Sunday Discussion


Breaking it down briefly
<TABLE style="WIDTH: 100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=Column_Date_Headers_Odds><TD colSpan=7>MLB Baseball - Sun 5/11

</TD></TR><TR class=Column_Headers_Odds><TD colSpan=3>Game</TD><TD>Run Line</TD><TD>Money Line</TD><TD>Total Runs</TD><TD>More</TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>951</TD><TD>Cincinnati Reds
J. Cueto

</TD><TD>+1.5 -184</TD><TD>+115</TD><TD>OVER 9 +110</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>10:10 AM</TD><TD>952</TD><TD>New York Mets
OL. Perez

</TD><TD>-1.5 +174</TD><TD>-123</TD><TD>UNDER 9 -120</TD></TR><TR class=AD2><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>953</TD><TD>Atlanta Braves
J. Jurrjens

</TD><TD>-1.5 +125</TD><TD>-129</TD><TD>OVER 9 +106</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD2><TD>10:35 AM</TD><TD>954</TD><TD>Pittsburgh Pirates
Z. Duke

</TD><TD>+1.5 -135</TD><TD>+121</TD><TD>UNDER 9 -116</TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>955</TD><TD>Florida Marlins
S. Olsen

</TD><TD>+1.5 -181</TD><TD>+113</TD><TD>OVER 9 +107</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>10:35 AM</TD><TD>956</TD><TD>Washington Nationals
S. Hill

</TD><TD>-1.5 +171</TD><TD>-121</TD><TD>UNDER 9 -117</TD></TR><TR class=AD2><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>957</TD><TD>St Louis Cardinals
B. Looper

</TD><TD>+1.5 -191</TD><TD>+117</TD><TD>OVER 9 -114</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD2><TD>11:05 AM</TD><TD>958</TD><TD>Milwaukee Brewers
J. Suppan

</TD><TD>-1.5 +178</TD><TD>-125</TD><TD>UNDER 9 +104</TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>959</TD><TD>Arizona D-Backs
R. Johnson

</TD><TD></TD><TD>+142</TD><TD></TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>11:20 AM</TD><TD>960</TD><TD>Chicago Cubs
C. Zambrano

</TD><TD></TD><TD>-150</TD><TD></TD></TR><TR class=AD2><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>961</TD><TD>Colorado Rockies
G. Reynolds

</TD><TD>+1.5 -158</TD><TD>+138</TD><TD>OVER 8.5 +102</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD2><TD>01:05 PM</TD><TD>962</TD><TD>San Diego Padres
C. Young

</TD><TD>-1.5 +148</TD><TD>-146</TD><TD>UNDER 8.5 -112</TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>963</TD><TD>Philadelphia Phillies
A. Eaton

</TD><TD>-1.5 +154</TD><TD>-108</TD><TD>OVER 9 +113</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>01:05 PM</TD><TD>964</TD><TD>San Francisco Giants
J. Sanchez

</TD><TD>+1.5 -164</TD><TD>+100</TD><TD>UNDER 9 -123</TD></TR><TR class=AD2><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>965</TD><TD>Houston Astros
S. Chacon

</TD><TD>+1.5 -150</TD><TD>+144</TD><TD>OVER 9 +104</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD2><TD>01:10 PM</TD><TD>966</TD><TD>Los Angeles Dodgers
H. Kuroda

</TD><TD>-1.5 +140</TD><TD>-152</TD><TD>UNDER 9 -114</TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>967</TD><TD>Toronto Blue Jays
A. Burnett

</TD><TD>+1.5 -178</TD><TD>+122</TD><TD>OVER 8 +104</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>10:05 AM</TD><TD>968</TD><TD>Cleveland Indians
F. Carmona

</TD><TD>-1.5 +168</TD><TD>-130</TD><TD>UNDER 8 -114</TD></TR><TR class=AD2><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>969</TD><TD>New York Yankees
A. Pettitte

</TD><TD>+1.5 -191</TD><TD>+103</TD><TD>OVER 10 +104</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD2><TD>10:05 AM</TD><TD>970</TD><TD>Detroit Tigers
N. Robertson

</TD><TD>-1.5 +178</TD><TD>-111</TD><TD>UNDER 10 -114</TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>971</TD><TD>LAA Angels
E. Santana

</TD><TD>-1.5 +144</TD><TD>-110</TD><TD>OVER 8.5 -102</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>10:40 AM</TD><TD>972</TD><TD>Tampa Bay Rays
A. Sonnastine

</TD><TD>+1.5 -154</TD><TD>+102</TD><TD>UNDER 8.5 -108</TD></TR><TR class=AD2><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>973</TD><TD>Baltimore Orioles
B. Burres

</TD><TD>+1.5 -160</TD><TD>+129</TD><TD>OVER 8.5 -105</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD2><TD>11:10 AM</TD><TD>974</TD><TD>Kansas City Royals
B. Bannister

</TD><TD>-1.5 +150</TD><TD>-137</TD><TD>UNDER 8.5 -105</TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>975</TD><TD>Oakland Athletics
R. Harden

</TD><TD>-1.5 +128</TD><TD>-125</TD><TD>OVER 9.5 +107</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>12:05 PM</TD><TD>976</TD><TD>Texas Rangers
S Ponson

</TD><TD>+1.5 -138</TD><TD>+117</TD><TD>UNDER 9.5 -117</TD></TR><TR class=AD2><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>977</TD><TD>Chicago White Sox
G. Floyd

</TD><TD>-1.5 +142</TD><TD>-115</TD><TD>OVER 8.5 +109</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD2><TD>01:10 PM</TD><TD>978</TD><TD>Seattle Mariners
M. Batista

</TD><TD>+1.5 -152</TD><TD>+107</TD><TD>UNDER 8.5 -119</TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>Sun 5/11</TD><TD>979</TD><TD>Boston Red Sox
T. Wakefield

</TD><TD>-1.5 +140</TD><TD>-115</TD><TD>OVER 9 +104</TD><TD vAlign=center align=middle rowSpan=2></TD></TR><TR class=AD1><TD>05:05 PM</TD><TD>980</TD><TD>Minnesota Twins
N. Blackburn

</TD><TD>+1.5 -150</TD><TD>+107</TD><TD>UNDER 9 -114</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE borderColor=#cccccc cellSpacing=1 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>:05 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>NY Yankees at Detroit
Home Plate Umpire: Paul Emmel</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Andy Pettitte
Nate Robertson
Bullpen Availability </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>1:05 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Toronto at Cleveland
Home Plate Umpire: Andrew Fletcher</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>A.J. Burnett
Fausto Carmona
Bullpen Availability </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>1:40 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>LA Angels at Tampa Bay
Home Plate Umpire: Jim Reynolds</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Ervin Santana
Andy Sonnanstine
Bullpen Availability </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>2:10 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Baltimore at Kansas City
Home Plate Umpire: Jim Joyce</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Brian Burres
Brian Bannister
Bullpen Availability </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>3:05 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Oakland at Texas
Home Plate Umpire: Mike Everitt</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Rich Harden
Sidney Ponson
Bullpen Availability </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>4:10 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Chi. White Sox at Seattle
Home Plate Umpire: Brian Gorman</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Gavin Floyd
Miguel Batista
Bullpen Availability </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>8:05 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Boston at Minnesota
Home Plate Umpire: Marty Foster</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Tim Wakefield
Nick Blackburn
Bullpen Availability </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans bgColor=#ffdccb colSpan=3>National League </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans bgColor=#ffdccb>Time</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans bgColor=#ffdccb>Game</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans bgColor=#ffdccb>Starters</TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>1:10 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Cincinnati at NY Mets
Home Plate Umpire: Rob Drake</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Johnny Cueto
Oliver Perez
Bullpen Availability </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>1:35 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Florida at Washington
Home Plate Umpire: Jerry Crawford</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Scott Olsen
Shawn Hill
Bullpen Availability </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>1:35 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Atlanta at Pittsburgh
Home Plate Umpire: Mike Estabrook</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Jair Jurrjens
Zach Duke
Bullpen Availability </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>2:05 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>St. Louis at Milwaukee
Home Plate Umpire: Brian Knight</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Braden Looper
Jeff Suppan
Bullpen Availability </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>2:20 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Arizona at Chi. Cubs
Home Plate Umpire: Lance Barksdale</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Randy Johnson
Carlos Zambrano
Bullpen Availability </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>4:05 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Philadelphia at San Francisco
Home Plate Umpire: Mark Wegner</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Adam Eaton
Jonathan Sanchez
Bullpen Availability </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>4:05 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Colorado at San Diego
Home Plate Umpire: C.B. Bucknor</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Greg Reynolds
Chris Young
Bullpen Availability </TD></TR><TR><TD class=small-copy-sans>4:10 PM ET </TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Houston at LA Dodgers
Home Plate Umpire: Chuck Meriwether</TD><TD class=small-copy-sans>Shawn Chacon
Hiroki Kuroda
Bullpen Availability</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
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i'm wondering if it's worth it to play Sonnastine at home coupled with an overrated Erwin especially as he's on the road with the two straight shutout losses which is not a good record when playing the same team.

...other thoughts are the under in Cleveland cuz idk if Toronto will score, Texas with Harden coming off the DL and Ponson off a good start in Seattle, SF-PHI Over, and ATL-PIT Under
Off consecutive Under results, the Angels are O/U 6-1-1 this season, averaging 13.75 runs/game.

They're of course off consecutive 0-2 shutouts heading into Sunday's series finale vs Tampa.

It would be remiss of me, however, not to mention Tampa is 5-0 to Under in home game 3s this season.
Looking at that game it would be LAA or pass for me. I think at this point there is nothing overrated about Ervin Santana and his pitching on the road. Regardless of stats and records he did exactly what he has failed to do in previous seasons. he pitched well enough on the road to keep his team in games and give them a chance to win. He is coming off an excellence 97 pitch CG shutout @ KC which I believe someone mentioned was highest opposing ERA entering that game. So at this point I am only concerned with Santana's pitching in 2008 as in my mind he has turned the corner .

So looking at this series LAA won 2-0 twice when TB had its 2 best SP on the hill granted Kazmir is a bit behind due to his injury . However you have a significant dropoff from those to Sonnastine. Then for LAA while Garland and Saunders pitched well Ervin Santana is more talented then both and tougher to hit then both. Really game 1 was a walkoff HR and in game 2 ground out and sac fly to score.

So when TB had the edges all it did was basically squeakout 2 wins but now LAA has the edges and is looking to avoid a sweep. For as well as Sonnastine has pitched he but twice in 7 games allowed less then 3 runs and those were his 2 best starts clearly. So theres a good chances based on that we see 3-4-5 runs from LAA here.

In day games both have good records but LAA because they hit well 5.7(271) runs while TB because its pitching but Sonnastine has not made a day start yet. TB scored 3.9 runs and hit .222.

So LAA hits well in day game faces the weakest SP it has opposed all series vs a poor hitting day team who faces the best SP it has seen all series and has only scored 4 runs in 2 games.

<TABLE class=data cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2><TBODY><TR><TD class=datahl2>07/19/07</TD><TD class=datacell>TB 0 - LAA 3</TD><TD class=datacell>LAA -158</TD><TD class=datacell>U 9</TD><TD class=datacell>Andy Sonnanstine</TD><TD class=datacell>7.0</TD><TD class=datacell>Kelvim Escobar</TD><TD class=datacell>7.2</TD></TR><TR><TD class=datahl2>07/18/07</TD><TD class=datacell>TB 7 - LAA 2</TD><TD class=datacell>TB -105</TD><TD class=datacell>U 9.5</TD><TD class=datacell>Scott Kazmir</TD><TD class=datacell>7.0</TD><TD class=datacell>Bartolo Colon</TD><TD class=datacell>5.0</TD></TR><TR><TD class=datahl2>07/17/07</TD><TD class=datacell>TB 8 - LAA 3</TD><TD class=datacell>TB -104</TD><TD class=datacell>O 9</TD><TD class=datacell>James Shields</TD><TD class=datacell>7.0</TD><TD class=datacell>Ervin Santana</TD><TD class=datacell>6.0</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

See any similarities??

Shields WINS Game 1
Kazmir WINS Game 2
and the SP for game #3 is Sonnastine which he lost

What has happened so far this weekend?? .
Thanks for color coding that first post between the two leagues , makes it a lot easier to find the game start times and so forth.

Yes , i think E. Santana now falls into a new category. It used to be "prove to me that you can pitch well on the road, Ervin" but now it is "prove to me that you won't pitch good on the road, Ervin".

Have not capped the game out but i am no longer in a rush to bet against this guy on the road. it was fun for a long time but he may have turned a corner this year.

I thought there would be a much smaller price on kuroda tomorrow. No furcal and the dodgers cant hit for crud right now and berkman and company have been. Chacon has been decent and kuroda off a bad start. And yet he is still -150 or so. strange.
As much as I want to respect FLA it appears that Wash is the better play. Olsen is off a 121 pitch game and in previous seasons his high pitch count game have been followed by a shelling. This year to his credit he threw 120 and then went and shutdown ATL but the key difference I think will believe he got 6 days vs ATL and just 5 here. I expect his command will not be sound tmrw and facing a team who has already seen him twice and lost twice to him I think this will be an unexpected edge....for WASH....Nats are 8-8 vs LHSP and they have Hill there ace SP IMO throwing. I also believe teams do not want to start road trips on losing streaks and will place extra emphasis on getting a win which also happens to be nats trying to avoid a divisional sweep on there home field....also nats trying to avoid being swept twice by Fla this season at home.

Also while somewhat minor Nats have the edge playing in day games this year and in years past. 48-58 vs 57-52 ...Fla 247 vs Wash 262....

2006<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg3 vAlign=center align=right height=15><TD align=left>5 Days Rest</TD><TD align=left>3</TD><TD align=left>5</TD><TD align=left>5.13</TD><TD align=left>13</TD><TD align=left>13</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>73.2</TD><TD align=left>76</TD><TD align=left>50</TD><TD align=left>42</TD><TD align=left>13</TD><TD align=left>3</TD><TD align=left>27</TD><TD align=left>1</TD><TD align=left>78</TD><TD align=left>2</TD><TD align=left>1</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>4</TD><TD align=left>.263</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=15><TD align=left>> 5 Days Rest</TD><TD align=left>9</TD><TD align=left>4</TD><TD align=left>3.36</TD><TD align=left>17</TD><TD align=left>17</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>101.2</TD><TD align=left>80</TD><TD align=left>42</TD><TD align=left>38</TD><TD align=left>10</TD><TD align=left>4</TD><TD align=left>42</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>82</TD><TD align=left>6</TD><TD align=left>4</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>4</TD><TD align=left>.220


<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=15><TD align=left>Day</TD><TD align=left>4</TD><TD align=left>5</TD><TD align=left>5.32</TD><TD align=left>12</TD><TD align=left>12</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>64.1</TD><TD align=left>60</TD><TD align=left>45</TD><TD align=left>38</TD><TD align=left>9</TD><TD align=left>4</TD><TD align=left>28</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>60</TD><TD align=left>5</TD><TD align=left>2</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>5</TD><TD align=left>.247</TD></TR><TR class=bg3 vAlign=center align=right height=15><TD align=left>Night</TD><TD align=left>8</TD><TD align=left>5</TD><TD align=left>3.33</TD><TD align=left>19</TD><TD align=left>19</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>116.1</TD><TD align=left>100</TD><TD align=left>49</TD><TD align=left>43</TD><TD align=left>14</TD><TD align=left>3</TD><TD align=left>47</TD><TD align=left>1</TD><TD align=left>106</TD><TD align=left>3</TD><TD align=left>6</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>0</TD><TD align=left>3</TD><TD align=left>.234</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg3 vAlign=center align=right height=15><TD align=left>5 Days Rest</TD><TD align=right>4</TD><TD align=right>9</TD><TD align=right>5.87</TD><TD align=right>19</TD><TD align=right>19</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>104.1</TD><TD align=right>145</TD><TD align=right>84</TD><TD align=right>68</TD><TD align=right>17</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>44</TD><TD align=right>1</TD><TD align=right>75</TD><TD align=right>7</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD align=right>1</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>5</TD><TD align=right>.333</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=15><TD align=left>> 5 Days Rest</TD><TD align=right>5</TD><TD align=right>6</TD><TD align=right>5.91</TD><TD align=right>13</TD><TD align=right>13</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>67.0</TD><TD align=right>79</TD><TD align=right>48</TD><TD align=right>44</TD><TD align=right>12</TD><TD align=right>1</TD><TD align=right>36</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD align=right>56</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD align=right>1</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD align=right>.298</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=15><TD align=left>Day</TD><TD align=right>5</TD><TD align=right>6</TD><TD align=right>6.94</TD><TD align=right>13</TD><TD align=right>13</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>59.2</TD><TD align=right>80</TD><TD align=right>50</TD><TD align=right>46</TD><TD align=right>6</TD><TD align=right>1</TD><TD align=right>36</TD><TD align=right>1</TD><TD align=right>54</TD><TD align=right>5</TD><TD align=right>1</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>4</TD><TD align=right>.323</TD></TR><TR class=bg3 vAlign=center align=right height=15><TD align=left>Night</TD><TD align=right>5</TD><TD align=right>9</TD><TD align=right>5.23</TD><TD align=right>20</TD><TD align=right>20</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>117.0</TD><TD align=right>146</TD><TD align=right>84</TD><TD align=right>68</TD><TD align=right>23</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>49</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD align=right>79</TD><TD align=right>5</TD><TD align=right>5</TD><TD align=right>2</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>4</TD><TD align=right>.311</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=15><TD align=left>5 Days Rest</TD><TD align=right>2</TD><TD align=right>1</TD><TD align=right>2.67</TD><TD align=right>4</TD><TD align=right>4</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>27.0</TD><TD align=right>18</TD><TD align=right>9</TD><TD align=right>8</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>13</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD align=right>7</TD><TD align=right>1</TD><TD align=right>2</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>.189</TD></TR><TR class=bg3 vAlign=center align=right height=15><TD align=left>> 5 Days Rest</TD><TD align=right>2</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0.00</TD><TD align=right>2</TD><TD align=right>2</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>15.2</TD><TD align=right>7</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>4</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>11</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>.127</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

What sticks out about his 2008 splits are the fact in the previous seasons he showed much worse numbers on 5 days rest and while they havent shown up yet we do see that he walked 13 against striking out 7. Pretty good indicatior his stuff isnt as good as the results which means regression sometime in the near future cause with everything the scales must even out . What better spot to expect regression then after his longest outing when he went 121 pitches and muct pitch 5 days later vs a team he has seen twice and beaten twice already ?? In 2006 his ERA was nearly 2 full runs worse on 5 days rest and his BAA was 43 points worse , in 2007 a terrible year we see his BAA 35 pts higher on 5 days despite no differencein ERA , this year minor but still he has just 11 baserunners in nearly 16 iinn with extra rest compared to 31 in 27 innings otherwise . Also 7 Ks in 27 inn compared to 11 in 15,2 inn.....

So I think my theory has merit that his stuff will suffer tmrw. He has struggled more in day game s as well in the past.

Think we have a play now...always like to see the lineups though:cheers:.

Thanks for color coding that first post between the two leagues , makes it a lot easier to find the game start times and so forth.

Yes , i think E. Santana now falls into a new category. It used to be "prove to me that you can pitch well on the road, Ervin" but now it is "prove to me that you won't pitch good on the road, Ervin".

Have not capped the game out but i am no longer in a rush to bet against this guy on the road. it was fun for a long time but he may have turned a corner this year.

I thought there would be a much smaller price on kuroda tomorrow. No furcal and the dodgers cant hit for crud right now and berkman and company have been. Chacon has been decent and kuroda off a bad start. And yet he is still -150 or so. strange.

Guess there basically sticking to there belief that LAD is worth 50 cents more then Houston when in LA( not saying I agree just what I feel they are thinking)...its the lowest number but also the closest gap in talent bewteen SP so makes sense in that capacity...basically I am saying since they have priced Houston high all series and been incorrect its looks even worse when the talent gap is narrowed and the price is still high...Hard to get interested in LAD here as you already mentioned but I guess they are getting a good flow on LAD and expect it to continue regardless of SPs...big reason LAD has lost is there SP has put them down to many runs early which Kuroda did vs NY and cant afford to fo here with as you mentioned the struggling LAD lineup. I just think for the most part LAD will hit LH much better and the reason the offense stalled is they havent faced many LHP. When your 3 hitter is Kemp and his RHP vs LHP splits are so wide its tough to maintain consistency and then Furcals injury worsens the situation as you explained.....Andrum Jones slumping and Nomar out as well...:shake:I am to lazy to look at West Coast stuff this late so interested to see what tmrw brings...BOL VK:cheers:
Early lean for Mets. This line seems a bit cheap to me. Maybe cause Oliver gave up 3 dingers in LA. To be fair, he has faced some tough lineups vs. LHP. Phils twice, LAD & MIL, & underrated Pitt. Cueto's road xERA is above 6. (18 hits and 3 HRs in 14 innings). Mets have been hitting RHP well, and some Mets were rested in nightcap.

Cubs -1 also.
Hard to not like Cle seeing how inconsistent Burnett has been and how poorly he has been vs CLE in his career. Carmona I think is suffering mostly from bad spotitis..which is his bad starts seem to be bad spots...vs Oak he had just signed the big contract and I think its naturally for every athlete to try and justify it. However just like when a hitter swings for the fences the result is usually crap like apop up to short. Then it looks like he struggled @ KC and @ NYY..granted his rest inbewteen starts seemed to ve to excessive both times. A sinkerballer effectively anything more then 6 days is asking for trouble I guess we find out Sunday even though I hate fading Tor after a 12-0 loss....everything that can go wrong for them is starting with Navarro;s Grand Slam in Tor on Thursday....

Of course my "homer " ass is interested in the Yanks but I also am very conscious of ther horrific road recoard vs LHSP......

Honestly havent thought much about the mets game but real scared to back Perez at this point but big game as the series is tied 1-1...not sure about NYM vs Cueto..

Another tough game with Atl and Pitt might be interested in ATL but tough to pay chalk with them away....:cheers:
Toronto has scored in 2 of their last 31 innings, and has scored the grand total of 1 run in the 1st 6 innings of their last 4 games.
Early lean for Mets. This line seems a bit cheap to me. Maybe cause Oliver gave up 3 dingers in LA. To be fair, he has faced some tough lineups vs. LHP. Phils twice, LAD & MIL, & underrated Pitt. Cueto's road xERA is above 6. (18 hits and 3 HRs in 14 innings). Mets have been hitting RHP well, and some Mets were rested in nightcap.

Cubs -1 also.

Good stuff about Perez and it reminds me of something I said during the week. Why do we expect Cueto to win on the road? His stuff is good but he is still a really raw SP and is on what amounts to a bad team at least when it travels. Winning on the road and pitching wel for young SP is tough and shouldnt ve expected. In his defense his road splits are inflated fron the start @ STL but the Mets are exactly what CHI isnt very I think I may warm up to NYM.....

Why waste time with Cubs -1 ? A sweep is important thanks to the playoff sweep vs Zona in 2007 and eye for an eye ....Zambrano is getting the chance at payback while throwing about as good as I have seen him. Think 7 starts which 6 times he went 7 + and allowed 2 or less runs...last 4 starts 28.1 inn 20 h 2 runs...last 5 starts 35..1 inn 28 h 4 runs.....only 1 run in 6 inn with 8 Ks last year @ Zona.....Dbacks dont hit rHP that well and have maybe 2 LHB in there lineup playing into Zambrano's strength....6runs in 49 innings outside pf t Philly..

RHB 208 this year , 200 last , .174 in 2006 and .212 in 2005...all RH in Zona basically....

For Chi we have mentioned how well they have hit LHP. As much as I respect Unit bad spot for a guy working his way back still...last 2 times out he faced good lineups like the Cub lineup ..10 inn 10 runs 15 hits....

Randy Johnson (L) Last 10 Starts

<TABLE class=data cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2><TBODY><TR class=datahead><TD width="13%">Date</TD><TD width="12%">Opposition</TD><TD width="8%">Scr</TD><TD width="12%">Line</TD><TD width="5%">W/L</TD><TD width="5%">IP</TD><TD width="5%">H</TD><TD width="5%">R</TD><TD width="5%">ER</TD><TD width="4%">SO</TD><TD width="4%">BB</TD><TD width="4%">HR</TD><TD width="6%">PIT</TD><TD width="6%">P/IP</TD><TD width="6%">G/F</TD></TR><TR><TD class=datahl2>05/06/08</TD><TD class=datacell>PHI</TD><TD class=datacell>6-4</TD><TD class=datacell>-146/10</TD><TD class=datacell>W/P</TD><TD class=datacell>6.0</TD><TD class=datacell>6</TD><TD class=datacell>4</TD><TD class=datacell>4 </TD><TD class=datacell>6</TD><TD class=datacell>2</TD><TD class=datacell>2</TD><TD class=datacell>97 </TD><TD class=datacell>16.2 </TD><TD class=datacell>0.57</TD></TR><TR><TD class=datahl2>04/30/08</TD><TD class=datacell>HOU</TD><TD class=datacell>8-7</TD><TD class=datacell>-161/9.5</TD><TD class=datacell>W/O</TD><TD class=datacell>4.0</TD><TD class=datacell>9</TD><TD class=datacell>6</TD><TD class=datacell>6 </TD><TD class=datacell>2</TD><TD class=datacell>0</TD><TD class=datacell>1</TD><TD class=datacell>73 </TD><TD class=datacell>18.2 </TD><TD class=datacell>0.67</TD></TR><TR><TD class=datahl2>04/25/08</TD><TD class=datacell>@ SD</TD><TD class=datacell>5-1</TD><TD class=datacell>100/7</TD><TD class=datacell>W/U</TD><TD class=datacell>6.0</TD><TD class=datacell>3</TD><TD class=datacell>1</TD><TD class=datacell>1 </TD><TD class=datacell>7</TD><TD class=datacell>2</TD><TD class=datacell>0</TD><TD class=datacell>94 </TD><TD class=datacell>15.7 </TD><TD class=datacell>0.38</TD></TR><TR><TD class=datahl2>04/20/08</TD><TD class=datacell>SD</TD><TD class=datacell>4-9</TD><TD class=datacell>-135/9</TD><TD class=datacell>L/O</TD><TD class=datacell>5.2</TD><TD class=datacell>6</TD><TD class=datacell>6</TD><TD class=datacell>4 </TD><TD class=datacell>6</TD><TD class=datacell>3</TD><TD class=datacell>1</TD><TD class=datacell>104 </TD><TD class=datacell>18.4 </TD><TD class=datacell>1.20</TD></TR><TR><TD class=datahl2>04/14/08</TD><TD class=datacell>@ SF</TD><TD class=datacell>4-5</TD><TD class=datacell>-128/8</TD><TD class=datacell>L/O</TD><TD class=datacell>5.0</TD><TD class=datacell>3</TD><TD class=datacell>3</TD><TD class=datacell>0 </TD><TD class=datacell>7</TD><TD class=datacell>4</TD><TD class=datacell>0</TD><TD class=datacell>90 </TD><TD class=datacell>18.0 </TD><TD class=datacell>0.33</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysptblthbody1 align=right><TD class=yspdetailttl>G</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>GS</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>W</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>L</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>SV</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>CG</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>SHO</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>IP</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>H</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>R</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>ER</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>HR</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>BB</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>K</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>ERA</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>WHIP</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>BAA</TD><TD></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16> Day '08</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16></TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>9.2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>15</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>12</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>10</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>3</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>8</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>9.31</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1.86</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.341</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysptblthbody1 align=right><TD class=yspdetailttl>G</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>GS</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>W</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>L</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>SV</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>CG</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>SHO</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>IP</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>H</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>R</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>ER</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>HR</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>BB</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>K</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>ERA</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>WHIP</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>BAA</TD><TD></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16> Day</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16></TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>26.2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>28</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>13</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>11</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>7</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>35</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>3.71</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1.31</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.269</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16> Night</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16></TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>30.0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>24</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>13</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>13</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>5</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>6</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>37</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>3.90</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1.00</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.222</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

So I am pretty comfortable thinking Zona scores 2 or less here and Cubbiies worst case score 4 to 6....they kicker is UNIT has worse day splits 3 of past 4 years....

So I would lay -1.5 and get + money ibefore I played with -1...hell I would lay -2.5 before I laid -1 and clearly would take the ML before I laid -1....

Didnt really touch on this game because I have been taling about this series since Thurrsday night and I sai all I gad to say..and already hit my :cheers:Cubs series bet as well......
carmona during the day is almost an auto-play here for me... thoughts?

especially cuz the Jays can't score and they are without Vernon Wells. I think i've given up sides though because then i have to actually rely on a bullpen, which is something i'm not ready to do after the beginning of this year.
Probably taking an eccentric view in Cleveland. The forced under bet and Toronto. Plus 31 cents Burnett has won 6 of his last 8 road games. Carmona looks like an accident waiting to happen to me.
carmona during the day is almost an auto-play here for me... thoughts?

I like Cle but not becuase of Carmona's 2007 day splits though they certainly cant hurt. Real quick we have Burnett opposing them and outside of 2 really good starts vs East foes Boston and NYY he has been pretty medicore to bad. The Jays have lost Eckstein and Wells past few days while already going through a 2 week offensive slump. Last 24 Jays games they scored 6 runs once and 5 runs four times. The 3 or 4 runs five teams each . Which means 9 times they scored 2 or less which is almost 40% of the time ! The Jays pitching which was remarkable is starting to struggled in the past 5games which they are 1-4 allowing 12 , 6, 8 , 2 ,5 after a 9 game span where they allowed only 12 RUNS.

Burnett himself in limted work vs Cle has not fared well especially his past few times. I wonder if that nail is still hurting his curveball??

Head to Head

<TABLE class=data id=_ctl0__ctl0_tblHeadToHead cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=datacell colSpan=2>
  • <LI class=morehot>Over is 4-1 in the last 5 meetings in Cleveland. <LI class=more>Over is 6-2 in the last 8 meetings. <LI class=more>Blue Jays are 8-20 in the last 28 meetings in Cleveland.
  • Blue Jays are 7-19 in the last 26 meetings.
Umpire Trends - Andrew Fletcher

<TABLE class=data id=_ctl0__ctl0_tblUmpire cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=datacell colSpan=2>
  • <LI class=morehot>Home team is 6-0 in Fletchers last 6 games behind home plate vs. Cleveland. <LI class=morehot>Indians are 4-1 in their last 5 games with Fletcher behind home plate. <LI class=more>Under is 11-3-2 in Fletchers last 16 games behind home plate. <LI class=more>Home team is 6-2 in Fletchers last 8 games behind home plate vs. Toronto. <LI class=more>Home team is 5-2 in Fletchers last 7 games behind home plate. <LI class=more>Under is 5-2-1 in Fletchers last 8 games behind home plate vs. Cleveland. <LI class=more>Over is 18-8-2 in Fletchers last 28 Sunday games behind home plate.
  • Blue Jays are 2-13 in their last 15 games with Fletcher behind home plate
Think Cle has won 8 straight at home vs Jays as well...

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=ysptblthbody1 align=right><TD class=yspdetailttl>G</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>GS</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>W</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>L</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>SV</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>CG</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>SHO</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>IP</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>H</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>R</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>ER</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>HR</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>BB</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>K</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>ERA</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>WHIP</TD><TD class=yspdetailttl>BAA</TD><TD></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow1 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16> Day</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16></TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>12</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>12</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>9</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>84.0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>80</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>21</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>20</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>4</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>26</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>44</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>2.14</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1.26</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.250</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16></TD></TR><TR class=ysprow2 align=right><TD class=yspscores align=left height=16> Night</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16></TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>20</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>20</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>10</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>7</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>131.0</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>119</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>57</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>53</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>12</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>35</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>93</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>3.64</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>1.18</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16>.247</TD><TD class=yspscores height=16></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
I dont get that excited about Carmona's day starts because his WHIP and BAA are slightily at night then during the day . However I like that he went 7 innings on avg in day games. Also he K ratio was terrible in day I dont think there is real edge to him in day games but that my opinion...Whatever struggles he has had this year have been due to extra , extra rest more then 6 days which is not good for a sinkerballer / 2 seamer ....also th Oak game where he probably tried to justified his contract in 1 start and fell on his face.....

Now Cle is the WORST DAY offense in the AL and just 4-8 in those games. While Tor is 8-1 in day games and had won all 10 games after being shutout past 2 years UNTIL the occurrence this year.

Hard to pass an UNDER when Jays are shorthanded and slumping and Tribe is 43-12 UNDER past 2+ seasons on SUNDAYS while now struggling to hit in day games. Tribe now .216 with 34 runs in 12 games....Burnnett has struggled in day games since 2007...I dont like how the total is moving though.....

I think though I will parlay Wash , Cle and Cubbies....:cheers:

Gavin Floyd looks interesting to me. I know that Buatista has a nice history against CHW batters, but their offense is poo and they don't seem to want to win a game lately. Meanwhile CHW seems to be playing like a team with considerable talent(where was this last year?) Anyway, probably not a slam dunk with Buatista's numbers, but Floyd has been really solid with 5 QS in 6 starts and has a career 2.29 ERA and .233 BAA in day games, for whatever that is worth. Given how terrible the rest of his stats are over a few years, maybe it is significant.
Why waste time with Cubs -1 ? A sweep is important thanks to the playoff sweep vs Zona in 2007 and eye for an eye ....

Cause Nut, I'm basically a "pussy"..haha. I'd rather have bamboo chutes put into my right eye than lay the 1.5 in baseball sometimes. I'll see. Very valid points as always.

Burnett can shut down anyone at a given time. He held BoSox to 3 hits over 7+ in Fenway, then struck out 10 Rays in last starts. 2-2 game in th 7th, I'll take my changes with Jays pen at + ML. Plus over 80% in Indians according to Insight.

Nice value w/ Astros & O's. Maybe anti-sweepers will keep those lines inflated.
Good stuff fellas..

Nats are biggest play...have a fe unitls ML and 1unit -1.5 but also 1st 5 innings over and game over....I am sticking to my belief after throwing 121 pitches Olsen on 5 dyas will be in trouble....look at his highest pitch count games in 2007 and 2006 and see his next start not very pretty hoping it continues.....

Also played LAA ML and over 8 , Over 9 and 1st 5 over @ Pitt....while @ 1PM I lost my internet access and had to settle for NYM ML and small play on Cle now -1.5 RL...

Agree Bored...I understand ...I think there is NO WORSE option then laying -1 in baseball but whatever works for youis what is best for they changed the Pitcher and the weather is supposed to be terrible all day so really changes my stance some...also SOriano resting..

I think I like KC though against Balt. Burres is okay but Bannister in his 3 day starts has a less then 1 ERA....

And BigHerm I like that Seattle...:shake:

Be back have to step away:cheers:
<TABLE class=data cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2><TBODY><TR class=datarow><TD>9/16/2007</TD><TD>@ COL</TD><TD>S </TD><TD>L</TD><TD>0-13</TD><TD>L 144</TD><TD>O 11</TD><TD>2.0</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>6 </TD><TD>1</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>53</TD><TD>26.5 </TD><TD>1.50</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>9/10/2007</TD><TD>WAS</TD><TD>S </TD><TD>L</TD><TD>4-5</TD><TD>L -109</TD><TD>P 9</TD><TD>5.0</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>7</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>119 </TD><TD>23.8 </TD><TD>1.67</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE class=data cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2><TBODY><TR class=datarow><TD>4/30/2007</TD><TD>@ NYM</TD><TD>S </TD><TD>W</TD><TD>9-6</TD><TD>W 131</TD><TD>O 9.5</TD><TD>6.0</TD><TD>10</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>2 </TD><TD>5</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>96</TD><TD>16.0</TD><TD>1.17</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>4/25/2007</TD><TD>ATL</TD><TD>S </TD><TD>ND</TD><TD>4-3</TD><TD>W 132</TD><TD>U 8.5</TD><TD>8.0</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>3 </TD><TD>10</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>117 </TD><TD>14.6</TD><TD>0.75</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE class=data cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2><TBODY><TR class=datarow><TD>5/18/2006</TD><TD>@ ATL</TD><TD>S </TD><TD>L</TD><TD>1-9</TD><TD>L 160</TD><TD>O 9.5</TD><TD>4.2</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>8</TD><TD>8 </TD><TD>7</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>87</TD><TD>18.6</TD><TD>0.75</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>5/13/2006</TD><TD>@ PIT</TD><TD>S </TD><TD>W</TD><TD>4-3</TD><TD>W 148</TD><TD>U 8.5</TD><TD>6.0</TD><TD>6</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>3 </TD><TD>9</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>115 </TD><TD>19.2</TD><TD>0.33</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

<TABLE class=data cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2><TBODY><TR class=datarow><TD>4/15/2008</TD><TD>ATL</TD><TD>S </TD><TD>W</TD><TD>4-0</TD><TD>W 104</TD><TD>U 9.5</TD><TD>7.0</TD><TD>5</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0 </TD><TD>3</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>0</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>3.3 </TD><TD>0.38</TD></TR><TR class=datarow><TD>4/9/2008</TD><TD>@ WAS</TD><TD>S </TD><TD>W</TD><TD>10-4</TD><TD>W 130</TD><TD>O 9.5</TD><TD>7.2</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>3 </TD><TD>2</TD><TD>4</TD><TD>1</TD><TD>120 </TD><TD>15.7</TD><TD>0.75</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Olsen 4 career starts where threw 155 or more pitches.
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=15><TD align=left>Day</TD><TD align=right>4</TD><TD align=right>1</TD><TD align=right>3.20</TD><TD align=right>6</TD><TD align=right>6</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>39.1</TD><TD align=right>33</TD><TD align=right>15</TD><TD align=right>14</TD><TD align=right>2</TD><TD align=right>1</TD><TD align=right>7</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>13</TD><TD align=right>4</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>2</TD><TD align=right>.231</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=1 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=15><TD align=left>Day</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0.86</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD align=right>1</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>21.0</TD><TD align=right>10</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD align=right>2</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>1</TD><TD align=right>5</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>13</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>0</TD><TD align=right>.143</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

Bannister in day games and so far in 2008....

7-1 in 9 starts 16runs in 60.1 Inn...Balt never faced him and despite KC struggles vs LHP they have played Balt fairly tough this series especially rallying late yetserday which I look to carry over....
Edgar poor on 5 days. The other guy seems very bad. 9 era in the day on small sample. Imagine he goes at most 3 innings and then the pen.
Took Texas under 9.5. Made some random bets in Cubs. A little over which kills me as Arizona is 17-3 under on the road on Sunday and a little Arizona.
texas line kind of throws me off.. texas been hot ponson done well so far..perhaps its his performances against Oak in previous games
The weather in Chi just made me pass on the Cubs-Zona matchup and at this point I just want them to play because I would assume my series bet gets canceled if its a rain out.

Played KC ML and some -1.5 ...didnt get to look at the total but probably should have played based on Bannister's day splits . Also went MILW and MILW -1.5 RL....

The game in Texas I would stay away from . Ponson has pitched well and Harden off the DL automatically makes me think Texas . Same with the total as Texas pitching is bound to fall back to earth and what better guy then Ponson to start it...Harden off the DL as I mentioned and not crazy about the OAK middle relievers despite there pen success....

Not sure I am touching the game but did include the over in a parlay with SD , Milw amd KC....

Do think I will play 1st inning score after Oak's late rally yesterday.,..

My one caution is Harden was terrific before the DL and it wasnt an arm injury. Also OAK went off as favs in both games 1 and 2 so seems to make sense IMO:cheers:
Sportsnut - Thoughts on the White Sox/Mariners, and the NBA games ?

Really hard to pass up Utah at this point . Really no strong feel though either make a small play on Utah Or wait till halftime and take the losing team ...

Love how Floyd is pitching which makes me interested in the UNDER . After losing the 1st couple games not sure I want to back a guy who just had a no-no at home for 8 innings now laying road chalk...yesterday's game presented much more value for CHI IMO. I will still take Javy Vazquez rather then Floyd any day of the week and we all know how I have preached about the WSOX better suited to hit LHP which they faced in Washburn. So dont see value in them and depending on the lineups the contrarian in me would prefer SEA ...

Really short on time so gonna come back and try to look at the 4 PM games more indepth inabit....GL:cheers:
gonna take the over in TX with ya... got it even

GL..2us....early and often would be nice.....

I gave in and took the Jazz +1 at home ....40-5 home record and the world is betting LAL like its going out of style....just couldnt pass it up..the games in LAL featured 1 run each where Utah went cold and the lakers to advantage and built 10-15 pt cushions in that time span...they played sound enough last gamesure LAL had that late run but for the most part Utah was in control in the 2nd H....(IMO)..huge game for Utah down 2-1.....:cheers:all this stuff just 1 unit plays
@ Seattle -

Batista is pretty terrible past few years on 5 days rest . The plus is he is much better in day splits then night, much better. All his control issues have occurred at night which is a mystery to me .

Cabrera and Uribe only Sox with good splits 11-33.308 and 8-26 .308

Swishers 3-16
Thome 3-17
AJ 1-9
Konerko 2-11
Crede 1-10
Anderson DNF

So played SEA ML...

Just based on how the SFG-Philly games have gone with what I feel is the Philly bats quieting down I took SFG. Sanchez is young and real tough at home plus LH. Eaton has struggled vs SF in his career and really hasnt pitched well of late outside of one fading Philly because SFG has lost every game vs them late...
1 more run please in TX.. texas scorin every inning

Well now I just need SD ML to hit my 4 teamer ...and pretty much wash out the disgusting BEAT I took in Washington.....which to this point is one of my only losses and naturaaly I pounded it....8-2 so far and I am pissed so somethings gotta be wrong...:shake:
OVER cashed.. yeabuddy.. what was the 4-teamer parlay?

It was nothing special but I'll take it...

KC , MIL , Over 9.5 Oak and SD ...

played them all seperately except SD ML which I happened to like but 2 sundays ago I had 2 huge parlays pending and needed SD to close them and I loved SD so bet them ML as well and lost...only lost like 3 units but would have won like 18 units or something..

awesome day except I bet small except for 1 game and that was the side I lost....

1st Quarter Spurs...-1.5

Just think the momentum spills over , they got off to bad start in game 3 at home , think it mirrors the early game home team wins the 1st Q and road wins the 2nd Q and probably the half...lean SAS for the game...
Washington losing in the top of the 8th probably was one of most painful losses of the season and on top such a gigantic swing ....posted all my plays in here at some point outside of the LAD game which actually lost a unit on...

Mets ML +1.00
Nats ML -4.50
Nats-1.5 RL -.80
Over 1st 5 Nats 4.5 +1.50
Over 9 Nats PUSH
LAA ML -2.20
Over 8 LAA +1.00
Milw ML +1.00
Milw -1.5 RL +1.60
KC ML +2.00
KC -1.5 Rl +.90
Over 9.5 Oak +1.00
1st Inn Score YES @ Texas +1.00
Parlay : SD , KC , Milw & over 9.5 Oak +4.50
SFG ML +1.00
Mariners ML +1.00
Over 9 LAD +1.00
Over 1st 5 Inn LAD -2.00
Jazz +1.00

Sick day and only +10 units...Marlins cost me about 11.50 choking that game away..kinda frustrating....
1st Quarter Spurs...-1.5

Just think the momentum spills over , they got off to bad start in game 3 at home , think it mirrors the early game home team wins the 1st Q and road wins the 2nd Q and probably the half...lean SAS for the game...

Spurs win by 2 ...hang out late after Pargo starting banging trees......pretty confident that Hornets take the 2nd Q and cover the half but thats just me talking no action...
and took the Under 9 @ Minny cautiously....

This play is finito....had a feeling I was being a sucker but just couldnt see where and how...Wake throwing excellent and indoors vs Blackburn who has been solid at home , Foster umping , Manny rested....should have went Minny instead I guess...