T$T & 11:30 Olympic Baseball


Go NY Go NY Go Go Go
Any thoughts on taking Chinese Taipai +600 vs South Korea -900? Thinking that this should be a rivalry in a way and I also read something like 11 players were minor league all stars for the Chinese. Lots of value here but really don;t have any info. Would be appreciated if anyone could help a bit. Gonna look into this closer now and see if I come up with anything.
Chinese Tapai just beat China 12-3 their Rivals in a Big game they said, and lost thier first 2 games to japan 14-3 and Korea 2-0
Some quotes which may sway opinions:

"Baseball is an American sport," said Li Meng, 27, a financial broker from Beijing who was given a ticket to the game because a friend didn't want to go. "In Asia, the Japanese, Koreans and Taiwanese are good at it because they have been occupied in one form or another by the Americans."

"There are all these undercover cops videotaping us during the games," Yu said. "They are afraid we might unfurl the Taiwanese flag or do something political. Why would we? We know we will be arrested."
I'm just getting a feeling that this muight be a close game and at +600 I'm gonna put 2 Units on it for the Hell of it and if I cash then I'm in Heaven, otherwise it's just 2 Units and prolly my only play of the Olympics b/c I'm bored now and nothing better to do.

Chinese Taipai +600 (2 Units)
Good luck TST, hope you cash this!! Wish I would have seen this earlier, prob would have put 1/2 unit on it just for shits and giggles.