Sundays Plays


Pretty much a regular
1 unit Plays: 112-99 +6.68 units
2 unit Plays: 68-32 +61.78 units
Total: 180-131 +68.46 units

San Francisco Giants -125 (1 unit)
Luoldeng ~ You really had a great spring, I'm sure you would like it to go on for a couple more weeks. Wondering if you were also surprised on how well you did. I noticed you were about the only steady capper doing spring baseball. I'm sure most others think there is no way to really cap a spring game and did not want any part of it. But, you found a way. I also noticed that you were really on fire picking "totals" but last 3 days you did not have a "total". Well, for me you were a life saver and you did make me some cash. So, thanks and here is to a sucessful regular season. :cheers: :tiphat: :cheers:
Luoldeng ~ You really had a great spring, I'm sure you would like it to go on for a couple more weeks. Wondering if you were also surprised on how well you did. I noticed you were about the only steady capper doing spring baseball. I'm sure most others think there is no way to really cap a spring game and did not want any part of it. But, you found a way. I also noticed that you were really on fire picking "totals" but last 3 days you did not have a "total". Well, for me you were a life saver and you did make me some cash. So, thanks and here is to a sucessful regular season. :cheers: :tiphat: :cheers:

You're welcome Riceman. I think my final totals record was 43-17 but towards the last few days my book stopped offering them, thats the only reason I stopped playing them. Looking forward to playing mostly totals this year. And yes, I was surprised how well I did. I knew based on previous history that I would do well overall throughout the spring but the rate that my 2 unit plays hit was something I didnt think I could do. I finished at 62% on my 2 unit plays but was up around 70% a few days ago all at reasonable prices. Its sad to see spring go as I see a money making oppurtunity the majority of the people dont even give a chance. Hopefully, I can keep up the winning ways in the regular season.
good luck this year bro, great work you been puttin in so far this offseason.....

hate to see you on the over tonight. good health
fuck-shorty on it too?

had i seen the both of you on the same total, never woulda played it.

good luck fellas, good start for yall. long season anyways:cheers:

how did you know myers bitch ass may not make it past 3 innings??

he did have an awful april last year, but thoguht he fixed those mechanical issues and location problems were behind him.

the myers of old returns to form, giving up the longball

how did you know myers bitch ass may not make it past 3 innings??

he did have an awful april last year, but thoguht he fixed those mechanical issues and location problems were behind him.

the myers of old returns to form, giving up the longball

I expected a bad outing from myers but never thought Lowe would be that dominant, especially on the road in a hitters park. Chalk one up to Lowe, he worked my ass.
San Francisco Giants -125 (1 unit)

Atl/Phi Over 8.5 -104 (1 unit)

-0.04 units

1 unit Plays: 113-100 +6.64 units
2 unit Plays: 68-32 +61.78 units
Total: 181-132 +68.42 units
sorry dude, i put the tex on you. feel bad now.
and yes lowe still owns the phills, and they continue to struggle against the more deceptive/lowball pitchers.

will be joining you on that over in arlington most likely though, lets do it. gl bro:cheers: