
I hate it too. If you really want to penalize taunting, make it a small fine or something. Not a penalty that impacts the game.
And let these players show some emotion. This is a testosterone feuded sport, not freaking golf. Geez
Imagine if gamblers had penalties for taunting

And fyi golfers probably have more testosterone than any sport on the planet, they just have to control it for long periods of time
Imagine if gamblers had penalties for taunting

And fyi golfers probably have more testosterone than any sport on the planet, they just have to control it for long periods of time
I was just trying to think of a sport much less “aggressive” than football. Golf was just first thing that came to mind. I golf (poorly) myself so obviously not trashing golf. Just using to compare.
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What could be more taunting than the entire 20 man defensive corp running to the end zone to pose and preen after a turnover? I'd endorse 15 for that stunt. That end zone screen they installed last year is gone and yet these idiots still do it.
Yeah we expect these guys to push their bodies and minds right to the limit on every play and then just switch it off when the whistle blows. Its asking them not to be human.
Yep. Exactly. I’m sure some of us have played in “big” games in some Rec or intramural league and know how pumped up you get. This is that x 1000.
It is an assault on success vs failure. Punish the successful and coddle the unsuccessful.

What is the concern? Physical retaliation? Then penalize that if it happens.

This is America where we should be celebrating our individual successes.

Rollerball ... 1984 ... take your picks .... we are just a bunch wusses now.