Taking points with eastern michigan


Power Boat Enthusiast
pittsburgh lost it starting QB in Pat Bostick and best WR Derek Kinder, i haven't looked at this game in depth yet. But the points is starting to look very appetizing.
Bostick is back or will be back but there are doubts he will start/be ready to start on Week 1.

I like the angle too.

But, really, to make this play you need balls.

Yeah...the fade Pitt angles are there, but you need mroe than angles to bet Eastern here...

This is the worst team in the West by a wide margin...
Agreed, but you can probably say the same about half of the MAC East.

I don't think EMU's D is that terrible, plus Pitt was pretty bad against the run last year, which is all EMU will do now that Deslauriers is gone.
Also, when bostick does come back and if he is the starter, wannestadt is basically saying who cares what happens this season as long as the young players get expierence. They will be basically be investing for the future by taking the hit now.
I agree with some of the above spots. Solely fading Pitt isn't the only reason to make this play considering EMU is so horrid.
I can see why some guys would be interested in EMU (although I think 24.5 would be better value than 20.5), mainly because Pitt will be focused on establishing their rushing attack early and often in this one, so that would work against covering a large spread. Couple that with the fact that Pitt's defense has some holes of its own, which should allow for Schmidtt to hit at least 1 or 2 big plays in this one, as a result of blown coverages. The problem for me in this one is EMU could end up being even more one dimensional than Duke, if that is possible. They have absolutely no running game to speak of, and they don't have a good enough QB to compensate for this fact, which means long drives to burn the clock will be few and far between for Eastern.

I just think the line is too light though as it is almost a no man's land spread. If it was 24.5, then I might be tempted to take a shot with the Eagles, but to me there is just no value at where the line currently sits. Might take a second look if the line creeps to say 21.5, but most likely a pass for me, although I do understand the interest.

EMU does have one of the top punters in the country though, so that could create longer fields for Pitt to negotiate, which again works against covering a large spread.

Just my 2 cents..
I can see why some guys would be interested in EMU (although I think 24.5 would be better value than 20.5), mainly because Pitt will be focused on establishing their rushing attack early and often in this one, so that would work against covering a large spread. Couple that with the fact that Pitt's defense has some holes of its own, which should allow for Schmidtt to hit at least 1 or 2 big plays in this one, as a result of blown coverages. The problem for me in this one is EMU could end up being even more one dimensional than Duke, if that is possible. They have absolutely no running game to speak of, and they don't have a good enough QB to compensate for this fact, which means long drives to burn the clock will be few and far between for Eastern.

I just think the line is too light though as it is almost a no man's land spread. If it was 24.5, then I might be tempted to take a shot with the Eagles, but to me there is just no value at where the line currently sits. Might take a second look if the line creeps to say 21.5, but most likely a pass for me, although I do understand the interest.

EMU does have one of the top punters in the country though, so that could create longer fields for Pitt to negotiate, which again works against covering a large spread.

Just my 2 cents..

I kind of disagree with this and am wondering why you see it this way. They do not have a great running game, and they only had a 3.4 avg running last year, but I feel part of that was Tyler Jones' aversion to throwing the ball away.

Schmitt can run - over 450 yards and a 4.3 avg this year. I think they might try to get creative with him, running different schemes and whatnot. RB Pierre Walker was also injured for like 6 or 7 games last year.

By no means will they run over anybody, but I don't think they are incapable of running and I don't think they should hesitate to against Pitt.

Just interested in why you think this way CB.
-Schmitt ran because he had no choice as the EMU OL was horrible LY. They gave him no time to throw the ball so he was moreso running for his life as he had no time to go through his progressions.

-When your QB is your leading rusher with 450yds on the season, to me, you pretty much have no running game to speak of

-Walker averaged something like 30yds per game BEFORE he got hurt, so wasn't missed much after his injury as he just didn't bring it last year (having the poor OL didn't help him either though as he had to do a lot more creating than necessary)

-For EMU to improve this season, they need to establish a rushing game above and beyond the QB scramble, QB draw, and QB telegraped rush. They need someone in their backfield to step up this year or else it will just be more of the same (albeit their line should be better as they have more experience this year)

Hope that helps, and thanks for the good discussion points!
Wannstedt likes to blow out these cupcakes, so I will be laying off this game although it's very tempting to fade Pitt...

Trust me guys, there will be PLENTY of better opportunities to fade Pitt this year...
Ok, you guys talked me off of EMU for now, but I'll just throw out a couple of counterpoints to what CB said:

- Three of the five OL return for EMU, and I believe they return all of their depth at the position.

- Those that got regular carries last season (with the exception of Jones), put up a respectable yards per carry average.

- I agree that when your QB leads the team in rushing, you have a problem. However, both QBs had double the carries of Walker or any other RB. Their lack of carries/yards could be partially attributed to the fact they were almost always behind last year.

Thanks for the discussion on this game.
Good points Dmoney. Always appreciate intelligent discussion around a game, and I really like the fact that here you can disagree with someone without it turning into a silly high school level pissing match leading to a time out in the penalty box. Thanks for the discussion!