last year if their D hadn't completely tanked. Huskers return 11 starters, bring in a Sr. QB who started the last 3 last year, bring in a new defensive minded HC and will keep much of the offense from last year, and return 51 lettermen (24,23,4).

Offseason losses: Backup DT Kevin Dixon.

On offense, the Huskers will focus more on the run but will still incorporate the pass in a West Coast attack. The OL is very experienced but loses 2 starters. Stats should be very similar to last year with the improved D (projected: 33 ppg, 144-175 rypg, 4.3-4.7 ypc, 245-265 pypg). On D, the Huskers lost 3 of their top 5 tacklers and will be handled by a stronger task master. The back 7, particularly the LBs, are the concern. The DL looks very strong (projection: 24-27 ppg, 150 rypg, 3.5-3.7 ypc, 215-245 pypg).

The offense will be a more run-based attack.

Against the offense, teams will be trying to force the pass. Stack the line expecting the run. Against the offense, teams will be testing the pass defense. I expect Kansas and Mizzou to both have success.

2007 Closing PR: 96
2008 Pre-Season PR: 93

Not buying Kansas. They are a good team, but last year they benefitted from a very weak schedule, +21 in TOs, and only 3 starts lost to injury.

KU returns 15 starters, a Heisman candidate QB, and 42 returning lettermen (17,24,1).

Offseason losses: Starting DT Todd Haselhorst and backup CB Anthony Webb.

Offensively, I expect a drop off in stats just from increased competition. They lose a 1100+ yard rusher and their top receiver as well. Todd Reesing also had a ridiculous ratio at 33-7 but will most likely have a 2nd year drop off. The main question will be RB and the Tackle positions (projection: 38 ppg, 165-185 rypg, 4.4-4.8 ypc, 256-290 pypg). On D, they return 9 including their top 4 tacklers. The LBs are the strength of the D, and the DL and DBs will have a little dropoff early due to losses. Stats will be worse due to competition (projection: 21-22 ppg, 95-120 rypg, 3.1-3.5 ypc, 220-230 pypg allowed).

Against the offense, teams will try to force the run. Against the defense, teams will have to poke and prod to determine whether the front 4 or back 4 are the weak links.
Kansas St
2007 Closing PR: 82
2008 Pre-season PR: 86

KSU returns 12 starters, brings in a new OC, returns 3rd year QB Josh Freeman, and 44 lettermen (19,21,4).

No notable offseason losses.

KSU loses their top RB and receiver this year. They only lose one starter on the OL and should put up similar numbers to last year (projected: 35-36 ppg, 135-145 rypg, 4.5-5.0 ypc, 245-265 pypg). On D, they lose their top 2 tacklers from a very balanced D. The two big questions on D will be the DL and 2 CBs. I expect the D stats to improve but that offenses will go after the inexperienced DL (projection: 28-30 ppg, 140-150 rypg, 3.5-3.7 ypc, 200-230 pypg allowed).

Against the offense, teams will focus on defending the pass. Against the defense, teams will test the run D of the front 7.

2007 Closing PR: 85
2008 Pre-season PR: 87

I think Colorado may be one of the most improved teams this year and could finish as high as 3rd in the North. Their end of season PR could fall between 89 and 91. They return 14 starters and 41 lettermen (19,20,2).

Offseason losses: Starting WR Markques Simas, backup DE Daniel Madrovsky, backup RT Sione Tau, and backup MLB Nate Vailmounga.

The Buffs are now in their 3rd year of Hawkins system and QB Hawkins has a year under his belt. They have risen from 16 ppg to 27 ppg and may rise even higher this year. They lose 1000+ yd rusher but get PS#1 Darrell Scott. On the OL, they lose 3 linemen (projection: 27-28 ppg, 125-145 rypg, 3.6-3.9 ypc, 225-240 pypg). On D, they return 4 of their top 5 tacklers but lose LB Dizon (173 tackles!). The D should improve as the DL will be very strong and should improve overall. No apparent weaknesses exist (projection: 25 ppg, 110-130 rypg, 3.3-3.9 ypc, 230-260 pypg allowed).

Iowa St
2007 Closing PR: 83
2008 Pre-season PR: 83

ISU returns 14 starters, returns a QB who played in 6 games but did not start any, and return only 27 lettermen (9,14,4). This is a very young team.

Offseason: WR Wallace Franklin is injured.

On offense, I look for improvement but only because there is nowhere to go but up. They lost their top WR last year, so they will have to replace Blythe. I think the biggest question is the passing game (projection: 20-22 ppg, 140-150 rypg, 3.2-3.7 ypc, 175-190 pypg). On D, ISU loses their top 2 tacklers but return the next 5. The weak spot in the lineup is at D and teams will need to test whether that affects the passing or running defense more. Overall, the D should improve though (projection: 28-30 ppg, 135-140 rypg, 3.5-4.0 ypc, 225-250 pypg allowed).

We have almost exactly the same spreads with every team in the south except TAMU , where you have them WAY hgiher than i do.

In the north, i have kansas slightly lower but i under estimated that team all last year too. kstate i have slightly different as well but they are also a team that i am not confident in my number. Your iowa state number is too high. i am pretty sure of that.

my two cents compared to your two cents.
Thanks for the input, VK. Yeah, ISU may be very high. They might me more like a 76 or 78.

If Aggy is high, I think I may have them just a bit to high. They could be an 83 or so. It all depends what Sherman decides to do this year.

With Kansas and K State, I think that I have them about right. Kansas might be a bit high but it all depends whether last year was a fluke or not. Remember that they played VT very tough in the bowl. VT wasn't that good, but was still a solid teams with a low 90s PR (maybe 91 or 92).
Thanks for the input, VK. Yeah, ISU may be very high. They might me more like a 76 or 78.

If Aggy is high, I think I may have them just a bit to high. They could be an 83 or so. It all depends what Sherman decides to do this year.

With Kansas and K State, I think that I have them about right. Kansas might be a bit high but it all depends whether last year was a fluke or not. Remember that they played VT very tough in the bowl. VT wasn't that good, but was still a solid teams with a low 90s PR (maybe 91 or 92).

I am so not confident in my number with kstate , i may just average it in with yours and hokies and others to get a better number. just going to avoid their games at the start of the year. Also, like i said i underrated kansas all last year and may still be, so that difference is probably my number being off , more than likely .... don't know what it is about that state that i cant get a good feel for , lol
Big 12 North

You have Neb. too high and Kansas too low. Ks. lost a 1100 yd rusher but replaced him with Jr. coll off player of year. Fast and big. Currently two returning starters are running 2nd team on defense. I know schedule was weak last year but trust me this is not a one year fluke. Depth is better than ever. I have followed this program for 30 years and this is not the old Ks. We are not as talented as some but we are every bit as tough as anybody. The team has a chip on their shoulder b/c the general consensus around the country is that they were a one year wonder. If I can answer any questions regarding KU let me know.
You have Neb. too high and Kansas too low. Ks. lost a 1100 yd rusher but replaced him with Jr. coll off player of year. Fast and big. Currently two returning starters are running 2nd team on defense. I know schedule was weak last year but trust me this is not a one year fluke. Depth is better than ever. I have followed this program for 30 years and this is not the old Ks. We are not as talented as some but we are every bit as tough as anybody. The team has a chip on their shoulder b/c the general consensus around the country is that they were a one year wonder. If I can answer any questions regarding KU let me know.

i think that crawford (junior college rb) can be better than brandon mcanderson, but with his history of off the field problems, I am not sold on him. I think one thing you are overlooking is the loss of two other very important players from last years team that wont be back, derek fine (TE) and the DT (james mcclintock i believe). While you lb's should be among the best in the conference as a unit, I believe their success is dependent on the dline's ability to pressure the qb, and I just think that against pass happy teams such as mizzou, texas tech, and great offensive teams like OU, they will struggle. I would agree with your first statement about KU being to low and Nebraska being too high, but I cant agree with your statement about a one year fluke. I see you guys at very best 9-3 but more realistically being 7-5 or 8-4. I am understanding your interpretation of not being a one year fluke as being another top 10-15 team in the country, and I just dont see that happening, especially when ou, mizzou, texas, texas tech, are likely to be ahead of you in the rankings. I think you will finish the year as a 20-25 ranked team assuming you fall to a bowl such as the alamo in which you will more than likely beat an average big 10 team.
if you go off of recruiting, nebraska is still the most talented team, especially on defense. Let's see what happens with a real coach.
Huskers and KState will be improved.

Most people reading too much into KStates finish last year...after they blew the KU and Okie State game, they lost it totally, getting smashed by Nebraska, Fresno, and Iowa State. They were not as bad as the recored indicated. The O-line should be one of the best in the league.

KU will be solid again, but not Top 10. Last year they didnt lose anyone to injury/suspension and had the easiest schedule in the nation. This year they drop Baylor, Okie St, and A/M and add UT, OU and TTech....and @ S. Florida.

Good stuff RJ.
RJ, Your final 2007 PR numbers, are they made at the conclusion of the regular season (conference championship) or at the end of bowl season?

Am I understanding this correctly, according to your 2007 final PR numbers, Oklahoma was the best team in the country?
RJ, Your final 2007 PR numbers, are they made at the conclusion of the regular season (conference championship) or at the end of bowl season?

Am I understanding this correctly, according to your 2007 final PR numbers, Oklahoma was the best team in the country?

End of the regular season (and after Bowl Championship Games as well).

I had OU as the best team in the country.
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President of Mike Leach Fan Club

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<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->thanks blue chips.

Managed to cash another winner today with Auburn and my fourth consecutive bowl win eliminates some of my fears after being on the wrong sides of nevada and ASU in my first two plays. Since those games i have gone 4-0 and been on the right side of each. So in a moose filled bowl season , i have managed to neither benefit or suffer from the appearance of the big beast.

Auburn gave up one td on the broken tackles by spiller ( what a great individual effort by him on that play ) and the other was set up by the turnover deep in auburn territory followed by a nice fade pattern and goal line conversion. Outside of those two plays ... clemson just couldnt move the ball. Auburn was much mroe effective at the line of scrimmage and moving the chains. Gave up 17 in regulation ....... as mentioned earlier in the thread .... love taking the points in games where the favorite struggles a TON to score points. CHA CHING !

Have Georgia -7 tomorrow. quick thoughts ....

-I think both of these teams will be motivated to play in this game.
-I give a slight coaching edge to Richt. ( both good coaches )
-I cannot fathom a scenario where Georgia is unable to pound the ball down Hawaii's throat.
-Troy is the closest thing to hawaii's offense that Georgia saw this year and troy had some success moving the ball on them.
-Georgia will be one of the few ( if any ) teams that can get the necessary pressure on brennan with just their DL
-have to mention the schedule. one difficult ... one hawaii
-hawaii just does not play as well on the mainland
-Georgia is currently my number two power rated team in the nation (oklahoma #1 )
-speed advantage for georgia
-size advantage for georgia
-talent advantage for Georgia
-georgia rush attack > hawaii rush defense
-hawaii pass attack > georgia pass defense
-georgia pass attack > hawaii pass defense
-hawaii rush attack < georgia rush defense

I think georgia wins this one convincingly.
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I had oklahoma number one heading into the bowls as well last year.