tamu dumpster fire


Pretty much a regular

Kyler Murray and his dad Kevin met with Kevin Sumlin on Tuesday and Wednesday

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More from Goo

Wonder if he and Allen were lovers or something?

Hope he comes to Bama

If you can get Ville laying less than a FG when it comes back up gotta think thats a good play. The 3rd guy wouldn't be a terrible option though should he have to go, he threw for 4,000 yards and 47 TD in 8 games at JUCO not too long ago including a ten piece against Arkansas Baptist.
Wonder if he and Allen were lovers or something?

Hope he comes to Bama

If you can get Ville laying less than a FG when it comes back up gotta think thats a good play. The 3rd guy wouldn't be a terrible option though should he have to go, he threw for 4,000 yards and 47 TD in 8 games at JUCO not too long ago including a ten piece against Arkansas Baptist.

aggies oc might be fired by then. lotta rumors going around with that being one of the issues that kyler had, or that sumlin asked him not to play beisbol because he's the absolute starter at this point.
Wonder if he and Allen were lovers or something?

Hope he comes to Bama

If you can get Ville laying less than a FG when it comes back up gotta think thats a good play. The 3rd guy wouldn't be a terrible option though should he have to go, he threw for 4,000 yards and 47 TD in 8 games at JUCO not too long ago including a ten piece against Arkansas Baptist.

Correct, Hubenak is not bad. More than capable. I think the fade here is a team that is in so much disarray you have no other choice. Sorta like Texas was going into Oklahoma.

Oh, wait.
he should be

He got paid for beating Bama with JFF

Not only did he get paid, but they also spent millions on upgrades to the stadium and football complex. Not sure the AD and boosters are seeing the ROI they envisioned
he should be

He got paid for beating Bama with JFF

Say what you want about JFF, but there can't be enough statues of him in College Station. He's solely responsible for generating the desire to fund a $500 million football stadium upgrade. $500 million. Not to mention how Sumlin parlayed JFF's performance into a sweet contract deal. Etc. Etc.
Correct, Hubenak is not bad. More than capable. I think the fade here is a team that is in so much disarray you have no other choice. Sorta like Texas was going into Oklahoma.

Oh, wait.

to be fair, it sounds like sumlin lost the team. plus +17 points in a rivalry is hard to compare to this line and what's going on right now.
Well, recall the infighting, tweeting and other bullshit that was going on the week of OU. After getting disemboweled by 6 touchdowns by TCU. Recurring theme that week here was "Has Charlie lost the team?", or "Charlie better get his arms around this thing". Of course we all know what then happened in Dallas.

Yes, it was OU and the line was different. But the team became galvanized that week, while seemingly in disarray, and played good football. I don't know if you'll see the same thing from A&M. Probably not.
<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">BREAKING: I have confirmed that freshman quarterback Kyler Murray has requested a transfer from Texas A&amp;M and that the decision is 'final.'</p>&mdash; Billy Liucci (@billyliucci) <a href="https://twitter.com/billyliucci/status/677599959126958084">December 17, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Would Kyle Allen have left if this had happened earlier ?

Shocked Murray leaving considering his dad damn near a legend there.
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Would Kyle Allen have left if this had happened earlier ?

Shocked Murray leaving considering his dad damn near a legend there.

They mismanaged his injury, matter of opinion I know, but wouldn't surprise me if the parents understood what it could've done to their son just because they wanted to teach Kyler a lesson.
I still believe KA was going to be good and has the tools to play pro ball someday. I'll root for whomever he plays for.
From the outside, it seems to me as though Murray and his old man are entitled pricks. Didn't they have some meeting with Sumlin earlier in the season about guaranteeing game time? Then Murray blamed the OC after he got benched against Alabama.

I'd love to see Murray or Allen land in lubbock
From the outside, it seems to me as though Murray and his old man are entitled pricks. Didn't they have some meeting with Sumlin earlier in the season about guaranteeing game time? Then Murray blamed the OC after he got benched against Alabama.

I'd love to see Murray or Allen land in lubbock

I think Allen would be the better fit there because he is a far superior passer.

It seems to me all these Big 12 teams have just been trading QB. Whoever doesn't win the job goes to rival and then ends up starting, etc.
Allen has visited Houston already, and I've heard he will be visiting Oklahoma as well. I'd be shocked, if Sumlin let's Murray transfer anywhere in the state of Texas.
Allen has visited Houston already, and I've heard he will be visiting Oklahoma as well. I'd be shocked, if Sumlin let's Murray transfer anywhere in the state of Texas.

I think Murray has to sit a year and cannot transfer to the SEC or any future A&M opponent
From the outside, it seems to me as though Murray and his old man are entitled pricks. Didn't they have some meeting with Sumlin earlier in the season about guaranteeing game time? Then Murray blamed the OC after he got benched against Alabama.

I'd love to see Murray or Allen land in lubbock

You have never visited Lubbock have you lol...ain't neither one of these kind of QBs gonna settle for Texas Tech. Shocked Allen talked to Houston...I would think that any program in the country that can suit a drop back passer would be after this kid. What sucks is that he is forced to sit out a year or he could transfer right into USC or ASU and step into the starting role.

Murray should transfer to Oregon imo.
Not only did he get paid, but they also spent millions on upgrades to the stadium and football complex. Not sure the AD and boosters are seeing the ROI they envisioned

Welcome to the SEC
You have never visited Lubbock have you lol...ain't neither one of these kind of QBs gonna settle for Texas Tech. Shocked Allen talked to Houston...I would think that any program in the country that can suit a drop back passer would be after this kid. What sucks is that he is forced to sit out a year or he could transfer right into USC or ASU and step into the starting role.

Murray should transfer to Oregon imo.

lol, no. I prefer my sand to be next to the ocean. I just want to see these guys in a system where they could be themselves, under a guy who was the OC in the Keenum and Manziel years, and whose influence Sumlin has downplayed
Sumlin didn't block Murray from transferring to Texas? Damn he must really be trying to ruin Kyler
If the kid is really the talent they say he is in baseball, then he should leave football behind. Baseball is by far and away the more lucrative profession. Jeff samardzija proved that out.
You have never visited Lubbock have you lol...ain't neither one of these kind of QBs gonna settle for Texas Tech. Shocked Allen talked to Houston...I would think that any program in the country that can suit a drop back passer would be after this kid. What sucks is that he is forced to sit out a year or he could transfer right into USC or ASU and step into the starting role.

Murray should transfer to Oregon imo.

That would be awesome. Prukopp to start next year and let Murray and Jonsen battle it out for following year. Murray would be a great QB in that system
If the kid is really the talent they say he is in baseball, then he should leave football behind. Baseball is by far and away the more lucrative profession. Jeff samardzija proved that out.

agree. thought he made a big mistake opting out of the MLB draft when from what I read he was a guaranteed first rounder. Can't imagine passing up 2 million dollars.
His dad didn't want him to play at A&M.

My BIL that lives in Austin was telling me there's some bad blood between the older Murray and aTm. Maybe something about blaming him when they got put on probation? Anyway, he said folks were pretty surprised when Kyler picked the Aggies. I don't follow recruiting enough to remember.

Read a few times yesterday that KM is going to possibly quit football, go to JUCO for a year and then enter MLB draft. Definitely the right financial move if he's that good. Also, aTm could screw him by not letting him out of his letter of intent couldn't they? Since he didn't stay the full year, it's basically a breach of contract and I think the penalty is losing a year of eligibility
I've got to wonder if any of this is connected to Dave Christensen? He was a prick the one year he was at Utah and the players hated him. I know he's involved with the OL and RB's but I still have to think he could have contaminated them somehow.
I've got to wonder if any of this is connected to Dave Christensen? He was a prick the one year he was at Utah and the players hated him. I know he's involved with the OL and RB's but I still have to think he could have contaminated them somehow.

The Zoo has definitely said that Spaz and Christensen should go.....but you know alums.
Not that this will matter too much, but Speedy Noil suspended for bowl game too. Have watched this group a few times this year and don't recall him making a big difference, just another distraction for the team that will dress for the bowl game.