Sunday NBA Discussion


Pretty much a regular
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 width=540 bgColor=#cccccc><TBODY><TR><TD class=dataheader width=540 colSpan=10>NBA
Sunday, April 5th</TD></TR><TR><TD class=datasubheaderleft2 width=35>Time</TD><TD class=datasubheader width=40>Gm #</TD><TD class=datasubheader width=120>Team</TD><TD class=datasubheader width=75>Score</TD><TD class=datasubheader width=60>Opener</TD><TD class=datasubheader width=60>Hilton</TD><TD class=datasubheader width=60>5Dimes</TD><TD class=datasubheader width=60>ABC Island</TD></TR><TR class=scores-whitebg><TD class=scores-whitebg-left>04/05
10:00a</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg>501
502</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team> SAN ANTONIO
CLEVELAND</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>181
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>181
6½ </TD></TR><TR class=scores-greybg><TD class=scores-greybg-left>04/05
12:30p</TD><TD class=scores-greybg>503
504</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team> PHOENIX
DALLAS</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD></TR><TR class=scores-whitebg><TD class=scores-whitebg-left>04/05
3:05p</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg>505
506</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team> NEW YORK
TORONTO</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>217½
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>218½
5½ </TD></TR><TR class=scores-greybg><TD class=scores-greybg-left>04/05
3:05p</TD><TD class=scores-greybg>507
508</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team> CHARLOTTE
DETROIT</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD></TR><TR class=scores-whitebg><TD class=scores-whitebg-left>04/05
4:05p</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg>509
510</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team> INDIANA
OKLAHOMA CITY</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>209½
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>210
1½ </TD></TR><TR class=scores-greybg><TD class=scores-greybg-left>04/05
4:05p</TD><TD class=scores-greybg>511
512</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team> PORTLAND
HOUSTON</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>186
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>186
4 </TD></TR><TR class=scores-whitebg><TD class=scores-whitebg-left>04/05
4:05p</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg>513
514</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team> DENVER
MINNESOTA</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>8
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>7½
207 </TD></TR><TR class=scores-greybg><TD class=scores-greybg-left>04/05
4:05p</TD><TD class=scores-greybg>515
516</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team> UTAH
NEW ORLEANS</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>192
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>192½
2½ </TD></TR><TR class=scores-whitebg><TD class=scores-whitebg-left>04/05
4:35p</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg>517
518</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team> PHILADELPHIA
NEW JERSEY</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD></TR><TR class=scores-greybg><TD class=scores-greybg-left>04/05
6:05p</TD><TD class=scores-greybg>519
520</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team> GOLDEN STATE
SACRAMENTO</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-greybg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-greybg-right>
</TD></TR><TR class=scores-whitebg><TD class=scores-whitebg-left>04/05
6:35p</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg>521
522</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team> LA CLIPPERS
LA LAKERS</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team><TABLE padding-left="5"><TBODY><TR><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD><TD> </TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-team-bb>
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
</TD><TD class=scores-whitebg-right>
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One I am waiting on and one other

LVSC Opener
<TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" bgColor=#c48f1b><TBODY><TR class=oddsText_even><TD style="POSITION: relative" vAlign=bottom width="100%"><TABLE border=0 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD height=13>04/05 1:00 PM</TD><TD align=right>
</TD></TR><TR><TD>501 San Antonio</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>502 Cleveland</TD><TD> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>ABC

</TD><TD class=oddsText_even vAlign=bottom width=58 noWrap align=middle><NOBR> 181
-5.5 </NOBR></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
Cavs are 6.5 at BM...

I had feeling this may be where it went....will wait till later hoping to get a discount on that.
I bought the hook and played -6, if it gets any lower of gets to 6 I will hit it some more. This should be a 10pt win.
Cleveland minus 6.5. First thought was to back the Spurs in screaming vengence at Cleveland. Then I decided Pop would never play it that way. When he invaded Boston the troops had had four days off and had the
Nets coming next who the Spurs own. Here he is playing with 1 days rest and after a high velocity game. After Cleveland he has one day off and faced OKC who beat him at home recently. The next day he is at home and he faces Portland who has also beaten him and who is a raising power and that will be a worst 4 in 6 game. If he allows this to get into a real battle his team could run dry. he could lose this game and unthinkably lose to OKC and then lose to Portland at home. I think he shows nothing and just gives up without a fight as a master strategist.
Cleveland minus 6.5. First thought was to back the Spurs in screaming vengence at Cleveland. Then I decided Pop would never play it that way. When he invaded Boston the troops had had four days off and had the
Nets coming next who the Spurs own. Here he is playing with 1 days rest and after a high velocity game. After Cleveland he has one day off and faced OKC who beat him at home recently. /the next day he is at home and he faces Portland who has also beaten him and who is a raising power and that will be a worst 4 in 6 game. If he allows this to get into a real battle his team could run dry. he could lose this game and unthinkably lose to OKC and then lose to Portland at home. I think he shows nothing and just gives up without a fight as a master strategist.
Have also laid 2.5 with the Hornets. Technically this is weak so this is only a half unit bet. The reason it is weak is because the Jazz have become a second half disaster. Normally a team bounces out of slumps but feel with Utah it is more than that. No real missing players here. No real bad luck. this team has taken a walk down a dark path and do not believe they can come back. NO is no great team but they have been getting better. Rebounding up from a few months ago. Paja back. A lot of their better players shot very poorly against GS and I expect them to bounce back against a team they certainly hate. Might also think in terms of over either for the game or the second half. Just feel at this time that you have to fade Utah playing any decent motivated team now. Maybe with some time off they could regroup but they have no time off so watch them sink. Will increase bet at half time.
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Will be on both of those with you Tuck. Astonished that the Hornets are only 2.5 point favs and that the line hasn't moved.
On one day rest Utah has not been so bad on the road and NO is not Denver but if you actually look at Utah box scores it becomes fairly clear that they have entered into what you might call a nervous breakdown. Good teams lose and then win and can shrug off losses. Do not see that with them anymore. Just someone going down a mine shaft.
Mufuckas got me all excited thinking I'd find some Mac plays in here.

Then again, I guess it's no mystery.

Craptors -5.5

i can't believe this but i really like New Orleans and OKC tomorrow.

Not sure why the fuck i want to bet OKC, so i'll leave them alone, but i really like New Orleans mainly because I do NOT like Utah.

I think NO is a terrible team AND they're banged up, but Utah is a complete mess. I'm not sure they can do anything on the road now and it makes no sense for all the reasons tuck mentioned. plays today as ATL lost so i'm glad i missed that one (still getting over the UNC-Nova OVER collapse), but i think new orleans is one for tomorrow
For those who play the Houston first half after a loss angle might just wait a while tomorrow. Thinking about an alteration for this game. Will talk about it tomorrow.
i'm also considering Sacramento after seeing how many minutes the starters/2 bench players played for Golden State on Friday. None less than 32 minutes and 4 more than 38 (minus Turiaf), plus Rob Kurz played 18. Unsure about S-Jack and Monta's status for tomorrow along with my previous questions
Total in that GSW-Sac game should be huge..even with injuries...

Care to guess...

This is a pure one...

Sactoe is 7-1 to Over their last 8 home games, 6-0 to Over their last 6 games, and their last 4 games average 244.75 pts.

Golden State is 11-2 to Over their last 13 games, but 9-4 to Under their last 13 road games (8-3 vs the West, 1-1 vs the East). Golden State is also 5-2 to Under off their last 7 SU wins, and of course plays this game off a win vs Nawlins.
i'm also considering Sacramento after seeing how many minutes the starters/2 bench players played for Golden State on Friday. None less than 32 minutes and 4 more than 38 (minus Turiaf), plus Rob Kurz played 18. Unsure about S-Jack and Monta's status for tomorrow along with my previous questions
S-Jack is out for the season. I'm seeing Monta and K-Mart are both questionable. Leaning Queens here, esp if Monta doesn't play. The W's have been suiting up only 8 players including Kurz.

TOR - riding the hot team is always good.

NOH - the usual fade on Utah on the road against above .500 team and Hornets finally getting some help with stojakovic and posey back.

OVER in cle/sas - it just caught my attention because of the low line considering CLE shot bricks in their last game while SAS isn't the same type of defensive team they were back then.
Just a caution. Last 10 b-b Knicks 2-8 su but 6-3-1 ats playing b-b. Last 10 Toronto b-b 1-9 su and 3-5-2 ats.
Ok, first why am I not playing Houston first half. Houston first half off a loss at home has not lost this seaon. Only 2 games have we had to double up in the second half. That is extremely good so why fool with it
The last time these teams played was at Houston after a Houston win. This happened
21-31 Houston 22-29 Houston then Portland came back 26-18 25-20 and lost by 4. Have not seen this before. The reason the Houston first half works so well is no one expects that kind of velocity attack from them. Portland saw it already. Now add the fact that Portland is 4th in the West and houston can take that from them if they win tonight and that Houston has been playing very bad and it seems silly to try it here. First half over is very possible but houston after the last 2 games is so confused its a buyer beware situation because they are not following any form to speak of. Thinking about Portland for the game. Houston recently facing Spurs and Lakers at home simply played very bad and lost and their recent home game against Detroit was fairly pitiul as well but have made no decision yet but wanted to make it clear that after the last game between these two trying that angle looks too rich for me. GL
Do the sixers have a letdown after clinching a playoff spot, or do they murder the Nets? I think it was Killa that said a while ago to fade the nets as favorites of 4 or more at home, and play them as dogs at 4 or less at home.

My personal opinion is that after the Detroit game New Jersey has quit on the year
Big play for me on Denver the 7.5. There really isnt a hotter team right now in the NBA.

Looking at Minnesota's road wins this year
11/23 we beat Detroit @ Det
11/26 lose by 8 @ home by Phoenix
12-26 we beat NYK @ NYK
12-27 lose @ home by 26 Orlando

in the beginning of January we have 4 road wins, that for Minny were during a stretch that they were on a sick ATS run. The team was healthy, and was actually playing well

1-26 we beat Milwaukee @ Mil
1-28 we get beat by Det by 9 @ home
2-3 we beat Indiana @ Indiana
2-4 we lose to Atlanta @ home by 8
2-18 we beat Miami @ miami
2-20 we lose @ home to Indiana by 7

Minny's next road win was on friday night against Utah. It was clearly their "super bowl" win for them on the season. We played with out Foye, and will likely play w/o him today. Nugs are almost guaranteed locked in @ the 2. Couple other motivation factors here, JR smith has been playing great, and the guys in Denver want him to get the 6th man award this year. Also Karl has openly suggested this team go for the team franchise wins record, the record currently sits at 54, and the Nugs are 51-26. Minny hasn't been a good home team ATS this year, and this is a typical spot where we come out flat, and lose by DD.

Couple other things about Minnesota they have been completely fucking anemic in the 1st quarter of games.

So my bets are as follows
Denver 1st quarter
2nd quarter over
Denver 1st half
Denver for the game
Cavs line dropping and total rising.

Originally thought Pop might rest some of the players a bit, but now doesnt seem to be the case.
Best guess is he comes out hard. He is not sure what to expect. He is not going to automaticly fold. But if Cleveland comes back hard by half time I think he stops. Then again Pops is not easy to read.
S-Jack is out for the season. I'm seeing Monta and K-Mart are both questionable. Leaning Queens here, esp if Monta doesn't play. The W's have been suiting up only 8 players including Kurz.

Also lean toward the Queens. Worthless shootout game so you have to lean on the team thats at home. Probably the one game that won't get much attention other than from you and SF that has some great value only laying a bucket.


TOR - riding the hot team is always good.

NOH - the usual fade on Utah on the road against above .500 team and Hornets finally getting some help with stojakovic and posey back.

OVER in cle/sas - it just caught my attention because of the low line considering CLE shot bricks in their last game while SAS isn't the same type of defensive team they were back then.

Love the first and third plays. I was as ready as anybody as anybody with a betting account to nail the Hornets today but this line blows. I was expecting to lay a handful of points. Can't see myself getting involved with this #.
Do the sixers have a letdown after clinching a playoff spot, or do they murder the Nets? I think it was Killa that said a while ago to fade the nets as favorites of 4 or more at home, and play them as dogs at 4 or less at home.

My personal opinion is that after the Detroit game New Jersey has quit on the year

all i know is the Nets have been a better road team than home team this year
i'm still not scared off by the NO line.

...maybe it's just that i'm not as up on this kind of basketball, as i'm sure i'd be very worried about it if it was CBB, but it just seems to me that there's too much value on NO to not take them. There's also a weird +104 up at MB so i'm wondering where this one's going
Have spent time looking at the Toronto game. Toronto at home has been weaker in the second half . In b-b this tendency is stronger. The Knicks away in b-b seem to grow stronger in the second half. Hoping for a real Toronto lead at half time and if so will play Knicks.