Sunday Discussion Thread

I havnt had a chance to get anything put together yet. I finally got some sleep, as in this the 1st morning I woke up in my bed and was actually in it long enough to have dreams and shit the last 2 weeks!! Maybe it was 5-6 hours which a eternity compared to the last 2weeks since Theresa got sick. Last thing I remember before going to sleep was thinking I needed to check myself into a mental institution or if I had a gun I woulda been knocking off AmeronUE workers by now and went out by cop suicide or whatever they call it (for all you gun nuts who think it shoulda been my constitutional right to play that out! Lol).

Last thing I accomplished before finally just crashing was having to waste a bunch of money on a generator cause I could tell there no end in site to this piece of shit electric conglomerate giving a fuck if we have power. Sure enough woke up to the loud ass generator being dead and all my devices dead, no power, when got into car and finally got phone on a bunch of empty text about they working on things to “next several days”, from the company that refuses to even let you talk to a person while they make your life a pain in the ass. I rather get a news update saying the ppl in charge all died in a tragic accident. Then I get to read thru text of my friends who several had to suffer the inconvenience of their power going out yesterday during the last round of storms but lucky for everyone they all had their power and internet back before they went to bed! yay! Thank god their ordeal only lasted 2-3 hours!! I’m on day 3 or 4 of no power, can’t remember which day, I just know it happened the day we came home finding out the wife has cancer!!! I’m so glad all my friends made if thru their 3 hour nightmare without power or god forbid internet (oh yea, after I got everything hooked up to generator I found out our internet is out too!! Yay!!). Thank god I also or I wouldn’t be taking any of this so welll!!! Now I have to try setting up generator in a fashion we can have some semblance of electricity and at least some fans circulating the 100 degree humid air!!! Oh yea, think I’m supposed to go to my brothers for something, guess this a holiday weekend where everyone else celebrating this great country we in!!!! Fuckinv awesome, can’t wait to do that and get to talk all bout my wife’s cancer (not their faults I’m sure they just care. The ironic thing is Theresa will actually be able to go amd despite knowing how sick she is since they gave her all that blood at hospital the last week you would think they fixed her cause she finally leaving house and doing things with me for the 1st time in 3 months!!!! It makes me almost break down sitting here talking bout it now, our relationship been shit but it was cause she let herself get so anemic she couldn’t leave the damn house!! All a sudden she acting more like the girl I married but now we know that not gonna last, best case it only in cervix and we talking kemo and another surgery so it won’t be her once again. Or when the drs get time off their Holliday vacation so we have the last test to find out if we lucky enough to go thru all that or if there no point cause it too late!! Which will come 1st? We get electric and internet back or we find out if she gonna live? So that’s my next few days!!!!

Sorry for the rant but I don’t have any games capped. Now ya know why I just stopped posting for a week cause the alternative was posting this drivel, nobody wants to hear bout my problems! God knows I don’t! Lol. anyways, if I get the generator set up the way I want and have time I’ll post anything I play.
Not to sound like too big a pussy but think I did something to my sciatic nerve also!! Lmao. I honestly dunno wtf it is but it god damn hurts and pain shoots into my leg from
Back at times. I don’t even care just thought while I was complaining bout everything else might as well put it out there!! Ok I’m done now.
Holy shit. Cole is only -110 vs Cards??? I don’t even have to cap this shit to square up and bet that!!! Lol., maybe a under of some kind also, Montgomery vs his former team maybe adds some juice? It helps that yanks lineup is particularly scary at moment! They cashed the FF over yesterday vs Liberatore (had to wait 2 extra days till finally getting that bet!! Lol). They didn’t exactly do it in style tho! Got 3 off him fast but then didn’t score shit else! MKes me think Montgomery should be good, as in at least a 6 inning 2-3 run QS. If he on could be 7+.
Holy shit. Cole is only -110 vs Cards??? I don’t even have to cap this shit to square up and bet that!!! Lol., maybe a under of some kind also, Montgomery vs his former team maybe adds some juice? It helps that yanks lineup is particularly scary at moment! They cashed the FF over yesterday vs Liberatore (had to wait 2 extra days till finally getting that bet!! Lol). They didn’t exactly do it in style tho! Got 3 off him fast but then didn’t score shit else! MKes me think Montgomery should be good, as in at least a 6 inning 2-3 run QS. If he on could be 7+.
Yeah I jumped on Cole right away. Can’t believe that line. Yanks also strongly prefer hitting lefties
This cat filling in for yet another injured Stros starter doesn’t look all that impressive, he has some pitches that grade out ok but dude 27 and hasn’t really made it out the minors! Even if he can handle his 1st big league start making it against rangers dangerous lineup a challenge for anyone! Gotta think texas gonna score some runs! I don’t think that means we want to play rangers tho. The 1st 5 team total over 2.5 has some appeal.

I think Stros can get to Heaney also, he hasn’t been all that impressive, matter fact he has struggled vs lineups not close to as good as even a weakened Stros lineup. Don’t see any way Heaney goes more than 5ish, best case I’d say 5+ and a couple runs, could be worse but don’t think it be much better than that. So best case he leaves sometime in 6th with guys on base, a few runs in and then the rangers pen comes into play!! Yea I think Stros are perfectly capable of clearing their 4.5 team total and the over is +105!!! We could just play the game over 9? The only issue there is houston pen has the ability to stop whatever bleeding there was from the starter. I expect rangers can get at least 3 of him tho and prob run him early enough they get to see some lessor pen guys. Over 9 is def the right side imo, I do really like that plus money on Stros over 4.5, I do lean rangers FF over 2.5…. This another game in this series I could see myself wanting to bet Stros live if they get down a few runs early.,
Yeah I jumped on Cole right away. Can’t believe that line. Yanks also strongly prefer hitting lefties

I’m not super scared of yanks lineup vs a pitcher with no arms atm, lol. Montgomery out total feels really low to me, I’d almost be shocked if he wasn’t able to clear 5.1 innings! Wouldn’t you be?

That said, yes I’m betting yanks ml too!! Lol
Reds seriously opened as dogs? Wow, if I didn’t have so much shit going on I’d had been on that one already! Lol, even at -120ish cincy looks strong to me! Is that guy pads throwing a opener? They just can’t help themselves when it comes to pads, at this point don’t you just have to say it probably not gonna happen?? I rather get burnt fading them while they continue getting respect than be on the wishful thinking side that they do have some magical run in them! Lol:
Reds seriously opened as dogs? Wow, if I didn’t have so much shit going on I’d had been on that one already! Lol, even at -120ish cincy looks strong to me! Is that guy pads throwing an opener? They just can’t help themselves when it comes to pads, at this point don’t you just have to say it probably not gonna happen?? I rather get burnt fading them while they continue getting respect than be on the wishful thinking side that they do have some magical run in them! Lol:
It’s a guy with two relief appearances, don’t know much about him. I assume he’s an opener who goes 3.
I got reds to win series and took some padres under 5.5 as a play on Abbott and reds improving pen.
Also took cole at -101 and like Cleveland in Wrigley. Game has been pushed back to 505 eastern as it is currently pouring in Wrigley Ville. The new draft kings sportsbook might be my pre game move today.
It’s a guy with two relief appearances, don’t know much about him. I assume he’s an opener who goes 3.
I got reds to win series and took some padres under 5.5 as a play on Abbott and reds improving pen.
Also took cole at -101 and like Cleveland in Wrigley. Game has been pushed back to 505 eastern as it is currently pouring in Wrigley Ville. The new draft kings sportsbook might be my pre game move today.
I went to the private launch party there last weekend and that place is legit. You definitely should check it out
I went to the private launch party there last weekend and that place is legit. You definitely should check it out
Oh wow, I didn't realize it was that new....Friday it looked packed so I didn't stop in so it would only make sense if I ducked in today...also a weed store down the block now....midwest Vegas...
Oh wow, I didn't realize it was that new....Friday it looked packed so I didn't stop in so it would only make sense if I ducked in today...also a weed store down the block now....midwest Vegas...
Tuesday was the first official day. Still can’t place in-person wagers but can use your apps and nice food and drinks there
Would like Gallen a lot more if it wasn't for the sweep today. Talked about it last road start, he had a couple bad roadies early on but historically he's about the same home/road splits and the reversion to the mean has begun I believe.
Would like Gallen a lot more if it wasn't for the sweep today. Talked about it last road start, he had a couple bad roadies early on but historically he's about the same home/road splits and the reversion to the mean has begun I believe.

I got some his over 5.5 k’s, went to put into a parlay after and it went up to 6.5. So I played his outs ov 17.5 also. I got few more pitcher props I really like I’ll post when I get home
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Abbott dealing as usual. I don’t remember a rookie who looked as composed and self contained as him. It’s his fifth or sixth start and he’s like Steve Carlton in his 9th year.

All the double plays were freaking me out! Then it looked like a clean nothing inning and we get guy on and 2 out bomb! Lfg reds! My new favorite team!! Lol. I was all over them before the hot streak, then I even cashed taking their Ff under against wacha other day, seriously been following them so close they turning into my new team!!! Lol: im all bout that money and I seem to have great feel w them!!
While I was putting bets in minny was up 1-0 in 7th and I grabbed under 3.5 live, love both those pens. Thought I WAs screwed when o’s tied but caught huge break w twins pitcher hitting a guy to give up the 1 run with bases loaded, then got out of it! Bout only way that could go right was balty only getting 2 and handing it to Batista!! I deserve a little luck today if something close!! Lol

Really sucks they raised Gallen k number, glad I got a decent bet in at 5.5 but I had a sick parlay I was gonna do next and they raised him to 6.5 so I put ov 17.5 outs instead. He got the k’s easy but he not gonna sniff 6 innings. Gallen on road during the day continues to be the one TEAPOT in his armor it seems. I thought it was more a early game on east coast problem but he on west coast time today and still struggling w the road day game. Shouldn’t have let the extra k bother me so much, he made quick work of 7! Once it got to that number my thinking was he prob have to go 6 innings to get 7+ anyways, didn’t know he would do the deed in less than 4 innings, lol.

Far as Montgomery went, I guess they kinda paid back moving Gallen cause I sure thought I was gonna hammer the yanks till I saw him at 15.5, put that together with it starting at pick and then the line actually moving cards way it just screamed to back off the yanks and jump all over his out total! There was no way cards were gonna be in game let alone win it unless Montgomery gave them way more than 5.1 innings!!

I see Blackburn is making white Sox look like a viable team, lol. I swear every time one the Oakland pitchers starts showing promise I play one of them and they instantly turn back into stir fried garbage!! It was only 2-3 weeks ago I swore off A’s pitching props and here I am again with what looks like another losing ticket.,, No more, I swear! Lol
Holy shit, somehow he only at 84 pitches?!? That’s nuts, he was damn near to 50 after 2 innings. It looked like he be lucky to get thru 5! Not many pitchers are able to get their shit together after a few innings like that at beginning the game!! All hail Gallen, another guy who gonna win a CY young that coulda been anchoring cardinals pitching staff! Way to go Mo!
NATE Snell not making the all star team is scandalous. He's been the best pitcher in the NL for the last two months!

3 earned runs in 5 June starts with 53 ks. The fuck am I missing here?
NATE Snell not making the all star team is scandalous. He's been the best pitcher in the NL for the last two months!

3 earned runs in 5 June starts with 53 ks. The fuck am I missing here?

I didn’t know he wasn’t a all star but I already have a post up about him for 2marro game, his June numbers are staggering. They in the territory of “good luck finding 4-5 better months for a pitcher, ever!”. The only way there be cases for anything more impressive than what he has done would be a guy posting huge k:bb rates but going deeper into games as 6 innings seems to be his ceiling. Obviously not a huge deal these days but I still put a lot of weight into starters who can go deeper into games as the longer you go the more impact you have on the outcome! That the only knock I have on him tho, he is one streaky SOB! The way he pitching right now I can’t think of a guy I’d rather see start the game, just being on it should be a no brainer!!! Him and strider the only 2 legit choices for starter as they have must see stuff, strider has fallen off a tad lately tho and Snell on top his game! Hopefully this just adds fuel to cashing another k prop!!
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