

Pretty much a regular
Week 1: 9-9 -2

Went 9-3 in the Thursday/Sunday games, then blew up Monday night going 0-6 to end up pretty much even for the week. Oh well, could have been worse. Still have a full bankroll heading into week 2.

Carolina -3 100/108

Pittsburgh -6' 109/100

Minnesota -2' 108/100

Chicago ML 100/113

NYG -2' 113/100
6 pt tease: NE +7/Indy -1 110/100

6 pt tease: Pitt -1/2/NE -1 110/100

6' pt tease: N.O. -3'/Pitt ML 120/100

6' pt tease: Chi +8/GB ML 120/100
Philly -6' 110/100

ML parlay: Balt/Miami 100/101

6 pt tease: Philly -1 and under 60 150/150 (at 5 Dimes)
Rough day..........................

Parlay: GB -3/under 49 75/183

6' pt tease: GB +3'/under 55' 165/150