Sunday's umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Min: Baker
NYM: Carlson
Cle: Cooper
Pit: Estabrook
ChiC: Tripp Gibson
Tor: Libka
Hou: Miller
SF: O'Nora
Wsh: Reynolds
Det: Segal
LAA: Timmons
Arz: Visconti
Sea: West
Mil: Wolcott
KC: Wolf
There is a real time issue here. We need to play against weakness since we are running out of time. I think a limited bet on Houston is alright but want more time on it because of issues with Dallas. Betting against Cobb on 4 with a home ump. Cobb on 4 about a 9 ERA
I wish I had more. But day games are not best for me.
Right now keep it simple. Rick OK for Boston?
Dallas is alright on 4 and has reasonable history with ump but KEEP it down 1 to 1.5 play.
I think Lester is too good on 6 to pass up but there are issues with that ump that bother me so just a light bet against the Reds. Hate the time issue.
Would like to try Miami with that ref but the Miami pitcher is weak. probably lots of overs but just not thinking quickly in fact i am going to shut up and listen
please prove to me that Quinn Wolcott favors home teams? Blew a call at 2B Friday night in favor of MIL and then today has been calling Braves out on high pitches and giving low strikes with neither going for ATL pitchers