Sunday's umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Det G1: Bucknor
Det G2: O'Nora
Cle: Carlson
Bos: Cederstrom
ChiC: Estabrook
Mia: Fletcher
LAD: Tripp Gibson
Hou: Hamari
Wsh: Meals
SD: Muchlinski
Sea: Nauert
Cin: Porter
TB: Reyburn
NYM: Wendelstedt
KC: Wolcott

ChiW/Min game already PPD a day earlier.
Speaking of retractables why in gods name would twinks build a new stadium and not equip it w a roof? Cause ppl hated the metronome so bad? Just seems pretty damn stupid and short sighted in their climate not to have a option to play games this time of year or in playoff baseball in late oct!!