Take On The Pickett Fake

I don’t know how they legislate it. Players can always excuse it saying they slipped, they changed their mind, etc. hard to legislate intent. I DO think they need to start cutting defenders slack in these situations
Even the Pittsburgh talk shows are saying that kind of play shouldn't be allowed in the game. Not that they won't relish it for decades and it'll be in the annals as a legendary Pitt play.
He can’t act surprised when he gets pasted on his next slide-

no doubt, but of course the player doing the pasting will get tossed from the game. i think it fair to give him a ton of credit for it while at same time recognizing how fucked up it was!! anytime you do something that rules will be made to correct it pretty awesome!! Belichek had to have watched that and been so so impressed! if he had a mobile qb he would be teaching it right now!! lol
I could think of several movements that a ball-carrier could reasonably make, though, that resemble the start of a fake slide