Sunday Discussion Thread


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
Jul 16 Sun 2023

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I don't understand the price for Toronto at all.....are @KJ and @2daBank batting middle of the order for Arizona today or what's going on?
I'm really not going to look much today, this weekend blows for me traditionally and has again this season

Once the tennis is over I'll take a look. Yesterday had so much funk with DHs and delays all over the place. I didn't feel comfy betting much and when I bet Astros 0.5 first 7, all it takes is a simple cup check to know I wasn't wearing one. Fucking destruction on that game.
I know it’s Cease going for CWS, but you so rarely get the Braves at anything close to a normal number these days. Kind of like them coming off the loss.
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I know it’s Cease going for CWS, but you so rarely get the Braves at anything close to a normal number these days. Kind of like them coming off the loss.
Cease would not change much for me against good competition, guy would be a number 2 starter on a real contender at best
Sorry too much tennis so late post

Pub dogs are MIA (minimal) Snakes and Boston so far
Nothing like checking your phone and hitting 5 out of 6 with the one team losing is the Braves

My entire weekend flatlined when I had Stros first 7 -.5 and they scored 5 in the top of the 7th just to see how the bottow of the inning worked out

Honestly I will hate both of these teams for a long time
Just another night with these fuckin' cunts. This is the round robin

Minny, Mutts, Cheaters
Fuck get out of town, Mariners fan for sure now

Last couple nights had me thinking about just joining @HUNT on the Korean midget ping pong circuit