Taylor, Pavlik Who ya got????


Pretty much a regular
I am so pumped for this fight. I am going to Atlantic City with a bunch of my boys to watch this fight. I just really think that Pavlik is going to knock him out. That boy has some bricks for hands and Taylor better watch out.
Gun to my head...

I'd take Taylor, but this one is too close to call.

I have to disagree with you on Taylor getting knocked out. There is almost no chance that will happen.

Taylor's level of competition, to date, is a world apart from Pavlik's. Pavlik's best performance is against Edison Miranda who can, at best, be considered a decent contender. Whereas Taylor has fought a HOF caliber fighter in Hopkins (twice) and a legit world champ in Wright and hasn't even gotten in trouble in either fight.

That being said, I love Pavlik and his intensity and he is definitely an exciting up and comer who will have his first chance on the world stage. Some guys relish an opportunity like this, some guys wilt under the pressure.

Taylor is somewhat disappointing in my opinion. I've watched him closely since his ESPN Friday Night Fight Days and I really like the kid. Great personality, humble, family man...he is a refreshing change from most of ther personalities in boxing.

His athleticism, speed, power and agility are only rivaled by Mayweather in today's boxing. But he hasn't seemed to get much better from the time I first saw him fight. He still gets away from his jab too early, still gets way off balance when he throws combos. At first I thought it was a product of having a trainer from Arkansas who had never trained a world class fighter. But now he has Emmanuel Steward in his corner and I consider him to be on of the top trainers of all time. Yet he hasn't improved much if at all.

Have fun at the fight! I wish I could join you. Drink some beers, get rowdy, and give us a full report when you get back.
I will agree about the level of compitition each fighter has fought, but I dont think that Taylor will be able to win if Pavlik keeps the pressure on him. I think that Pavlik has to fight this fight like he fought Miranda. He has to be up in his shit the whole fight. If he does that I think he will knock him out just like he did Miranda.
I feel like Taylor has a big edge training/trainer wise and I think it is going to finally catch up to Pavlik



Pavlik looks scared


by HBO.com | Photos by Will Hart
Nearly 500 hundred chanting fans turned out tonight at Caesars Palace to witness the official weigh-in and final stamp on the pre-fight lead up to the Jermain Taylor/Kelly Pavlik title fight tomorrow night.

To get a view of the fighters as they took the scale, you had to either have the privledge of being up front early, or like many of the fans who seemingly slept in the ballroom overnight, stand on chairs to see over the crowed pushing thier way forward.

Maybe because Ohio is slightly closer to Atlantic City than Little Rock, Arkansas, the volume of Pavlik's fans chanting "PA-VLIK! PAA-VLIK!" echoed off the walls and drowned out the announcers voice as he introduced the reigning champion, Jermain Taylor.

Taylor, for his part, hardly looked phased by the pro-Pavlik turn out. Supposedly under the 160lb limit since Wednesday, Taylor looked in shape and determined, making weight at exactly 159lbs.

Pavlik answered back with 159.5lbs, setting the crowd off, creating a commotion in the wings that knocked down one of the plastic Roman columns down. This is what weigh-ins should be like!
Im on Jermain Taylor via Dec +250 5 units
Jermain has fought better fighters, has a better trainer, and is the overall better fighter. Pavlik will have the strength and conditioning to go the distance but Taylor will win via UD.
Taylor winning on all 3 judges cards, big. wow
Should have finished him off in the 2nd. This rematch will be huge.
<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height="100%" cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0 UNSELECTABLE="on"><TBODY><TR height="100%" UNSELECTABLE="on" width="100%"><TD id=HB_Focus_Element vAlign=top width="100%" background="" height=250 UNSELECTABLE="off">pavlik didnt look scared..thats how the dude is all the time..looks like somebody you could just sit in the bar and have a beer with..some of the people cappingbob went with sent me some pics via text message...pretty sweet pics....but i took pavlik myself..dude is a bulldog
</TD></TR><TR UNSELECTABLE="on" hb_tag="1"><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 1pt" height=1 UNSELECTABLE="on">
Amazing fight!!!!! It was a great time there in AC watching that fight. That place was electric!!!!! Taylor outboxed him but like I said when you have power like Pavlik you are never out of it.