Sum Badfraud


Pretty much a regular
Somethings never change. He scrambles on 2nd down and instead of getting an easy 1st down, he heads for the sidelines 3 yards short. They're inside the redzone, false start, quick incompletion, run on 2nd and 15, short dump off on 3rd and 15. Remember now, this is preseason and the puss still won't throw to the sticks on 3rd down. The Vikings will NEVER win a playoff game with this tart behind center. After all these years, you think he would have improved intellectually. Not improving at this point shows me how much dumber he is than i thought he was.
3rd and 9 what happens? Short over thrown pass in the flat. Its unreal how scared he is in the pocket with No pressure.
3rd and 15 at midfield and Badfraud dumps off to the back well short of the 1st down. Punt.
Still on this??? Did he retire??? He's still playing. Are you aware of this?
Good thing the Vikes signed Leidner today to keep Bradford/Bridgewater/Keenum on their toes....
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