Tampa's Loss Created NHL History


CTG Big Brother
Never before in NHL history had 9 consecutive conference finals (or semi-finals, as they used to be known) games been played without at least 1 of them resulting in a win by the home team in regulation. The last 9 CF regulation scores (home team's score first)...


Previous longest streaks were 8 games (twice: 1944-45 & 1950-51 playoffs), then 6 games (twice: 1988-89 & 2000-01 playoffs).
do you know if the Ducks streak is a record BC?

they haven't lost in regulation this playoffs

There's 2 other streaks of 14 playoff games w/out a reg. loss that I know of ('79 Rangers & '13 Bruins). There's one other streak of 11+ games: I know this because at the time Boston was putting its streak together, I gathered up the stats and posted the results...

Since 1967-68 season, there have been 41 completed unbeaten-in-regulation streaks of at least 7 games in length. Only 2 (4.87%) went on to surpass 11 games (Boston's current mark) in length. There have been 5 uncompleted streaks (uncompleted because they were never ended with a regulation loss), those which ended with the team concerned having either swept the SCFs (4 times) or won the SCFs in 5 games (once, only loss in OT).

Problem is I didn't save the individual stats I recorded, so I don't know the length of the other streak (other than it's at least 11 games). I'm pretty sure the NYR streak was the longer of the 2 (from memory, just a sense of that being the case that I recall). But any way you slice it, the Duck's streak is ungodly long (as well as impressive). When the Rangers & Bruins streaks finally ended, they each never won another game.
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