Super Saturday MLB


Calculated Risk Taker
Those Fucking Braves let me down, I think that they are @ rock bottom for the year...I think you fade them unitl they prove otherwise...TODAY ESPECIALLY.....Thinking about how to play that game, the braves havnt scored in over 20+ innings...WTF?

One Play for 1:05

St. Louis -107 for 1 unit....

Be Back Later to Fade the Home team....
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man i was going to play that shithead wainwright but i am wrong everytime i bet on him. that means i didn't bet today so he will win and besides least you won't have MUSH on the same side as you. gl
ETG..Keep Grinding and reduce your bet amounts to like 100-200 unitl you start to feel it again....You gotta minimize the damage when your slumping...We all know you got skills...Just be patient.
Adding Verlander and Tigers....Team Toal Over 5.5...CAnt see davies stopping shit.........To win 1 unit @ -115....THIS IS THIS BET ON THE BRAVES GAME IMO....No Juice and its highly probably this happens by the 5th inning with this guy.:cheers:
ADDING ROYALS +145 to win 1.7 units......

Bannister is a stud...Bush not so much....Look for the Royals to win a close and send the home team fans away disappointed.
Wow! Best hope both Pitt and Tejada come through for you to stop any further damage on this fine Saturday. :shake: