
Good call Jpicks I was about to start a thread about fading Utah on this road trip. Think we should see some good value with how hot the Jazz have been. We already know about the Jazz on the road and see some nice spots coming up here to fade starting with tomorrow.
Utah absolutely ripped us a new one last time out. That game got Smitch fired and is basically lowest point of the year for the Raps.

My concern is Calderon. There is a chance he gets shut down, the hammy seems to be really bothering him.
Utah on the road on Sunday is 3-7 su and 8-2 over. Not sure if they have played day games. Was thinking over for the game and Toronto first quarter and first half and go from there taking advantage of their hopeful day problem.
GL... NBA forum seems to be slowly turning into everyone just posting the same plays.
Killa, not so much for me. This game, Utah 2 hours off their normal time and playing a day game they are not used to. Obviously have to join this. Just a nuts and bolts play. But I do what I think is proper always and I make up my own mind. Agree there does seem to be a flock mentality growing.
Killa, not so much for me. This game, Utah 2 hours off their normal time and playing a day game they are not used to. Obviously have to join this. Just a nuts and bolts play. But I do what I think is proper always and I make up my own mind. Agree there does seem to be a flock mentality growing.

Definitely didn't mean you, you're a notable exception and you have an independent mind. It just gets absurd when we have guys seeing BAR's thread, then making a thread posting the same play with no explanation. Posting plays with no discussions - unless maybe you're a guy like BAR and you literally have people sitting at their computers waiting for your play - really strikes me as inherently irrational. I won't name names but instead of creating a new thread that says "Cleveland -4. GL.", why not come into the discussion thread and actually discuss the fucking games so we can read your thoughts and so it's not just the same 5 or 6 people in the discussion thread day after day. It's good to disagree on games and it's good to have robust debate on games. It's not blasphemy to disagree with BAR or another known capper here and challenge them on their thoughts. Otherwise, it's nothing more than a free tout site.

Sorry to hijack your thread JP but it just reaches the point of absurdity when we have 200 people viewing this forum sometimes and the same 5 or 6 are the only ones discussing any games. I'll shut up if someone can give me one good reason to post a play with no accompanying explanation. It's inherently narcissistic, it helps no one, and it makes the forum redundant and stupid.

BTW JP I just realized it probably seems to outsiders that I'm talking about you LOL. I am most definitely NOT talking about JP or this particular posted play on Toronto. He is a Utah homer who likes the other side here and probably wanted everyone to know early, and he obviously will have an explanation at some point tomorrow.
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health on your play J..
on the other side..

I usually post my picks without explanation/discussion, i rarely do write-ups. So ill take offense to this
so much drama but i hear you killa. lets just do what we're good at, capping and lets make some dough
im just saying, if you post picks/plays w/o explanations and go for ex: 4-10 , then okay i get what you're saying. to me , i have picks/plays and have explanations for them , but decide not too discuss and just post my picks, because to me i feel real confident about. i usually do not post a play w/o explanations because i dont have time. it may seem like im on 24/7..thats just because i leave my window open with CTG on it on my laptop all day long. anyways not trying to cause any trouble.. i apologize J
interesting. first off thoughts about what killa posted. I don't really care if people post w/ups anymore. Used to be a pet peeve of mine, but the more I've thought about it the more I don't care. I'm twice as likely to go find a thread that contains thoughts in it rather than plays, but at the same time if it's a thread from somebody that I respect I don't really mind if it doesn't have a w/up. If BetCrimes posts a play I"m pretty sure he's not just betting it for the hell of it. I really don't need a w/up from him as I'm sure there are 20 trends that favor his play. I'm also not afraid to ask somebody why they like a play if I'm thinking of going the other way. Either way I don't think anybody should take personal offense to what Killa is saying. If you're posting winners I don't care if they came from throwing darts.

As far as Utah goes I'm not a Utah homer and Killa knows it. Jazz 10 game win streak has been a little bit lucky.

Beat the Lakers when they were coming off of their 6 game road trip, one day off, okc at home, jazz on b2b @utah, and then the all star break.
Beat Memphis at home. Big deal.
Beat Boston at home by 5 in the game that KG got hurt. If he doesn't get hurt or Paul Pierce doesn't have the worst FT shooting night of his life Jazz lose.
Beat NOH when they were playing a 4/5 and on a b2b from the Lakers.
Beat ATL who was playing their 10th road game in 13 games and 4 straight since the break.
Won @MIN when the Wolves were coming home from a b2b@TOR. Still were down 4 at half.
Beat the Kings who were also on a b2b and athletically inept.
Won @GSW when Don Nelson gave them a W by not playing SJax and Monta.
Beat HOU who was plaing a 4/5 (all games having travel). Probably the best game of the entire 10 games as they had ever call go against them and still won.
Beat DEN who was on a b2b and playing 4th game in 6 nights all with travel.

So every game was set up nicely for Utah to make a run. Their road struggles haven't been answered and it's likely to be a 5 game road trip that I fade the Jazz in every game. Toronto has revenge today for the their biggest ass kicking of the season as T-Dot mentioned. With any luck utah will win and not cover to help keep their lines inflated through the road trip.
I'll shut up if someone can give me one good reason to post a play with no accompanying explanation.

i don't know if these are necessarily "good reasons" in your view, but i can tell you why i do it and will continue to do it...

1 -- i play a lot of plays, probably 4 or 5 daily on average. with 7-8 months of nba, it would be absolutely ridiculous to write up every play from a time perspective...simply don't have the time most days to do it.

2 -- a lot of my reasoning behind the plays would sound redundant because i have a certain way of capping just like anyone else. i've been on this forum for 2 years and others prior to that for a few years. the people who actually read my plays on a regular basis usually infer why i like a play just because they've seen my discuss games or do writeups in the past and it fits with the way i cap. i respect the opinions of several people on the site and have a sense of which side they will be on for the most part...if a certain play they post is not consistent with what i think they usually do, i try to ask why they like the play because i didn't expect it/don't agree with it, etc

3 -- it's an easy way to keep your own record. i keep my record several different ways and in a more complex way at this point, but this is the way i had originally started keeping a record and i still use this for simplicity

4 -- combined with number 1, several times i have done writeups on 5 or 6 plays and have gotten absolutely no feedback because i'm not a guy like bar who gets a lot of views/reads, which makes sense because i'm not nearly as good as he is, but it doesn't make sense for me to put time into writeups if there is no feedback or counterpoints

i post plays and when people post disagreements or even are curious as to why i like a certain play, 99 out of 100 times i will respond with at least something even if it's short. that method has worked for me, and it's the most efficient for me and i'll continue to do it that way regardless of the number of smartass comments that show up in my thread and other threads about posting plays only.

whenever i've had the time to contribute to the discussion thread i've found it very helpful and informative. i was discussing two losing plays the other day in a discussion thread and when they both failed to cash i had 100 reasons why they didn't just from arguing with people in that i definitely do find value in the discussion thread even if it is just a handful of people...

hopefully the raps will hang on for you jpicks...liking the spurs, but worried about that line move...thoughts on that one?
Not much of an opinion on the Spurs/Suns beyond the obvious. It's a game that the Suns have to win. They're getting really close to having any playoff hopes dashed. 4 out with 20 to go with games @UTA, @POR, @DAL and @NOH still to come. Line opened up a bit short and has been bet down even farther. That would be enough to scare me off of the Spurs. I just can't get to excited about betting either side. Would have taken PHX at 6.
I agree Broadway.....if you wanna post write ups, post em, if you dont, then dont.

It is up to the individual poster.......