Sunday's Umpires, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Welcome back gentlemen. I've been so caught up in other things that I completely didn't even realize that the season had started already. Tim Welke did the plate in game one, and Dale Scott did the second.

If they're still following the rotation in this series (despite the one-week layoff, and being on the other side of the world) Sunday's plate umpire SHOULD be Laz Diaz. We shall see. :cheers:
Thanks ahead of time for the work you do in the ump threads beaker. Hope you have a great season.
sup HB, hope all is well. Just poppin in to say hello. Will be sweating the Cats and getting shitfaced. No stalking the umps for me tonight but I'll be around in the AM...

its going to take me some time to get back into the swing of things, mlb involves a shit ton of research from my part

cant get fully into it until nba season is over

hopefully the fuckery is limited this season :snorting::snorting:
For what it's worth...

Jordan Baker, Lance Barrett, Cory Blaser, Mike Estabrook, Mike Muchlinski, David Rackley and DJ Reyburn were all announced as full-time MLB umpires for the 2014 season. They had previously been replacement/fill-in umps. I'm not sure if there were any retirements this season (apart from the sad news about Wally Bell's passing).