
Fly, Eagles, Fly!
Am I wrong in thinking this line should be higher. I know it’s in New England, and I know TB got rolled by LAR, but seems like TB is pretty far and away the better team. Defense might be close, but offense is no comparison. Any reason to not hit this hard?
Pats are my team but I am wrong about them a lot. I don't think anyone in New England gives them a chance in hell after what we witnessed yesterday. TB is susceptible to the deep ball but Jones proved on several occasions yesterday he cannot seem to connect on the deep ball yet. I don't see how they move it against TB.

On the other side of the ball, Pats D had some holes also. They are in a different league right now than the Rams D so I doubt Brady & gang has similar issues as they did yesterday. If Winston was able to pick apart the D with the 10-15 yard passes, imagine what Brady should be able to do. He's pretty much made a career of that.
Zeke well said. As a pats fan I am constantly wrong week to week ats on them lol but yea woulda thought 7.5 but I can see low scoring game pats covering...pats have played weak offenses so far but Havnt allowed many points...yesterday the saints got 14 off two of the picks. Miami in week 1 recovered multiple fumbles by rbs. If the pats don’t turn the ball over (which isn’t likely) they will keep it close and cover...Tampa dbs can’t hang with anyone right now and they clearly didn’t have a pass rush against the rams.rams had no run game either so it’s not like bucs had the box stacked...gotta see the movement on this line as week goes on
TB has looked like one of the worst defenses in the league this year. That secondary is atrocious and a bottom 5 unit. Is JPP still out? That pass rush seems to have lost its teeth as well.

Does hoody know how to limit TB12? Who knows. Pats defense looked really good at times yesterday, and really bad at others. I thought it would be hands down the best D in the league and that hasn't been the case.
Pats fan here not sure they can make the line high enough. I see no edge other than home field.
I would love to see a argument for taking the Patriots
What was most concerning to me yesterday about the Pats D is that when the game was back within a reasonable reach (other than when it was tied 0-0) and they really needed a big stop, they fucking choked. They gave up a 7+ minute TD drive which is an absolute back-breaker.

Brady off a loss is going to want nothing more than to ram it right up Bill's ass.
TB has looked like one of the worst defenses in the league this year. That secondary is atrocious and a bottom 5 unit. Is JPP still out? That pass rush seems to have lost its teeth as well.

Does hoody know how to limit TB12? Who knows. Pats defense looked really good at times yesterday, and really bad at others. I thought it would be hands down the best D in the league and that hasn't been the case.
Their run D is still pretty solid. But their pass D is not good at all.