Sunday, May 13 NBA


Blame it on the boogie
+485.3029 units

GSW to win all- .1 unit to win 10
Clev to win all- .5 unit to win 10
Detroit to win East- .5556 units to win 1
Detroit to win all- 1 unit to win 5
Cleveland to win East +370- 3 units to win 11.1
Spurs in 6 +650- 3 units to win 19.5
Spurs series +135- 20 units to win 27
GSW to win series +175- 15 units to win 26.25
GSW to win series +280 - 40 units to win 112

forcin bets

Detroit -3 (-110) Chicago- 27.5 units to win 25 lose
Det/Chi OVER 182 (-110)- 5.5 units to win 5 win
GSW -6 (-130) Utah- 13 units to win 10 lose
---GSW -7 (-110) Utah- 11 units to win 10 lose
1st H GSW -4 (-115) Utah- 46 units to win 40 lose
---1st H GSW -4.5 Utah- 23.5 units to win 20 lose
Detrot 2nd Q -2 11.25 units to win 10 lose
Detroit 2nd H -4 Chi- 23.5 units to win 20 lose

so far:
-150.75 units
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100 dollars per unit. crazy actually, beginning of the year, I started with 2500 dollars and said I'd cry if I lost it. went 25/50 dollars a game, then slowly 100. near middle season I began putting 150 dollar bets, and the great feels at 300. April boosted my bankroll and came up a total of around 13,000 for the regular season- obviously much happier than ever. Then these playoffs, I've been betting over my head. I know money management is key, but up 64,000 for the playoffs is more than enough to keep me happy. If I lose a big one, I'm still happier than I ever imagined. I'm gonna ride this streak til it dies, but yea 100 dollar units
I can see both teams giving it a better showing on offense. Expect Chicago jump shots to fall, so they'll get theirs. However, seriously, the skill differences is ridiculous. Detroit should pull away from a close 4th Q game to win by imo 5-9. Only thing scaring me is that they might want to end the series at home, but why would they reject a perfect playoff run? If Detroit wants to win, they will.

Also, Warriors are hyped! I'll probably add more, but betting against them at home is not something I can see myself doing
no idea
quick question: someone told me, when I get the checks sent over and deposit them in the bank, it looks fishy cuz I am I student with all this cash and that they'll report to the IRS. any1 have this problem ever?
Just don't make any deposits of more than 10K on any calender month because then banks are required to report it to the IRS. Also, the chances of your account being audited are slim to none just because you're one of millions. How much are you depositing and how often?
Just don't make any deposits of more than 10K on any calender month because then banks are required to report it to the IRS. Also, the chances of your account being audited are slim to none just because you're one of millions. How much are you depositing and how often?

Thanks! does this mean no deposit of over 10K at one time, or all together throughout the month? Thanks