
Their pitchers have freaking dominated laa this series, Trout has fanned 7x in 7 at bats! Bet that don’t happen real often!! Lol. Gl
Their pitchers have freaking dominated laa this series, Trout has fanned 7x in 7 at bats! Bet that don’t happen real often!! Lol. Gl
Laa starter won’t make 5
Series has been dominated by Hou
Get away day rd team body clock a mess too
Blowout but under lol
r5 Belmont open race and I thought 7 would be sneaky good price but I see taking money in double pools so I want in now instead of waiting to see 10-1 ml open 7/2 range lol
Hill fam big owners with Weaver but Reeves is Mucho Macho Man, etc must be new partnership or just on this one but keep eye on, maybe dirt future
It's funny because down the lane, he never really looked like he was gonna get there, just kept grinding.
I know Reeves owned Mucho Macho Man.

They usually buy in after a horse has already run. I could be wrong though.
I actually think and pretty positive reeves breed their own and have farm etc, could be wrong
I think that’s been bred and butter anyway but I’m sure they’ve also bought in certain circumstances
Fla based
I didn't look at Belmont today. Just tailed you. Didn't know he was a firster until after the race. But yes, very professional debut.
I’m out of loop life in general but horses and sports were good distraction last 2 days, gonna keep something going putting some away and re investing a lil shits n giggles for today
Need 7 here at bel to cash nice dd’s
When all else fails in life, go get that money
I guess is motto at moment lmfao at everything
Tampa always ends up in it but man I don’t like their lineip very much. They got some filthy ass young pitchers and sick pen tho, that shit wins in postseason!!!
Holy shit. Another double digit strikeout performance for Stros starter, think all 3 of them fanned 10+ this series.,,halo’s got was too much swing and miss in that lineup.
Heisly won’t be available tho and Cabrera still on IL so after waino it basically Gallegos and not much else I trust out of pen for cards tonight,
Won last 2 days ponies
First I’ve touched anything since March madness basically

Nice. Not to sound cocky but I been smashing mlb pitcher props at a sick clip basically since beginning of may! April was tougher than usual but I blame the shortened spring.
Nice. Not to sound cocky but I been smashing mlb pitcher props at a sick clip basically since beginning of may! April was tougher than usual but I blame the shortened spring.
So most important variable in the game
I’m feeling prop market all sports so I’m interested