SUNDAY MORNING COFFEE--Week 1 Recap and Week 2 Line Predictions

RJ Esq

Prick Since 1974
Thought I'd get this thread started tonight on Saturday so the East Coasters can get started while I sleep tomorrow morning in California.

I plan on starting this thread each week to recap what we saw, impressions, and then to predict the lines before they come out for the next week so that we can hit those lines early and hard. This week is a little different with 4 games remaining.

Prior Week 2 Threads

BAR's Week 2 Early Play Discussions: www.cappingthegame.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2077&highlight=%22week

My Week 2 Early Play Discussions: www.cappingthegame.com/forum/showthread.php?t=1011&highlight=%22week

Week 2 Trend Plays Hitting Over 70%: http://www.cappingthegame.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2043&highlight=%22week

Week 2 Card for Line Predictions (Spreads and Totals, Please)--UPDATED AT 4:30 PM EST WITH MY LINE/TOTALS PREDICTIONS--Please Post Your Predictions Too

104 BOISE ST. -14 54

105 PITTSBURGH -15 59

107 VIRGINIA TECH -10 51

110 RUTGERS -14 56

112 N. CAROLINA ST. -4 42

114 MICHIGAN -17 57

115 DUKE
116 WAKE FOREST -27 56

118 MISSOURI -9 49

119 AUBURN -23 46

122 PURDUE -27 49

123 LOUISVILLE -41 51

125 KENT ST.
126 ARMY -6 44

128 ALABAMA -17 46

129 OHIO U.
130 NORTHERN ILL. -14 46

132 VIRGINIA -14 47

134 MICHIGAN ST. -20 49

135 RICE
136 UCLA -21 47

137 CLEMSON -4 46

139 IOWA -18 51

142 OKLAHOMA -16 42

143 PENN ST.
144 NOTRE DAME -9 43


148 COLORADO -7 42

150 BOWLING GREEN -16 39

152 FLORIDA -17 49

153 STANFORD -11 47

156 LSU -12 47

158 BALL ST. -3 47

159 UTAH ST.
160 ARKANSAS -25 51

161 TOLEDO -6 54

164 IOWA ST. -15 46

166 TENNESSEE -28 51

168 WASHINGTON ST. -17 50

170 HOUSTON -17 56

172 UAB -5 47

174 CALIFORNIA -9 52

175 GEORGIA -4 44

177 OHIO ST.
178 TEXAS -5 51

180 NEW MEXICO ST. -4 46

181 TEXAS TECH -5 51

183 OREGON pk 57

186 ARIZONA ST. -9 59

188 FLORIDA ST. -28 46

190 KANSAS ST. -17 47

192 MARYLAND -19 46

194 SOUTH FLORIDA -25 45

195 OKLAHOMA ST. -15 47

198 KANSAS -21 46

200 TEXAS A&M -21 51

201 SMU -14 49
202 N. Texas

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So What Have We Learned?

Joe Public does these, erm, elsewhere, and I think it's a great thread. Let's try to keep the comments a bit more detailed than "____ sucks".

BYU is currently playing with a lot of heart, but their first score was a TD drive started at the AZ 6. Perhaps BYU's offense isn't quite the 30ppg powerhouse we saw last year.

Tennessee. My God. The vols can play again. I'll be interested to see how many points they put up against a team that plays defense. I thought Cal would make a bit better showing, and I count myself lucky to have had positive ML dog plays on each side (hit Cal first...).

Hawaii still can't threaten a solid defense on the mainland...even with an extra day of rest after their flight. I still say Hawaii gets friendly refs on the islands (MSU 2 seasons ago anyone?), but that's another thread...

The SEC is still a defensive conference, and that ought to pay off on unders. I'm not so sure the new rules had all that much effect on scoring, actually. Perhaps in more competitive games it will.

Not sure if we know anything about Texas yet. They ran all over UNT. oooo. My sister's bra strap can run all over UNT.

RICE. Where did *that* second quarter come from? I don't think any of us gave them a shot to win, and I was in the car during that travesty (i had Houston on a side wager). WTF happened?

I KNOW MY WOLFPACK (NCSU). 3TDs plus the hook was an incredible line for that game. Yet NCSU still won it by a couple scores. Again I'm glad NCSU won that game, and LOOK REAL HARD at the Akron Zips when they come to Raleigh next week.

Speaking of Akron, the score was lopsided as hell, but I thought Akron played better than that score looked. Penn State doesn't look like they've slowed down at all since last year. Penn St squeaked out a bit more passing yardage, and a bit more rushing yards, but neither team ran all over the other. NCSU better watch out next week. Let's hope for some good numbers...I think they should be.

Temple & Buffalo. Both suck again this year. Neither defense could stop an offense. Neither offense could sustain much of a drive - and this is against *buffalo* and *temple*. Vanzack's right. You know what you'll get when you bet on Temple: an ulcer.

Wyoming. Granted they were playing against Utah St., but perhaps that 12 point chalk WAS in fact warranted. Anyone bother to actually watch that game?

Rutgers ran all over Smurf Village. The Smurfs ran all over Rutgers. Rutgers managed a couple key stops that UNC could not. The heels actually outgained Rutgers in the air, though the ground pounding with some key passing, well, I'm not sure either of these teams bothered to bear down on defense much. The Heels had no heart today. Perhaps we can get more ML value out of them later. Fading the Scrolet Knights as favorites perhaps may yield us good wagers later in the season.

UAB. Still managing to lose by just a TD. Is this a coaching problem? Could it be anything else? Oklahoma, IMO, is over-rated while ranked so high. Look for a TCU-like poochscrew in the next week or two.

Utah. I missed this game while out at dinner; wtf happened here? Not that I expect to be right every time. But we were generally incorrect about this particular game like we were with Houston, and I wonder how UCLA outperformed or Utah underperformed, or is Utah simply not as good as their stats suggest? What?

Arizona squeaked by BYU. BYU couldn't convert a 3rd down to save their nuts.

Okay, I still had a positive weekend, and I have a couple small bets left on Monday.

GL on Sunday/Monday guys, and let's get to some hard work on Week 2.

thanks BAR. I've had some sleep to reflect a bit more in depth.

I watched some of the Michigan St/Idaho game. Idaho didn't just cover that game; they damn near took it from a highly touted Michigan St. squad AT MSU. The score and the yardage is a lot more lopsided than the game actually was. Michigan St. certainly has more talent, but Idaho's lines were right in there matching up well with the Spartans, and Idaho was ballsy and EFFECTIVE completing 3-3 on 4th down, and 7-16 isn't a new record for 3rd down efficiency, but it's better than MSU's 4-11. MSU came out on top, but not by the 4 TDs the books predicted. Idaho made more than a great showing for themselves, and I think they're worth consideration against almost anyone...especially in the WAC. Depending on the number when this team goes up against the Boise/Fresno upper levels, there should be some excellent value.

Arkansas St. beat Army. I'm inclined to think a bit higher of the Indians, and I'm glad they won me a decent ML payoff, but I didn't get to actually see this game. Anyone who did see it have some comment? Has Army slipped (*more*) in caliber this year?

Michigan spanked Vandy. I watched this one, and Michigan gave away 8 points in the first half with blown TDs turned into FGs. Michigan pounded both sides of the ball, and with scant few exceptions, Vandy couldn't move it an inch. 373 yards compared to 144 yards total for the Commodores. We knew Vanderbilt would be bad. And we knew Michigan would be good. This score should have been 27-7 at halftime, and I feel sorry for you guys who didn't catch the 1H play. I thought that was a good one, and Michigan just frickin dominated. 48 yards in 25 rushes? Are you kidding me? Big Blue is a force this year, and they statistically dominated this game like they should...even if the scoring wasn't as high as perhaps it should have been. Big chalk always carries those risks, but I think we can be very very careful about fading the Wolverines until someone shows us a weakness.

Something to add regarding Michigan State. Their freshman can kick a field goal. Don't expect that same stupid shit in this different year. Michigan State won't have to modify playcalling to get around using the placekicker.

Colorado. Lost to Montana St. Do I need to repeat that? Let's be kind and call this a rebuilding year.

Duke is again the perennial NC whipping boy. Major fade medicine for the rest of the season. Keep an eye out for soft lines. If Duke can't hold with Richmond, there's no way they'll even look respectable against any Div 1 team. The Blue Devils didn't even manage 200 yards of total offense. 200!
46 rushing yards in 30 rushing plays. 1.5 ypp is bordering on "get rid of your so-called program" bad.

Clemson dominated FAU. Surprise. I still want to see Clemson up against an opponent before I'll think I learned anything about them. Next week they play BC. I think we should know something after that game.

Nebraska blew our skirts up. LaTech did not play poorly on offense, I thought. Nebraska's D wasn't manhandling them like Michigan was Vandy, at least, but Nebraska's offense beat the everloving hell out of the bulldogs' D. 586 total yards compared to LT's 286, and Neb had a good balance to their attack...not only between runs/passes, but all yardage was spread around to twice as many players as LaTech. Even if this is just asstime, it shows some semblance of depth. Nebraska's going to be a tough beat this year.

East Carolina made quite a show against Navy. Navy couldn't pass, and ECU couldn't stop the run...to the tune of 403 navy rushing yards. Having said that, the highlights made it look like ECU had a shot at the endzone at the end of regulation. Izzat right?

I think I've run out. I'm pretty happy with week 1. I had excellent success with spread plays, and very mild success with ML dogs with good chances at more there. I also won my teaser......all in all I came out on top by about 30% of my outlay while hitting 37.5% ML dogs and an utterly astonishing (to me) 70% sides/unders.

cheers fellas, and thanks for all your help.
I guess I could add this here. Joe P asked about Nevada/Fresno St. in his thread:

I had Nevada +420 and Nevada +10.5.

First, some cold stats...

Nevada and Fresno were almost even in first downs 21-19 respectively.

Nevada had 168 yards on 34 rushes for 4.9 ypc.
Fresno St. had 212 yards on 38 carries for 5.6 ypc.
Nevada had 183 Passing yards, and Fresno had 124.

Offense was fairly even through the game, BUT Nevada didn't come alive and run the ball like they did last year when Nevada beat them in Reno until the 3rd quarter. Fresno beat the wolfpack down int he first half - they had the ball a lot more, they were converting 3rd downs, and the wolfpack couldn't do a damn thing to stop Fresno's well-balanced attack. I don't think this indicates that Reno is worse this year than last, just sluggish and they paid for it with a loss.

There was also some questionable decision making by the coach (imo) with going for a 2pt conversion relatively early on...this combined with an earlier blocked XP put significant pressure on the Wolfpack in the 4th quarter. They were down by 9 and driving instead of down by 7 or 8. Had they kicked the XP instead of going for 2, then they're down 8 and they can tie with one TD. They didn't. Anyway, in the 3rd quarter, the wolfpack had the ball for 80% of the clock. The were running that pistol like they did last year, and balancing with the occasional smart pass. This contrasts the pass-first, turnover on downs-second style they used during the first half.

This was not scrub time, either. This was the entirety of the 3rd quarter, and Nevada was making quite a run, but the whole was too deep, and they couldn't dig themselves out of it.

Nevada looked good to me...overall. ymmv. I would absolutely make both of those wagers again.
I feel like I'm bogarting this...maybe it's just too early in the morning, but I really want to hear what you guys have to say about the games you saw yesterday.
This is from a Buckeye site....I think it's a good objective view of yesterdays tOSU/NIU game...remember, that you may a bit tougher on a team u follow daily then your avg Joe..

N. Illinois Game Thoughts

I will deal with the bad then get to the good.

The Buckeyes will not beat Texas with this kind of play at safety. The only one that earned more playing time was Mitchell and he was barely average. He made as many bad plays as good ones. Both in run support and in zone coverage. His coverage that allowed the first and goal on the NI touchdown drive was awful. There was no other white jersey in the area and 2 other Buckeye defenders but he stands there and lets him catch the ball. I would play Anderson Russell and then look to the freshmen for depth. O'Neal and Patterson didn't look like they are ready to help this program anytime soon. Neither had one good play to offset their bad reads and soft play. O'Neals kick returns don't count. I doubt either wants to see his grade after this game.

You want to be strong down the middle. After the dominating play of Patterson and Pitcock, the middle of the Buckeye defense left alot to be desired. I spoke about the safeties but the middle linebacker is the most important part of the defense. Laurinaitis disappeared. I don't recall a play by him and considering the rushing numbers put up he had opportunities. The only LBs that I saw that played well were Freeman and Grant. Kerr made a couple of plays early then disappeared.

2 fumbles and 2 missed field goals took another 20 points off the board. The 2 missed field goals are more a concern than the fumbles. Neither kicker looked like we can count on them. Not yet anyway.

The good news about the bad news is it is early and most of the bad were done by young and/or inexperienced players.

Now for the good.

Smith was as sharp as a razor. How many different receivers did he use in this game? He only threw one bad ball that I remember. A better ball to Gonzo in the 2nd quarter would have been 6. I find it very interesting that Troy did not run. I don't remember one run. I think that gives the Texas defensive staff something to think about. That this very dangerous runner has become an even better passer. I think it could have been a very deliberate message sent to the Texas staff. You have to get after him. He is going to use his wide outs, he is going to use his TE, he is going to use his backs. He is seeing the field so well and has the arm to get the ball anywhere on the field. His Heisman run got off to a great start.

The receivers were outstanding. You have to love seeing those young guys come out and make plays. Hartline looks so dangerous. Robiskie looks like a bigger stronger faster Michael Jenkins. I remember when he was a high school player that he was so good as using that big body to shield off defenders. He may have better hands than Jenkins. I remember Jenkins would have the occasional drop.

The offensive line punched holes and protected the QB. Outstanding job. That depth we have been arguing about looks like it really is taking shape. I did not see a dropoff when they came into the game.

Pittman, Wells and Wells. I have to include all 3. They are all different and all impressive. We know what we have with Pittman and we saw what we expected out of C.Wells but what I loved was seeing M.Wells get used in a way that he can help this football team. He can be deadly used in space like he was yesterday. C.Wells is everythign he was cracked up to be. He is a radio announcers nightmare. "Wells is hit at the line of scrimmage...... Gain of 5." JUst the way he runs you can tell defenders are thinking, no, here he comes again. If defenders don't get a clean shot at him they can forget it.

The front 4,8,12, whatever number of players were in there, dominated. Richardson and Gohlston have to have good games because Wilson and Barrow played just as well. If you consider plays made vs. plays in the game they outplayed them. Pitcock and Patterson collapsed the pocket and penetrated all game. They were the best players on the field. Just when NI thought they were going to get a break as Patterson and Pitcock left the field, Denlinger comes in and immediately makes a play. He is going to be a great one.

Grant was all over the field. I think him playing the Mike is about substituting for a player better against the pass. He is highly mobile and has a motor that won't quit. Freeman had a great game. The only thing that keeps me from giving him defensive player of the game over Pitcock or Patterson is his terrible play on the goal line. Coming out of high school the only real knock on Freeman was he was not a real physical player, he was a drag down tackler not a knockdown tackler. We saw it on this play. He is 235-240 and can't drop a 185 lb runner in his tracks. That was an awful play.

I liked seeing so much I-formation. Both White and Johnson played very well. Love this kind of football. I think we see more of it next week. Gotta keep the defense off the field.
For games that I saw:

Vandy/UM: UM dominated the game. But the same problems cropped up for UM that have the last two years. That can't give someone a bunch of confidence to bet them in a big spot until they fix those problems. Their lines will be out of control early I feel. Vandy has some problems on DLine and will get run over in conference.

NT/UT: NT is god awful but what do u expect from the Sun Belt. UT looked OK..not bad, nothing really stood out. It looked like McCoy and Limas Sweed had good timing down and UT fans had to like that..the UT defensive line was dominant, but NT's OLine is slow, and not athletic. Charles didn't look particularly good...also, Senior Center left after aggravating an ankle sprain..some cause for concern there...

MSU/Idaho: MSU wasn't the best team on the field strangely enough..Stanton is still dangerous, but not a lot around him..their backs have the worst vision of any Big Ten backs I've seen...also their defense didn't get the type of pressure u'd expect a Big Ten team to get against a WAC line.

Utah/UCLA: neither team impressed really at all...Utes have some growing pains w/ Ratliff it appears...the timing on offense was nonexistant and the D didn't fly to the ball at all really...good win for UCLA nonetheless and Olsen was the X Factor in the game/cover...he was the differencemaker..experienced QB's go such a long ways in these early games.

Wisky/BGSU: domination u woulda expected up front in ID/MSU game...one thing I did notice is how few athletes Wisky seemed to have..I think that teams w/ real good team speed are going to give this team fits..BGSU will be top four teams in the MAC and are not conference fade material barring injury.

tOSU/NIU: lots of good/lots of bad....Smith/Ginn came out on same page and really showed a glimpse of what they'll be this year...the Bucks scored on first four possessions, mostly through the air...Ohio State didn't show much of their hand here...they ran no reverses, no option reads, Smith didn't even have a rushing attempt...this was as vanilla as you'll see the tOSU offense all year and they were still highly effective...on defense, the front four was very effective and dominant at times. the big concern is the back seven...run support has to get better from the back four...that was always a real strength of this D scheme...and god the tackling has to improve...for NIU, it's all about Garrett Wolfe...he might be the best back in the country this year...he's very difficult to tackle and he can run over you too..he picks up the blitz and has good hands for catching it too...the whole package...NIU's O Line is pretty solid...I've seen almost all the teams in the MAC the first week and it's no contest...this team is more complete than any of the others...9 or 10 wins for this team this year...

Bama/Bows: Bama is short on playmakers on offense...no doubt about it...the speed is still there on D, but this isn't a top 25 team right now...good showing by UH and I think they showed me something up front...that D Line help up real well vs a good OLine for Bama

ND/GT: ND couldn't stretch the field because they couldn't protect the QB..mostly 3 step drops after the first series when Weiss saw what was going on...w/ how UM's DLine played today, esp Woodley, that may be tough matchup for ND...OLine didn't look atletic at all and Sam Young is going to have some major growing pains against these big , athletic D Lines he'll face....ND's defense looked better, but u could still see the team speed lacking...but their assignment were much better than last year...you didn't see the mistakes leading to points...just execution by the offense...that in itself is a major improvement from last year..

USC/Arky....second verse, same as the first....LOADED...every position...just some many good athletes on both sides of the ball...a team like Arky has no chance...u have to have a multitude of good athletes to even compete w/ them...and u better run the ball....
Just tweaking my PRs, so here is my top 10:

1. USC (103)
2. Texas (103)
3 Ohio St (101)
4. Auburn (98)
5. Florida (97)
5. LSU (97)
5. Tennessee (97)
5. West Virginia (97)
9. Notre Dame (96)
9. Texas Tech (96)
9. Va Tech (96)

Ok, so it's a top 11. I put everyone at 97 and 96 points as a tie...but I did not do that for USC and Texas. Both are reloaded with tons of talent. USC has the better quarterback but that should be expected with Booty getting some actual playing time over the last 4 years. The real difference between USC and the other teams was that USC was READY for the game yesterday. They were businesslike, they were prepared, and they did not let the emotion of being the 1st game control them.

Texas, for example, was a bundle of excitement for the 1st Half. Ross almost fucked things up but Robison and the ST bailed him out. Colt McCoy aimed an accurate ball, but he did not throw it. He did not have zip on his passes and against an experienced and good secondary this will be a problem. RBs looked good, but not dominant. Still it's hard to argue when they rattle off 9 yard end arounds after 9 yard end arounds with very little effort.

Ohio St looked great on O against an average NIU D but only 35 points? Jump tell me what happened. Agree with the comments about safety and linebacker play. The edge in the Texas game should be with the Horns and I'm basing this solely on the differences in D. Offensive superiority (if there is any) of Ohio St will be largely contained by Texas' D. Also look for Texas to have a very good ball control offense moving the ball with the run and accurate throws.
You guys are puttin a lot of work into this. GOod job. I want to prove last week wasnt a fluke. If i can manage to get sometime, ill give a writeup on my plays for week 2. I also will do another sec writeup like my cal tenn one, where i picked tenn to win by double digits ;)
Possible Situational Plays

Auburn v. Miss St.--Possible sandwich between Wash St. and LSU.

Florida v. UCF--Possible look ahead spot with roadie to Tennessee the next week.

Tennessee v. Air Force--Sandwich game between Cal and Florida.

Pitt @ Cincy--Sandwich game between two non-conf home games, Virginia and Michigan St.

Rutgers v. Illinois--Revenge game for Rutgers.

KSU v. FAU--Possible look ahead spot with Marshall coming into town the next week (last year very close game).

OU v. Washington--Possible look ahead spot with trip to Oregon the next week. (Less likely now that they need to get Thompson reps.)
Louisville @ Temple--Sandwich game for UL between Kentucky and Miami.
FSU v. Troy--FSU sandwich game between Miami and a revenge game with Clemson.

Iowa @ Syracuse--Possible look ahead game for Iowa with ISU coming to town the next week.

Michigan v. CMU--Possible look ahead game with Notre Dame coming up the next week. (Less likely after horrible game against Vandy)

Iowa State v. UNLV--Possible look ahead game with trip to Iowa the next week. (Less likely after bad game against Toledo)

Army v. Kent State--Possible flat spot for Army after revenge road trip to Ark State and big road trip to San Antonio to play A&M on a neutral field. (Probably not a factor after losing to Ark State)

Notre Dame v. Penn State--Possible sandwich game between GTech and Michigan, Penn State being "lesser" competition. (Less likely after performance against G Tech)

ASU v. Nevada--Possible look ahead for ASU with bigger OOC opponent the next week (Colorado). (Less likely after poor performance against NAU and Colorado losing to Montana St.)

Stanford v. SJSU--Possible sandwich game for Stanford after Oregon and before Navy. (Local rivalry game)

How about Georgia if they are only laying -4 to South Carolina. Guys we all saw that game thursday. South Carolina has no off!
Big daddy...

your the second guy outta Myrtle to have the intials BDK at this forum..lol

I would side with UGA there...but I won't play it..hate laying 4 on road in sec play. MISS ST defense should not be overlooked either.
Reporters' Notebooks

Georgia Sports Blog: Alcohol-free family friendly tailgate zones set up by Georgia officials attracted only three tailgates. Thanks to EBSBS.

Dave Dye, Detroit Free Press: Michigan State coach John L. Smith is having a tiff with the Lansing State Journal after the paper ran a section titled "Official fan blowout guide" to preview the narrow victory over Idaho.

Rick Bozich, Louisville Courier-Journal: What's it like to be sitting in the stands and watching your son get injured? Michael Bush Sr. now knows.

Dave Rahme, Syracuse Post-Standard: There is little evidence of improvement at Syracuse, where the offense continues to be awful.

John Hunt, Oregonian: A stadium renovation might have taken the edge off Fresno State fans, but Oregon is still expecting wild and crazy times.
Columnists' Corner

Ray Parrillo, Philadelphia Inquirer: It's never too early to have opinions. Ohio State's Troy Smith is the best quarterback. Lee Corso needs to remove the lampshade from his head, do a little homework and offer some insight. Notre Dame is not the No. 2 team in the land (registration).

John Niyo, Detroit News: They shorten the game and lengthen the schedule. Will the powers-that-be please give us our game back.

Pete DiPrimio, Fort Wayne News-Sentinel: Notre Dame acquired mental toughness, which is an optimistic way of saying it struggled to beat Georgia Tech.

Rick Bozich, Louisville Courier-Journal: Michael Bush ran as if he intended to wrap both hands on the Heisman. Then the Louisville running back suffered a season-ending injury.

Chris Dufresne, Los Angeles Times: One problem with the new 12-game format is that a team such as Montana State had to go out and find an extra easy-money game against a team such as Colorado.

Jake Curtis, San Francisco Chronicle: Is California's season over? Far from it. Here are several reasons why the Bears are likely to bounce back.
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Columnists' Corner

Rick Morrissey, Chicago Tribune: If Notre Dame is the fourth-best team in the land, then I'm a supermodel (registration).

Mark Story, Lexington Herald-Leader: Rich Brooks needs to win the next two games for Kentucky to retain any hope of a winning season.

Paul Finebaum, Mobile Press-Register: Alabama coach Mike Shula's biggest mistake? Allowing linebacker Juwan Simpson to play on Saturday.

Richard Stevens, Albuquerque Tribune: New Mexico's stunning loss to Portland State was just a ploy to fool rival New Mexico State, which plays host to the Lobos on Saturday.

Kurt Kragthorpe, Salt Lake Tribune: Not only did Utah's three I-A teams lose, they scored the fewest total points of any weekend in 32 years.

posted by Dawizofodds at 4:10 AM 1 comments links to this post

Reporters' Notebooks

Suzanne Halliburton, Austin American-Statesman: A lawyer representing two Texas players said deputies unnecessarily used a Taser on the players before they were arrested (registration, thanks to Covers).

Gregg Becnel and Brett McMurphy, Tampa Tribune: South Florida starting tight end Will Bleakley was arrested and starting running back Moise Plancher will miss the season after suffering a knee injury.

Bob Clark, Eugene Register-Guard: Pac-10 notebook, leading with California struggling to solve its problems at quarterback.

Mitch Vingle, Charleston Gazette: The Big East has reason to strut. League teams won seven of eight games to open the season.

John Pruett, Huntsville Times: Southeastern Conference official Steve Shaw is used to boos, but he got a standing ovation on Tuesday night.

Tony Barnhart, Atlanta Journal-Constitution: Leftovers from the slugfest between Florida State and Miami (registration).

Ryan Wood, Lawrence Journal-World: Kansas coach Mark Mangino's new contract allows him to leave without paying a penalty.

Doug Segrest, Birmingham News: A look at the snapshots from the opening week.
Thanks, BAR. I go to a handful of sites and they have good round ups of news articles. No need to go hunting as much anymore.