

CTG Partner
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Tough loss last night. Still mad about that.

Chicago +2 -110 3 units
Joisey -3 -110 2 units

Hey BAR my *** local has the Bulls at PK what do you make of that? I am thinkin Bulls still good but he is a smart one and I cant fugure out his angle. Any ideas?
jimbo - what is lbj and the gang showing in their ink?

gl bar

yea..thats romeo travis,dru joyce and a few other of his boys..they all got "330"(akrons area code) inked on them, i know a few of them(travis for sure,seen it up close) has "akrons finest" down his arm..but yea they all have something..pretty sweet
Hey BAR my *** local has the Bulls at PK what do you make of that? I am thinkin Bulls still good but he is a smart one and I cant fugure out his angle. Any ideas?

No clue why he would. Line hasn't budged once since I started liking it yesterday in all honesty.
These teams just really don't care this year..

watched some of the Bulls game..they got it back to 5...then boom...

Oh is what it is....

Guess I wouldn't want to get embarrassed by Bos/Cle in round one either.
bulls got ball with 19+ seconds down 115-116. gordon jacks up a god awful 18 footer with 17 left on game clock. he misses, get off reb, miss, another off reb and miss again.

score is 115-118 now with 8.2 seconds left.
Motherfucking Rose missed a point blank open layup down 1 8sec they are down 3.
8 sec left
Unreal how you miss that Rose!??
Now Calderon will make both ft's oif course and its 3. and we are moosed.
THERE's TOR FT MISS WE NEEDED! and with all do respect Zecco our side is the potential moose! been Toronto whole way...
Refs gonna screw us over in OT, Im calling it. Raps have been the aggressor, but Bulls are the team getting the calls.
Any other leans tonight BAR? kind of like Suns myself as they can pull within 2.5 of Mavs and Sixers destroyed Kings in Sactown last sunday night. (final score was closer than game)

Also like The Wiz over...

any thoughts on either or others?

Thanks man!
think i rather have the push then have this go to OT. good luck. back to watching cbb.
C'mon Bulls...

I was watching when they intentionally fouled Rose up 3...still can;t believe he missed that layup after the Gordon miss.
Get Rose off marion!!!
Fucking sad, what an idiot is delnegro.

2 buckets all because marion has the mismatch of the year.
What the hell Rose?
has wide open looks at ft line but he wants to attack 3 guys at the rim.....raps up 1 38sec
Bulls are done