Sunday Discussion Thread


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thompsonZ (CHC offense is meant to be faded)
castilloL (he's coming around, but has that happened yet?)
manaea (OAK should be going for the sweep here, NYY still so overrated though still not sure i'm sold on Manaea missing bats)
MINOR (been pitching very well and striking many out, BOS lineup is clearly better than KC though)
keuchel (big emotional spot for him don't love it)
mize (bundy hasn't been the same as 2020)
hentges. (what is PIT doing favored)
File it under 7 for interesting. Fangraphs came out with an article about the loss of spin rate due to the new rule. One of the pitchers to lose the biggest spin rate was Bundy. I think it’s worth betting against him based on all the info.