TB vs NE discussion


Fly, Eagles, Fly!
Would love to hear everyone’s thoughts on this game. So far I haven’t really seen anything to lead me to believe that NE can keep this close or win. However, I know it’s not as simple as that. If anyone should know how to limit Brady it’s Bill.
Who do you all think this game means more to?
The guys on FTM said the books don't see a game like this where everyone is 90%+ on one side. One book reported 98% on TB.
I am warming up to NE. TB has been far from dominating this season and asking for a 2 score win OTR in a hostile environment in such an emotional game is asking a lot. I am not a fan of this New England team, but think they have enough to keep it close.
Lot of moving parts trying to figure this one out.
On the Pats side of things that o-line is still a mess, both TEs have been underwhelming, no James White as a relief valve or to keep Mac from getting crushed, and that's just on the O-side of the ball. Coaching has been average at best, a couple steps down from what we're used to seeing especially in gameplanning. Special teams have been average to poor, blocked punt last week, stupid penalties, missed assignments, poor execution, long list. Defensively solid but nothing special, can't seem to get a stop when they absolutely have to have one. I'd like to say it's a typical BB team in the month of September but there seems to be something missing, just can't identify what it is. Maybe it's just a combination of shortcomings in a lot of areas. In the past these type of issues get resolved as the games get played but with this team it might take a while.
On the TB side of things I'd be worried about that defense. Richard Sherman is not the answer unless there are three of him in his prime suiting up on Sunday. (and Bowles installs the legion of boom defense this week). Gonna be fun watching the TB corners trying to play man. The front seven is not getting home and they've struggled against the run. LBs have been superb and if Trent Brown doesn't suit up Sunday night expect Shaq to have a field day in the backfield. Offensively it's hard to find serious issues but Gronk is dinged, RoJo has the football IQ of a rock, granite fingers Lenny is always a high wire act, dumb penalties, you know the drill if you've been watching. However, none of this matters if TB12 lights the place up which he very well might. If he throws in a clunker (which he does 4-5 times a season) the Pats have a chance.
Interesting story on one of the NE local sites that brought up the Peyton Manning gameplan BB used to use where he goes two high safeties and 6-7 secondary types and forces you to run the ball ALL GAME LONG. Worked that night but that was Manning, not Tom Brady.
I don't have enough brain cells to begin to guess what BB will come up with but you know he will fuck with Tom more than a couple times just because he can.
I'm betting the over 48' and gun to my head I'd take the 7 with the Pats. Good chance they let Mac air it out against that suspect secondary (assuming the oline doesn't get him killed). Tommy doesn't throw in a clunker and we have a back and forth entertaining contest. How about something like a 32-29 final? Ring any bells?
Didn't you already start another thread on this early in the week?
I just can't make a case for the Patriots. The secondary is banged up, maybe they take away Godwin in the slot but Evans is due for a big day. Would think TB gets the run going early and Brady slowly picks them apart. Mac will be getting pressured. He loses his outlet in White. TB secondary scary bad but remember they faced Dallas/ATL/Rams- two top tier passing teams. Patriots played MIA/Jets/NO only one team has an offense ranked worse than those 3 (chi). They faced 3 of the bottom 4 passing offensive teams rn, now they have to face a juggernaut offense coming off a loss?

Then you have the Brady factor. No way in hell he hasn't been looking forward to this game. Gronk out but let's be real they have weapons everywhere.
Some good points Lex. This would be a stay away game for me during the day, but will be forcing a play one way or another since it is SNF. Both teams have their warts at this point and both should be highly motivated. Tough game.
Pats can’t stop Brady. Only chance is to let Mac throw down field and try to exploit that secondary, but not sure they have enough to keep pace. They will need 21+ to cover imo
Pats can’t stop Brady. Only chance is to let Mac throw down field and try to exploit that secondary, but not sure they have enough to keep pace. They will need 21+ to cover imo
Based on last week, the deep ball isn't going to save the Pats. Mac & the WRs running deep patterns were not on the same page to put it kindly. I saw the whole game but thought I heard a stat he was like 1/14 in passes beyond 16 yards. And it was NOT due to exceptional coverage, guys were open.
Offensive weapons are clearly limited....i dont think Tom will pour it on..28-13? Type score in the 4th?
Taking some Brady over props here as I really think he lights it up. Pains me as a Pats fan though. Surely getting the worst of the lines but went 2.5 TD's, 301.5 PY & 38.5 longest completion.
Though they lost, BB and NE even Mac impressed the hell out of me tonight. I actually feel bad that they lost.

In a way I agree but I thought attempting the fg was a awful decision so they deserved to lose cause of that call. I mean 56 yards in pouring rain can’t be better than 50/50 at best but then add on the fact there were 52 seconds left and bucs had 2 time outs, had they made the kick they were still gonna be toast! Ya gotta go for that 4th and 3 imo, ala chargers vs kc (don’t have to go for td that was crazy), gst that 1st down amd get yourself a much more manageable fg being taken with little to no time left!

Ill also say pats for sure got the benefit of some home cooking by refs! They officiated that game like 90% the bets were on bucs! lol

Good news for pats is they have a handful of very winnable games coming up and I think they doing what a typical BB team does and gradually improving every week. I’m still not ready to give up on my claim this a 9ish win type team, maybe even 10 w a break, problem is overalll the schedule is pretty tough, I didn’t realize that when I was screaming they a playoff team last week!
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I was shocked bill opted for that fg too. Obviously it’s makeable, but they needed like 3-4 yards for a 1st down, and they way mac was getting those guys on quick routes and extra first down and then potentially more yards makes an easier kick. Of course, he makes it, moot point
I was shocked bill opted for that fg too. Obviously it’s makeable, but they needed like 3-4 yards for a 1st down, and they way mac was getting those guys on quick routes and extra first down and then potentially more yards makes an easier kick. Of course, he makes it, moot point

Na. See that the thing, I’m not saying ya never kick that fg, I’m saying when you combine the chances of making it with the fact you leaving Brady 50 seconds and 2 times outs it becomes a terrible choice. Do any of us think Brady doesn’t get bucs right back into fg range? If there was only 20 seconds left on clock or bucs had no time outs id say sure kick it. Just made no sense to me knowing Brady would still win had he made it! Felt like the min they decided to kick their chances of winning dropped drastically.