Tebow's little speech after Ole Miss game


Used to be "Fun Cub"
This speech pisses me off more than about anything. It's just Yag. I hope OU rolls this douche.

Sorry for the rant.

God bless.
Better Late than Never:

By request, the following is a transcript from the Florida locker room after their recent home loss to the team that lost at home to Wake Forest.

Meyer: Fellers, I’m not quite sure what to say. I guess I’d like to start out by saying I’m proud of each and every one of you, and I’d like to tell you that I’m really pleased with the effort I saw, the desire to win, and your total refusal to roll over and lose the game. I’d like to tell you that… but it’s all bull----. The polish is off the turd. You ----ers are make me sick.

Spikes: Say what???

Meyer: Sorry, got caught up in a moment of brutal honesty, and, you know, honesty’s really not my thing. I’m generally at my best when I’m lying my sorry ass off to players. But this isn’t recruiting, so…

Tebow: Coach, I just want to apologize for not winning the game.

Meyer: Gee, Timmy, that’s really swell, but, uhhh, take a quick look around the room and tell me what you see.

Tebow: Well, uhhh, I guess lockers… some dirty towels… uhhh… oh, and showers. I like showers!

Meyer: Notice anything else?

Tebow: Hmmm… several guys wearing Tim Tebow outfits?

Meyer: Those are uniforms.

Tebow: Right, Tim Tebow “uniforms.”

Meyer: Timmy, those are your teammates.

Tebow: Teammates?

Meyer: Yes, other players on the team.

Tebow: Team?

Meyer: Yes, Timmy. A functional unit of people working together for a common goal.

Tebow: You mean, like, getting Tim Tebow into the end zone?

Meyer: Like getting Florida into the win column, which, by the way, is something we’ve never done when trailing in the second half since you’ve been at Florida.

Tebow: I’m (sniff) sorry, Coach. You’re right (sniff sniff) and you’re such an awesome guy. No one will work harder to make us win, especially since we’re better than everyone else and deserve to win (sob). I’ll work harder to score and to run and to awkwardly heave the ball downfield. I’ll will us to…

Meyer: Save it for your worshippers, Timmy.

Tebow: I’m sorry.

Meyer: Whatever. Can anybody tell me what it takes to make a champion?

Tartt: Biscuits and mustard?

Meyer: What?

Tartt: Maybe some o’ them French-fried ’taters?

Meyer: Jim, go outside and dig a hole.

Tartt leaves the lockerroom.

Meyer: Somebody do me a favor and lock the door behind him.

Tebow: I’m sorry I didn’t lock the door. I promise to work hard to dig a better hole.

Meyer: Don’t be ridiculous Timmy. How could you dig a bigger hole than a fumble on our own 18, giving us back-to-back turnovers on consecutive plays?

Tebow: I hadn’t really thought about it that way.

Meyer: We didn’t recruit you to think.

Cooper: Can I wash my hair now?

Meyer: Shut the ---- up.

Pierre-Louis: At least it’s early in the season.

Meyer: What???

Pierre-Louis: It’s early in the season.

Meyer: (blink)

Pierre-Louis: I’m just sayin’… You know, it’s early in the season.

Meyer: (blink… blink blink)

Pierre-Louis: …so, you know, we still have time to…

Meyer: How are you even on this team?

Tebow: Team?

Meyer: Look, we just lost at home to Ole Miss. Ole Miss. And it’s not like there was a Manning at quarterback. It was that kid we told we were recruiting Tebow as a linebacker.

Doe: (chuckling) That was a good one!

Meyer: Shut the ---- up.

Doe: Sorry.

Tebow: Hey, that’s my line.

Meyer: Hey. Shut… the ----… up.

Tebow and Doe: Sorry.

Meyer: Has it occurred to any of you how embarrassing this is for me?

Harvin: For you? How do you think we feel?

Meyer: I dunno. How did you feel when you put the tater on the carpet on our 34 on the second play of the second half?

Harvin: Hey, I had 186 yards of offense.

Meyer: Goody gumdrops.

Harvin: Did it occur to you to maybe give me the ball when we needed one lousy yard?

Meyer: Do I need to remind you that I’m your coach?

Harvin: Do I need to remind you what I did to an official in high school?

Meyer: Simmer down, Percy.

Harvin: Don’t make me break this bad foot off in your ass.

Meyer: Save your foot; we might need it for extra points.

Tebow: I promise (sob) to work harder on extra points.

Meyer: Timmy, you don’t kick.

Tebow: Why not?

Meyer: We leave that to the kicker.

Tebow: Kicker?

Meyer: He’s one of your teammates.

Tebow: Teammates?

Meyer: Ye gods.

Pouncey: What now?

Meyer: Now we go to Arkansas.

Other Pouncey: To play Houston Nutt?

Meyer: No, that was Houston Nutt that beat us today.

Pouncey: So who’s beating us next week?

Meyer: We’re not losing next week!

Other Pouncey: How do you know?

Tebow: I’m going to will this team to victory.

Meyer: Timmy…

Tebow: Yes?

Meyer: SHUT THE ---- UP!

Tebow: Sorry.

Haden: You already said that.

Meyer: Holy ----. Do you realize that a mere 4 hours ago I was hailed as a genius? Now I have the same record as that school out west.

Rainey: FS…

Meyer: HEY! Don’t say it! You know I refuse to say or hear their name.

Rainey: Yeah, but we lost to an SEC team. They lost to Wake Forest.

Meyer: The SEC team that beat us lost to Wake Forest.

Rainey: Oh.

Meyer: Yeah.

Rainey: Dang, sometimes it’s not nice to be me.

Meyer: I know the feeling
I am rapidly starting to hate Tim Tebow as well. And its really not his fault in some ways. The media just can't get off a guy like that.

I have a feeling if you asked some of his team mates in private what they thought about him, they would probably call him a good two shoes f**.
dude is anyone else just straight up pissed at him for going to Asia and doing charity work?
dude is anyone else just straight up pissed at him for going to Asia and doing charity work?

MFer gives all good Gators a bad name...everyone knows that during Spring Breaks @ UF you're supposed to be in Key West practicing pure debauchery....:tiphat:
Tebow was in Africa setting up a clinic...or India clothing and feeding the homeless...or Indonesia buiding schools....:seeya:
I'm a pure degenerate so I can't identify but the kid does "practice what he preaches"....:shake:
Forget Tebow.

Myron Rolle at FSU is THE Man. He's a good DB at a major college, wins a Rhodes Scholarship, finished his undergrad work in 3 years and already working on his post-grad research. Plans to eventually go to medical school to become a neurosurgeon and to go to Africa to help setup clinics in needy areas.
Forget Tebow.

Myron Rolle at FSU is THE Man. He's a good DB at a major college, wins a Rhodes Scholarship, finished his undergrad work in 3 years and already working on his post-grad research. Plans to eventually go to medical school to become a neurosurgeon and to go to Africa to help setup clinics in needy areas.

:cheers: Rolle should've gone to UF, also..............:tiphat:
I'm only a fan of tebow because of his play, and that GF. but this thread is what's Yag. simply ridiculous to criticize that speech. sure, it's overboard how the media is on his dick so much. but the bottom line is that he manned up after that loss, and delivered.
guess it's hard for kids to realize when a young adult is actually acting like a man. sry...but whatever tebow's faults may be...he's definitely more of a man than the overwhelming majority at his level.
that locker room speech was one of the funniest things i ever read lol... Teammates?

anyway we can all watch tebow take a big dump on ou's joke of a defense in the national championship
Forget Tebow.

Myron Rolle at FSU is THE Man. He's a good DB at a major college, wins a Rhodes Scholarship, finished his undergrad work in 3 years and already working on his post-grad research. Plans to eventually go to medical school to become a neurosurgeon and to go to Africa to help setup clinics in needy areas.

Tebow went to Phillippines though on Christian Missions.

Tebow...this guy was homeschooled and instilled with Christian values

Tebow ....this guy wasn't even supposed to live when he was born. His mom suffered a pathogenic amoeba and was supposed to get an abortion

Tebow...this guy is in Phillipines on spring break when the other athletes are out getting laid on south beach

Tebow.....this guy has like a 3.7 something and is majoring in childhood education he wants to use his fame to help children that's someone with his head on

Tebow....show me a more well mannered young man

Tebow....he runs over linebacker's like he's superman. He won the heisman Myron Rolle didn't do that.

Tebow....this guy is named Tim Tebow.
Forget Tebow.

Myron Rolle at FSU is THE Man. He's a good DB at a major college, wins a Rhodes Scholarship, finished his undergrad work in 3 years and already working on his post-grad research. Plans to eventually go to medical school to become a neurosurgeon and to go to Africa to help setup clinics in needy areas.

I hate him too.

Goody two shoes bitch. Why don't you try skipping class every once in a while like a normal person?
I hate him too.

Goody two shoes bitch. Why don't you try skipping class every once in a while like a normal person?

They're both "goody two shoes" biatches that I wouldn't want to have a beer with...with one HUGE difference...Mr. Tebow is the consumate WINNA on the football field......:tiphat:
Tebow definitely practices what he preaches and for that I commend him. I currently have a Tebowner
as much as i love tebow rolle will prob go in the first round of the draft which tebow will not