TCU -180

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Hate to cry fix, but jesus fucking christ are you kidding me???
Don't know about fix, but TCU offense looked hopeless. They could barely sustain drives against a pretty mediocre defense and the turnovers....they should have won this game by 3 TD's
i can't believe this team was considered by some last week to beat texas this week they lose to air force. I guess this team is breaking down all kinds of boundries.
looked at the ML wager myself, fortunate I just lost more on the spread - (shakes head) what a joke, i'm going to give it to a TCU alumni tomorrow in class.
65 snaps on the air force side of midfield and they get 17 points. lol.

air force has 1 in the second half and 12 total for the game
Makes ya wonder who did have the best defense

Say what ?
assume this was sarcasm.
plays of ten yards or more tcu 14 air force 8
plays of 6 yards or more tcu 28 air force 15
tackled for loss tcu 4 air force 9
CRUD i am tired of looking at this game on replay or looking over the box score or the play by play. it was a game that tcu should have won by 24 or more. anyone watching the game or studying box's can see that.
it is one of the worst beats in the history of cfb betting and my personal worst.
CRUD i am tired of looking at this game on replay or looking over the box score or the play by play. it was a game that tcu should have won by 24 or more. anyone watching the game or studying box's can see that.
it is one of the worst beats in the history of cfb betting and my personal worst.

I am pretty disappointed VK still to this minute, it has been bothering me all day. I watched a replay of the 1st half last night and it got me fired up. I tried to forget this game and move on and I can't..ahh
yes etg .. these are the kind that stick with you. the good news is that somewhere down the line we will win a game that we clearly deserved to lose. thats just the nature of the beast. it should all pretty much even out in the end. still , it is like having someone pour salted tabasco sauce into an open wound in my rectum to hear anyone try to rationalize the outcome of that game as anything other than a terrible beat for tcu bettors.
yes etg .. these are the kind that stick with you. the good news is that somewhere down the line we will win a game that we clearly deserved to lose. thats just the nature of the beast. it should all pretty much even out in the end. still , it is like having someone pour salted tabasco sauce into an open wound in my rectum to hear anyone try to rationalize the outcome of that game as anything other than a terrible beat for tcu bettors.

yea, tell me bout it. I wasted my breath trying to e-kill someone when they said I didn't see "the whole picture" about last nights game.

I am wondering if that beat last night cancels out my WVU cover vs. Marshall last wk, I got pretty lucky there with Devine being the beast that he is.
hehe yes that was quite a cover... they score 42 in second half to cover by a point or so ? not sure if i remember that right and i am too lazy to look it up. you got instant payback for that win unfortunately.
it is one of the worst beats in the history of cfb betting and my personal worst.

No way. I've been betting on College Football probably longer than you've been alive (23 yrs). No way, no fukkin how was this one of the worst beats in CFB history. I had no betting interest in the game, so unlike you, I can actually be objective about it.

TCU outgained them by 5 first downs, and 70 yds. TCU was only covering the 8 (or 8.5 pts, whenever you got it) early in the 4th quarter when they went up by 14 pts. Still, they were only covering 5.5 or 6 pts over the number.

AF's defense stuffed the TCU run all night (check the stats) and forced a RS frosh QB to beat them on the road. He made predictable mistakes.

Like I said, I had no betting interest, but when I capped the game, it was AF + the pts or no play. What exactly has Andy Dalton shown you thus far to give you confidence to bet on him on the road?

Tough loss. Yes.

Bad beat? Hardly.

I have seen 100 beats over the yrs way worse than this, but I don't the time nor the desire to list them all.
No way. I've been betting on College Football probably longer than you've been alive (23 yrs).
got me by a few years. i have only been betting for 16 years. one of many things you are wrong about in your post. thanks for the extra tobasco sauce.

TCU outgained them by 5 first downs, and 70 yds
air force had two plays that accounted for over 120 yards of their offensive production.

I have seen 100 beats over the yrs way worse than this, but I don't the time nor the desire to list them all.
glad you took the time to out of your day to make this post atleast.

65 snaps to 12 on the opposing side of midfield calls for a 4-7 score victory. Tell you what ... you find me one game over the last 23 years of your storied football betting career that has a team with a better than 42 -1 ( net+41snaps) snaps in opposing territory for a half and was outscored i will send you one hundred bucks. just to make it worth your while. i know you time is important and perhaps the 100 dollars will give you more desire.
Not to mention that TCU's blocked Fg should enever have happened in the first place b/c the 3rd down play had the Qb thrown to inside shoulder it was an easy TD instead of haing the back get all turned around . God that kid pisses me off!!!!!!!!!
I am shocked on 1st down from the 27 with 57seconds left, they go to the endzone.. WTF? They obviously did not want to win that game.. A shot to the endzone????? Run the ball 3 times and kick a field goal
65 snaps to 12 on the opposing side of midfield calls for a 4-7 score victory.

Please show me where you read this stat and will apologize for all of this and admit that I was wrong.

TCU ran 77 plays for the entire game. You're telling that 65 of those plays were on Air Force's side of the field?

AF punter had 7 punts for 46.6 avg -- that's pretty good.

TCU had 6 punt returns for an avg of 9.7 yds each.

TCU had 2 kickoff returns for an avg of 7.5 yds per return.

I think your statistic of 65 out of 77 snaps on AF's side of the field is
a gross exaggeration.
actually you are right. it is slightly less than that.. very slightly. i counted a few offensive penalties ( false starts ) as plays that i probably should not have. it is still near that number. to check on this all you have to do is go to espn . com and read through the play by play and count. i cant seem to cut and paste that but it is easy to find
I just counted 16 plays in the first half alone where TCU was on THEIR OWN side of the field.

Now I will count the 2nd half plays.
10 plays in the 2nd half where TCU was on THEIR OWN side of the field.

Now take away the 4 plays in OT that TCU had on AF's side of the field because in OT every team starts at the 25 of the opponent, when on offense.

Now we've got 73 plays in regulation for TCU.

26 plays on their side of the field, and 47 plays on AF's side of the field.

Way less than the 65 you have been talking about.

Yes, TCU should have had more pts, but calling this one of "the worst beats of all-time" is simply wrong.

You lost the game, and that sucks, but it is what it is.
eliminating the penalty plays and not counting the extra point ... 40 snaps on air force side of midfield in second half. counting first half now to make sure we get it accurate enough for ya. oh i still count only 1 for air force in second half.
I will concede that it was a bad beat, but certainly not one of the worst of all time.

That's all I'm saying. If I spent the time, I could find 100 games in the past 23 yrs alone (just 4 per yr) that were much worse beats.

New Mexico -3 @ UTEP just 2 weeks ago was a terrible beat. Check out the yardage differential in that one.
yes i watched that game. it was a bad beat. total domination by new mexico. utep alum so i watched. i dont want to get into a pissing match. i need to let this game go. ill just agree to disagree with you and apologize for some of my sarcasm.. the loss still stings a bit i guess.
No need to apologize, dude. I actually started the whole debate and it really wasn't worth it. My bad. I should've realized you were still pissed.

We all get frustrated when our teams outplay the other guys and we lose. That's how I felt when New Mexico gave that game to UTEP. I was really pissed. I would've reacted how you did over this game.

We'll have more positive discussions next time.
Good stuff guys...we all ben there in games like this..

thanks for talking it out and not lettiing it go further